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joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC
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1 follower   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 12:43:37 UTC


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remains largely impossible

How long do they have to desist from same sex behavior before they're straight, a year, five?

It's possible for people to find their way out of homosexuality, but if they've made it large portion of their identity and social group it's difficult, like leaving a cult.

There are factions of "Big Eva" who seem to be moving more Left (see the recent "He gets us" commercial in the Super Bowl).

They went with foot washing. I would have preferred the casting out of demons, or over turning tables and driving out the money changers or hypocrisy condemning. They don't get me.


Were you homeschooled or are you homeschooling your children? Why / How are the outcomes?

Any opinions on specific curriculums

We're concerned with the progress of our 4th grader. We've had several conversations with the school, and a SPED eval, all scores average or above. Our school / district is in the top decile of our state.

My wife has Ph.D, and is currently SAHM. She would prefer a more classical / Latin curriculum.

I'm not keen on our schools curriculum, though I'm also not sure it matters that much. I do think the social interaction in school is important. My preference would be for more copy work, cursive instruction, and traditional literature, this doesn't seem to be on offer in public schools anymore.

There are more accounts of casting out of demons that appear that appear in four books. Foot washing only appears in one. From the response of the disciples it seems like the first time.

My thoughts are that 'Big Eva' frequently presents an unbalanced view of Jesus. It's all love and footwasing, where this is only half the story. 'As yourselves', is frequently missing from 'Love your Neighbor'

Yes, help, be kind, love strangers / traveller's. Also if they're sacrificing children to Molech they should be stoned to death.

I found the NIST report on the collapse convincing. Did you read the actual report or only 'internet' analysis?

I'm with you on The State Farm Arena and the crazy at universities. Some of the university crazy is the academic equivalent of fake email jobs. I'm kinda wishing for a long deep recession that culls those with a disconnection from the nature of reality.


The orphans aren't already in enough trouble?

I find most of the assisted reproduction creepy.

It's only a war of unprovoked aggression if you subscribe the current year narrative.

If you subscribe to the narrative that is current in ~2008 it looks more inevitable, given western politics, than unprovoked.


Tell me globohomo ruins travel without saying globohomo.

If skiing is an interest I've found the https://snowheads.com/ forum to be very useful especially for Europe.

same reason men

Men frequently want careers / success to improve their likelihood of reproductive success. Career success can even offset other deficits, short stature, asymmetry, etc.

Does education / career improve women's odds of reproductive success?

Much of the land used for grazing would be unsuitable for other agricultural purposes. Without the ranching the land would be unproductive. How do cows produce carbon monoxide?

You have to create purpose / meaning.

Why are faith and family unavailable?

Hedonism is mostly meaningless.

I'd be interested to hear how you think the CFAA would apply here and to whom.

It's unlikely the abandoned personal laptop of the presidents fuck-up son qualifies as a 'protected computer'. Nor does any of the data disclosed appear to be restricted, etc.

He was hacked in the sense that if he'd taken his VCR to be repaired, abandoned it and the repair shop was able to remove and repair the cassette. On the tape was was the presidents fuck-up son, getting high, banging prostitutes, and talking about questionable business deals. They copy the tape and give a copy to Inside Edition, which runs the story.

That's not 'hacked' that's just being a skeevy adict fuck-up. Calling it hacked is a canard.

The State of Delaware can likely make many things a crime, criminalizing giveing abandoned property to the press especially so with a clear public interest in the story hopefully would be a protected 1st amendment activity.

I'm not sure there's good faith argument that it's hacked material. I consider all the alphabet agency people who called it Russian disinformation bad faith actors.

The beef lobby claim

7% of total corn produced in the U.S. is fed to feedlot cattle

Corn acreage used to feed feedlot cattle is 0.2% of total U.S. land area, 1.4% of total U.S. cropland acres, and 7% of total U.S. harvested corn acres.

The problem is the 7% of corn acres?

Does the bacteria in the cow that releases methane, release more methane than would be released by the natural decomposition of the forage material?

To claim that modern society has devalued motherhood and femininity, or made them low status, is completely backwards.

Is your argument that modern society values motherhood more? That there have never been so few women per capita becoming mothers, to me is evidence against this.

Complementarianism, may be expressed more now, I suspect for much of existence it went without saying, but was no less true.

I'd be curious as to the contribution of rich ethnically French women to that statistic.

Does Jesus prohibit stoning as a punishment?

metrics I care about

Which metrics are those? I might have differing metrics for different cases. In a partner I'd likely want a woman who didn't feel the need to transition to be a woman.

feel kind of stuck in life and I don’t see any good options on how I can fix the major problems in my life.

Stuck how? How do you feel your life would be different if you weren't stuck?

What are the major problems?

Do you have any goals you're currently working towards?

If technology is that sufficiently advanced we could presume there'd be a 'cure' for this population to allow them to be happy with their natal bodies.

He clearly had lawful possession, it was left in his care. Isn't the shop owner relying on his boilerplate forms that abandoned devices become the property of the shop, to transfer ownership of the device?

Having seen and used similar service agreements copying and transferring data is frequently authorized.

When the geek squad finds child porn, is that hacking? How about if they rat out the perv to the FBI in exchange for cash. https://www.kron4.com/news/national/documents-fbi-paid-best-buys-geek-squad-for-child-porn-info/

Have we seen evidence that this device was connected to the internet at the time of the alleged hacking?

Calling it hacking is a canard to distract and suppress the content.

The US, of course, is at about 6.

How does the US look if you break the statistics out by race? My suspicion is there a minority population with a disproportionate contribution.

Is it the extra-judicial nature of the killing that feel warrents a poor grade? Many of the precursors to current western governments executed far more people than today.

Only if you view Alex Jones as capable of defamation. He does not strike me as reliable or reasonable enough to cause reputational damage.

Do you have any suggestions for words for transwomen?

Non-consensus Women?

I believe the bacteria in cows produce less methane when fed corn than their typical forage. The forage would decompose releasing methane if not eaten by cows. Cattle graze and forage on land unsuitable for other uses. We may get the CH4 anyway and there would be no beef. Deer, elk, bison and moose may then forage the areas with the cow deficit.

A very specific sort of globohomo prosperity and liberty.