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User ID: 1919


Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 23 20:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 1919

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For pregnancy prescreening the effectiveness of the tests have been called into question. Embryos are different but might suffer from the same issues?


I agree characterizing it as an inter-elite struggle I think is incorrect. But I think even for the hoi polloi, I think the violence while on the surface religious, was mainly executed politically. The differences in dogma providing a patina to cover what really can be seen as later as grasping for political control even for the common rabble. I don't have a good quote but I found this source interesting on the period: https://archive.org/details/voraciousidolsvi0000wand

Which might be a salient message for the conflicts in our own age.

A sexual orientation (of any direction) permeates and forms a lenses for a person's whole human experience. I find myself having a harder time remembering and recognizing people of the gender I'm not principally attracted to, since mentally I'm just not interested. Think of giving a non-football fan Superbowl tickets, if they don't care they might just not want to deal with the traffic. Similarly I could see the 'costs' (emotional, time-sink, etc.) would lead to someone saying no to your proposition.

I'll flip it around. If you're not homosexual, would you refuse a highly attractive same-sex individual who wanted to engage in such activity with you?

Witnessing the death of journalism and good writing in real time:

[a Catholic school affiliated with the Jesuit order]

less wordy correction> [a Jesuit high school]

Makes me think of Easter-worshippers instead of Christians again.

The sins (genocide) you describe are the sins of every settler society, everywhere (Canada, USA, Australia). In the Canadian instance the government directed the Churches to run these institutions, similar to how Churches were directed to run orphanages and hospitals. The government lacked the efficacy to administer social programs and delegated it to charitable institutions that they could skimp on funding. I feel you are focusing on the churches when if the government had tasked these schools with any other group in these settler societies at this time I find it difficult to believe the exact same crimes would have not occurred. The counterfactual I have mind being some Montreal Atheistic 1920s society given the same task and resources would also have the same native assimilation mindset (it infects the society at large) and their school would have had the same lack of funding, leading to the exact same problems, but the curriculum would have no Theology and more Philosophy.

The Churches set up these schools because the government told to. I think you are accepting the sleight of hand that the Churches are somehow uniquely to blame when the ENTIRE society was broadly convinced of the Imperialistic mindset that created the milieu for these crimes. The Churches were the apparatus to accomplish the aims of the larger settler society, Residential schools were Canadian government policy. The Canadian settler descended people wanted this at that time.

So the while Churches are definitely not innocent, the emphasis on their role and crimes should not diminish the guilt of the government and wider settler society that willed this to happen.

If the Church arson cases don't deserve sympathy, are all Canadian government buildings also fair targets for such treatment? If individuals not connected directly to the crimes are able to be antagonized are members of broad social groups (ie White Canadians) also able to be antagonized?

It could turn you straight! Bad outcomes abound.

The stigma of online dating seems to have evaporated as the fraud in it has increased. No comment on the quality of the dates generated for the users.

My thinking was both legal and factual, if I understand you correctly. I do not think a 14 year-old is mature enough and understands the social consequences to consent to sexual activity with an adult, simply because of their inexperience. Even if the adult they is a billionaire in exchange for payment. This is not to say younger person could not agree to partake in the activity, but the difference in age and social stature on the part of the child renders any of their agreement to be coerced and manipulated.

Keeping your facts the same, your arguments are an apology for child sexual abuse.

Children cannot give consent.

In the myriad of child sexual abuse cases that have been reported in the news, statuary rape is certainly among them.

Are you of the opinion that the morality of statutory rape is contingent on monetary compensation to the victims?

I'm interested in learning more about the program. Sounds similar to a Hungarian program. https://www.euronews.com/2019/07/29/hungary-offers-30-000-to-married-couples-who-can-produce-three-children

However I do not think I would be able to relocate, but good luck on your (re)searching!

I mean weapons of mass destruction weren't found in Iraq. I think intelligence agencies of all stripes have a hubris that enables blind spots. Combine that with human error, and I think negligence (less than diligence) and misestimation is the correct interpretation. If these security agencies only have their failures recorded, not counting the near misses and unreported intelligence successes, the wrong interpretation would be to draw conclusions from their failures as the only evidence. The CIA didn't do 9/11, and similarly this failure of Mossad I think can be judged similarly.

I never said there would less conflict, only different conflict. If you don't want to raise your children religious then why get them baptized? I understand changing ones mind but still I think as a parent in a free-confessional state you have the absolute free choice. Your decision will have consequences and this may lead to conflict, but I think taking a firm stance at initiation would certainly have made their stance public and the future conflict would not have occurred. To stand up in public and pantomime these words, while you might have them not hold weight, I don't think its fair to discredit those who took your pantomime at face value.

With such a damning comment, do you know any Aboriginal Australians?

Reading what you've wrote what a tough couple months. The worst tragedies I've heard from friends and acquaintances are someone living in NYC during 9/11 and remembering going to funerals for three weeks straight, and someone who's family lost everything in hurricane Katrina.

Ineffective was not the right word, but it seems that some of the tests give a lot of false positives. If using it to screen embryos you'd delete a lot of healthy ones. If you have a limited number of embryos or a high rate of failure of embryo to pregnancy it might not be wise to use this as screening criteria.

"For example, in 2022, 11.5% of babies in Denmark were born with the assistance of reproductive technology (ART) including IVF."

Some cultures really are reproducing like pandas.

Makes me, think of the misunderstandings in the pre-birth genetic testing accuracy, which with embryos would be different, but I'd assume would have the same issues?


We don't do introductions, while this is the Friday Fun thread, saying hello doesn't offer any room for discussion or anything constructive. For the downvotes (or upvotes) I think they can be ignored, its strangers on the internet.

Game theory in action? Trade-off of wait times based on evolving expectations? I've seen similar phenomena with a pizza places but usually the dinner hour is consistently busy, but shifting an hour early or late only sometimes makes the pickup wait time less.

So standing here in 2023, how is Cook county Illinois going to utilize these resources. Do you want suburban housing demolished and larger capacity units built instead? For the effort component while 'centralization' of lawn service toward a community green space could free up resources such as man-hours I don't see how an extra hour of free time per week per household would change anything in the grand calculus of life.

Going to school in the American north, that first early beautiful week of good weather after winter, students would move their futons and couches onto the quads everything with a wonderful atmosphere of sports and studying on lawn blankets.

I got my Dad Bloomberg Businessweek and he sends me the old issues. I thinks its good on economic issues, has decent politics and world events; the captions and summaries after articles make it easy to read. But I get overrun with issues and there's many I don't read, I'm not sure I would buy it for myself. One of my favorite things of print magazines is to bring them to places where you know you'll have to wait (picking up food at a restaurant, meeting a chronically late friend at a bar) and you can feel superior to people staring at their phones! Like bringing a book on a plane!

But high density housing already exists in Cook county, residents have the choices to move there if they would like. Destroying existing housing is not efficient. Wouldn't it make more sense to amend zoning laws and allow developers to build high density housing where demand allows? You're willingness to destroy these communities and your vitriolic descriptions of these folk (with spurious associations) make me suspect your aim is instead punitive. Since you have the option of living in the city, what does the existence of suburbs and your cliched description of it affect you when you may simply avoid it? I'll add a counter argument by saying that to my understanding the problems of the Windy City are not the result of its small size and a tremendous latent demand for high density housing; so while adopting your schema may create some efficiencies in city administration, other underlying problems affecting the Chicago would still exist.

I would like a clarification on how resources utilized on lawns could be repurposed toward something you think is useful.

Replace 'billionaire' or 'Taylor Swift' with gym coach, music teacher or religious leader, I still think the age and status difference between a child and an adult makes such an agreement coercive.