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Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

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User ID: 1919

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I've wondered about the future of this heightened thought and sensitivity on gender as well. The comparison that jumps to mind is the Class Consciousness of nascent and early communism and what that lead to. Class consciousness was a revolutionary lenses you in which to view of history but it was incomplete because it fails to adequately explain how the world works. I think of how schools topics like dialectic materialism were at one time taught the world over and how little bearing they have on the world in 2022; such wasted effort and resources. I think the current gender centered views and thinking is a similarly reductionist social view which offers a novel view of society but is also incomplete. In the future I see gender being more important than it was in the past but I perhaps optimistically don't see the enthusiasm to carry its continued primacy in social thought.

Portmanteau of Grant Woods painting and a royal dynasty.

Rebel Wilson has had recent weightloss and is no longer an example of what you're writing about. She might even be too thin for comedy now. Plus-sized people in comedy has existed for a while (Fatty Arbuckle, 1/2 of the duo Laurel and Hardy) and in woman more recently but I would say predates the fat acceptance movement (Roseanne Barr, Melissa McCarthy).

Can you expand upon what expectation of the future changes is exactly fueling your crisis? To my thinking when the AI of driverless cars can't make left turns and while AI can create text and art it is just pattern regurgitation, this isn't despair-inducing to me, but I also haven't been paying close attention.

Is the 'fight' Nate Soares is talking about just on regulation? Since while I agree up until now that's been absence, I see AI regulation as something government could eventually codify. I think Silicon Valley giants are firmly in the Military Industrial complex and the recipients of government research dollars.

Chatting with ChatGPT would only increase the training data!

What is the hysteria of the Eucharistic Congress? By extreme belief do you mean the belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, since that is Catholic doctrine, before and after 1930.

Is your post on the religious discrimination in a country where a conflated religion/ethnicity were politically disenfranchised for centuries?

On your second point do you have any sources on this not so well known Irish phenomenon?

For the Magdalene Laundries in regards to the Catholic Church I see it as similar to the case of the Canadian Indian schools. This more reflects the views of the wider society I don't think this can be pinned on Catholicism since a secular attempt at the 'problems' in the same milieu with the same resources would have likely reached a the same outcome. Other Catholic countries like Italy and Portugal didn't treat unwed mothers the same way. Society saw this 'problem' of unwed mothers or in Canada's case integrating native children into a settler society, and delegated it to the social workers of the day, underpaid religious communities of members often taking vows of poverty.

When you say 'doomed' is where I'm lost. Can you expand on what you mean? There's an entire discipline of science that studies the allocation of resources given constraints- economics. The usual exogenous hand-waving response to your concern would be that technology will advance, whatever that means, or barring that energy prices will increase and probably lead to less consumption. Controlling for inflation are current prices for gas at the pump even close to their historical highs? Certain cut backs seems overdue and necessary; in the era of zoom why is business travel an expense that can be written off of taxes? If you believe in this impending doom how have you acted? If you started to hoard crude oil today do you actually think you would be able to do so profitably? In short I see the future being different maybe drastically so, but doom seems a stretch too far given the world I perceive around me.

I agree a lot is left unsaid in the original post. But I suspect what the OP is reaching toward is that a child has should have a right to a biological mother and father (a reasoning that I think could only rely on ideas of Natural Law) and technological or legal advances have blown past that bench mark without any reflection.

I'll take the discussion in a different direction: 'planned orphanhood.' There was a news story where an Israeli mother's only child son was killed in army and she made the decision to have his sperm harvested in order to one day have grandchildren. If people have a 'right' to children, do people also have a 'right' to grandchildren? I don't have anything concrete to say about the original topic of surrogacy or the planned orphanhood, but I believe the advances of technology in this area have come without pauses for legal implications, and seeing ethics on other topics change so much in person's lifetime (not my own I'm not that old!) I think in the future the ethics of this area will probably be changed.

With rate increases will FIRE people get burned? -On a more serious note, I think the current inflation is doing serious harm to income inequality. Either through education or skills you are either in a dynamic industry where you get rewarded with pay increases so you maintain or increase your purchasing power or you're in a stagnating uncompetitive industry where your real income is eroded by inflation. This advantages only increases as you go through life, buying a house instead of renting and adequately saving for retirement vs renting and not being able to save.

Its like a world-wide Dutch Disease where the industry of focus is some technology/ finance and some select entertainment sectors; and all other occupations not tangentially related won't keep up with inflation.

Makes me think too of the Rich Dad Poor Dad philosophy (take on debt, buy assets) vs Dave Ramsey (save and budget; highly debt averse). In a high inflation environment makes more sense to take one debt and buy assets.

Or the Lancet study for hydroxychloroquinen that had more covid subjects reported than covid cases for some countries. Who fakes a clinical trial to show something is ineffective if they don't have reliable cure waiting in the wings?

I would like a clarification on how resources utilized on lawns could be repurposed toward something you think is useful.

So standing here in 2023, how is Cook county Illinois going to utilize these resources. Do you want suburban housing demolished and larger capacity units built instead? For the effort component while 'centralization' of lawn service toward a community green space could free up resources such as man-hours I don't see how an extra hour of free time per week per household would change anything in the grand calculus of life.

The way I see it, a non-negligible segment of the population has the decided preference to live in a manner that is less efficient in regards to city services and space accommodations, but affords them with other benefits. Given that we live in a free society with freedom of movement, forcing city-living on suburbanites would not be ideal for anyone. Your characterization of the middle class in America does not match my experience.

But high density housing already exists in Cook county, residents have the choices to move there if they would like. Destroying existing housing is not efficient. Wouldn't it make more sense to amend zoning laws and allow developers to build high density housing where demand allows? You're willingness to destroy these communities and your vitriolic descriptions of these folk (with spurious associations) make me suspect your aim is instead punitive. Since you have the option of living in the city, what does the existence of suburbs and your cliched description of it affect you when you may simply avoid it? I'll add a counter argument by saying that to my understanding the problems of the Windy City are not the result of its small size and a tremendous latent demand for high density housing; so while adopting your schema may create some efficiencies in city administration, other underlying problems affecting the Chicago would still exist.

"For example, in 2022, 11.5% of babies in Denmark were born with the assistance of reproductive technology (ART) including IVF."

Some cultures really are reproducing like pandas.

Makes me, think of the misunderstandings in the pre-birth genetic testing accuracy, which with embryos would be different, but I'd assume would have the same issues?


Given that the baptism of your children requires that you ask the Church to accept them as a member and publicly state that you intend to raise them in the Catholic faith, I think your in-laws can be forgiven for bringing this up. Since at least one point you least mimed agreement. I have friends in similar circumstances and I'm also unsympathetic. If you don't want to raise your children religious why get them baptized, if you had been clear with your intentions from the start I don't think you would have this conflict (might have other conflict but not this one!).

I never said there would less conflict, only different conflict. If you don't want to raise your children religious then why get them baptized? I understand changing ones mind but still I think as a parent in a free-confessional state you have the absolute free choice. Your decision will have consequences and this may lead to conflict, but I think taking a firm stance at initiation would certainly have made their stance public and the future conflict would not have occurred. To stand up in public and pantomime these words, while you might have them not hold weight, I don't think its fair to discredit those who took your pantomime at face value.

Best of luck! From middle America I knew an acquaintance who moved there after graduate school (all but dissertation) but by all appearances seems to really enjoy it.

Adidas Moves, and not very often.

He dabbled in homosexuality? Is that in the link?

Edit: Checking I found these two references-

"Yet when it came out six years ago, Rising Star was mostly ignored; as a result, its most scandalous and perhaps revelatory passages, such as Obama’s long letter to another girlfriend about his fantasies of having sex with men, read today, to people who are more familiar with the Obama myth than the historical record, like partisan bigotry."

"With Alex [McNear, Obama’s girlfriend at Occidental College], I think she wanted to have her role known. So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said, “It’s about homosexuality.”"

If its just one paragraph out of a letter doesn't to an ex, doesn't look like evidence for 'dabbling.'

Going to school in the American north, that first early beautiful week of good weather after winter, students would move their futons and couches onto the quads everything with a wonderful atmosphere of sports and studying on lawn blankets.