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Happy to be here! Goal is to post the most exclamation points.

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User ID: 1919

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I don't have anything to add, but love the post and the math. Makes me think of a Fermi paradox equation for incels!

Forcing people into studies and randomly assigning major behavioral actions sounds hellish in actual procedure and implementation.

Incel isn't really the word I was thinking of, I'd edit to "romantic relationship matching" if you hadn't already replied to the post.

Interesting analysis! Brings up some counterpoints to the usual narrative.

From my own friend group the whiniest of my millennial circle who disparage the boomers the most also seem to be the worst with money. They persist in lower paying jobs and havent tried changing careers as readily as they perhaps should, or sometimes aren't even investing for retirement (instead of the oft-blamed avocado toast what is the opportunity cost of habitual marijuana consumption?).

With the recent stock market rallies its easy to see the gaping maw of future millennial wealth inequality.

I've thought recently on this topic and I'll approach your comment from a different perspective than others. If we truly believe Jesus is God and man we can look to his life in the gospels and see how he lived his life. He never set up a national state or created an enduring political edifice, which if we believe he is omnipotent would have been within his power to do so. This is strengthened by viewing the Old Testament through the lenses of salvation history. God offered a holy kingdom and wholly enmeshed religious political state, and it did not save humanity. Jesus' message, and those of his followers soon after him, was a message that was not constrained by political, ethnic or 'national' boundaries. He instead founded a church.

My thought is 'Christian Nationalism' as an idea mixes the christian idea that should be universal with something that is more parochial-nationalism and does a disservice to the Christian message. It is a current response to the loss of prestige and political power of organized religion. Instead I think Christians should focus on living lives of holiness and raising families that follow the Christian message. Let us be judged by our fruits, let them know us by our joy.

What has helped me the most in changing past behaviors and to avoid slipping back into previous patterns is to view those old behaviors as something I did in the past but not something I do anymore. So acknowledging that at one time I would acted one way, but instead charting a different future and convincing myself all of the reasons I know for changing. Not fool proof, but this way of thinking has helped me the most.

I'm extremely satisfied with the moderation on this site (even if I do find one of the specific mod's comments {whether mod hat on or off} very annoying {you're so vain you probably think this comment is about you!}). Comparing to other sites I think the quality of arguments and general politeness here is well above everything else on the internet. In regards to bans, I think commenting here is a privilege, and in wanting to keep the garden cultivated here from joining the surrounding wastelands, bans can be a tool to achieve that. I don't read the moderation reports, but they usually are temporary unless rather egregious.

Excellent post! Minor quibble but for tradfem I agree on the Conservative Christian Americans part, but the part on WASPs my first thoughts is always on Catholics contributions to this movement (Phyllis Shafly). We're each biased by our experiences so maybe I'm wrong here!

One scene that stuck with me is from the book 'A Death in Holy Orders' by P.D. James where the end confession letter has the lines:" ...In this senseless age where we witness the death of culture, beauty what are we to do? ... Like a child building sand castles to stem the tide we are doomed and powerless against the rot tearing the system down... In the end I joined the barbarians...." My words and paraphrasing do not do her words justice.

I've often thought about the dissolution of the monasteries and what a modern equivalent would be. The closest I've come up is a state seizure of college endowments or some sort of modern land reform (apartments converted to condos and renters given ownership and as well as the elimination of second home ownership).

I also think the lenses of the historical event should be weighed against how Henry VIII squandered the country and his personal financial position he inherited from his father and grandmother (both extraordinarily wealthy) on foreign wars court expenses.

Hard disagree. I tuned in late, but that foul that caused her to foul out in that Iowa game was was very questionable in my opinion, and I thought she handled that much more maturely than star college athletes usually do. I did tune in late though, and I'm sucker for those eyelashes.

The full phrase is to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

When I was younger I had a low opinion of my appearance. But then as I got older and looked back at my younger photos I realized I actually looked good (not great but much better than I had thought). The thinking then became if my earlier opinion was wrong then my current self- opinion of my appearance could also be wrong. People much uglier and less fit than me had much higher self-esteem; and I truly think anyone working toward self-improvement is eminently positive.

Right now is the youngest you'll ever be from this point forward. As I've gotten older and advanced more in my career I've cared less what other people think and gained much more self-confidence, part of that is having the self-confidence to go out to events alone (art galleries, concerts etc.), and recognizing that I want to be around people even though I don't want to necessarily befriend them.

I sometimes also view other with their own families or in relationships and can feel quite low when I feel that avenue is inaccessible to me; what has helped me is to 'accept the things I cannot change' and also to support those friends and family who have their own families.

While social security coffers might match the scale, those are resources already utilized by the government. A key component is government seizure of wealth outside their control to use for their own ends.

For the effects of the Protestant revolution and country development I think that discussion is outside of the purview of a Small-questions thread. Most Catholic countries also went through some sort of Church wealth seizure at some point. I think the differences in country success is more a question of who had coal reserves.

I have similar experiences. I also think being the organizer is a thankless job but one people appreciate even if they never say it. I've seen first-hand that friendships are people who show up. That being said its only you who can say whether its worth the effort.

I think context of Jesus and his disciples as Jews needs to be considered too. Ancient Jewish laws on blood follow strict guidelines (you cannot consume the blood of an animal or you become like an animal) and figure prominently in covenants (the blood of Abraham lives on in his descendants). So when Jesus says these words at the last supper, he is initiating a new covenant on the basis of his blood. So even though it has the appearance of ordinary wine, spiritually it must be transformed into the blood of Jesus to be part of this new covenant with God.

So when these words and this ritual are repeated (Do this in memory of me), this new covenant of Jesus continues.

Given that the baptism of your children requires that you ask the Church to accept them as a member and publicly state that you intend to raise them in the Catholic faith, I think your in-laws can be forgiven for bringing this up. Since at least one point you least mimed agreement. I have friends in similar circumstances and I'm also unsympathetic. If you don't want to raise your children religious why get them baptized, if you had been clear with your intentions from the start I don't think you would have this conflict (might have other conflict but not this one!).

Or the Lancet study for hydroxychloroquinen that had more covid subjects reported than covid cases for some countries. Who fakes a clinical trial to show something is ineffective if they don't have reliable cure waiting in the wings?

You can become the change you want to see!

The forum also might have seasonal effects, after Thanksgiving to New Years is a busy time for many.

Winters I'll use less shampoo (like half of what I use in summer). And on days where I know I won't particularly need to, I'll just rinse and won't use shampoo at all. I'm just a guy with not long hair, but other advice I've heard but not followed is using conditioner and taking warm but not hot showers.

Can you explain more on the geopolitical reordering and third World Wars fears? I agree the current events strain belief in a continuing Pax Americana. But I really don't know what happens next.

I see the Ukrainian conflict as similar to the Spanish civil war, with other powers arming and watching to see how the technology and weapons work in actual warfare, and taking notes for the future. It feels a like such a bigger event than anything else scale-wise; and now Hamas attacking Israel has the potential to further draw international divisions.

I think all its all parasocial, and all in a bad way. I'll speak as someone very much guilty myself; Youtube views numbers are driven by lonely people where an algorithm grabs your interest to keep you watching. Here it's a workout video, but I find myself watching really inane political commentators where I really don't care about what they're talking about, but I just like looking at the cute face and hair face on the screen. Intentional or not, the unscripted long form draws you in and the interest in my case manifests where I find my myself watching to learn more about the person than whatever it is they are talking about or demonstrating. The video apes a social conversation but isn't truly.

For pregnancy prescreening the effectiveness of the tests have been called into question. Embryos are different but might suffer from the same issues?


Moving away from plumbing and washroom discussion: what are you doing in Ukraine? Do you live there?

So you are of the sincere belief that parents pimping out their children is only a negative when the money isn't managed correctly?