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joined 2023 February 07 18:51:10 UTC


User ID: 2163



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 February 07 18:51:10 UTC


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User ID: 2163

I think Stefferi is right if he is talking about expectations for the vaccine before the first trial results were released. Especially focusing on scientific expectations, not the partisan "If Trump release a vaccine before the election it'll be rat poison".

purely because I hated the other big champion that year so fucking much

Ok you can't just say that and not elaborate

Ah - so then hardening the doors would be the fruit but that is substantially less low hanging.

I have never seen a school that had doors that weren't locked from the outside after school hours. The problem seems to be actually locking them, not that they can't be locked

entered the Covenant School via a side door

Once again, actually locking doors seems to be the anti-mass shooting low-hanging fruit

I've always wondered if they realized:

  1. Lockdowns aren't going to get rid of COVID

  2. We've turned some decent percentage of the population paranoid

  3. We need that population to start doing things again or we kill the economy

  4. Masks work! Just wear a mask and you are safe to go around making and consuming Economics inputs and outputs!

But maybe that is too conspiratorial...it really was a huge switch though. The stated reason was that they realized the amount of presymptomatic/asymptomatic spread, but lots of illnesses have huge periods of presymptomatic spread (Influenza and RSV, notably), so not sure why that would have resulted in a change.

Tangential to the discussion, but immediately made me think of this classic article on how they build the spaceship code:
