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Tinfoil Gigachad

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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC
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Tinfoil Gigachad

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:45 UTC


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User ID: 626

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Since I'm not American my only two options are to go with the official numbers or give some credence to other people's subjective reports. At the end of the day this is a purely intellectual exercise for me.

I think you're making a mistake by saying this is political. Haven't surveys been showing pretty handy majorities concerned about inflation?

Mostly justified, quite frankly, unless they pick civilian non-elite target.

I think those are way more long-range than walkie-talkies.

At any rate, its important to keep in mind just how pre-modern this country was. It was not, for most average people, a country of cars driving through cities the way Nazi propaganda films made it look. It was a country of people living in rural farms, where they didn't have electricity or radios, and had to take a train to the nearest city if they wanted to watch a news reel.

If someone is basing their view of the German tech-level on propaganda and WWII Hollywood action films, I can see why you might want to correct that. But if you fight propaganda with propaganda, you're not going to end up with a more accurate picture of the world, you're going to snap right back around to something just as inaccurate, but from the other side. Like, yeah, people don't understand how pre-modern Germany was, but that's not because of anything specific to Germany, it's because they don't realize how pre-modern the world was at the time.

You'll have to point me to where I denied this is biased along partisan lines. I'm saying that even taking the bias into account, you'll still get results implying a number quite a bit larger than 3%.

This makes zero sense.

Same to you, bro. If you lie about something that doesn't matter to me, it's not going to matter to me. I can't wrap my head around getting worked up about it.

Would you accept a European source, or would you say it's irrelevant to the conversation you're having in America?

Ok, but that still leaves them with the ability to believe abortion is sacrificing your child to Baal, without cognitive dissonance.


Goals for last week were:

  • Fix bugs introduced in this week

- Something weird happens when a friendly ship gets shot down causing a crash.

- Shooting down a ship does not remove it from the list of active AIs (which is why the debug aggro information is still shown after the mission, in the video above).

Fixed, and fixed. The second one was trivial, the turned out to be a faulty team-membership check resulting the AIs increasing aggro of the just destroyed friendly ship. Since the ship is completely removed from the game state, when the AIs try to chase it, they run into a null pointer, and the game crashes.

  • Reinforcement mechanics

I run into a few bugs trying to set it up, so I didn't get as far as I wanted, but I made decent progress! On an unrelated note I'm considering uploading the gameplay clips somewhere, because the file size limits on The Motte are too strict to upload anythig longer, so the end result is that it's hard tell what's going on. So to recap, from previous week we had these:

  • Player fleet approaching the enemy. There's a constant aggro factor of 50, while the final level increases as the ship approaches. When the fleet splits, the split-off Alpha wing inherits the aggro, and is detected as the ship AI should target, as it's the closest.
  • After the battle. Upon successfully destroying the enemy cruiser, Alpha wing's constant aggro factor gets increased to 60.

We take a similar setup, when the player's capital ship is parked outside, and the fighter wing heads out to meet the enemy. Because the cap-ship is within range (currently set to something ridiculous like 1 AU) it's visible in the in-mission "reinforcements" menu. From there it can be called in to join the battle. The most basic functionality works! It's not finished though. The ship is not removed from the menu after joining the battle. There's no consideration of the ship's distance from the battlefield, so it's available instantly, and it's not added to the in-mission game state, so you can't select it from the tactical view and give it commands. There's going to be a bunch of things I haven't considered, like making some moves illegal.

I did not manage to get to these at all :

  • See if there's any low-hanging fruit to make the AI more interesting.
  • More annotations / code refactoring

This week:

I have absolutely no chance to get anything done this week. This might turn out to be a busy month, but I hope I can get some work in every other week. If I manage to find some time, currently the next goal is to finish the reinforcement mechanics.

I made a little video to show off the mechanics, but it's been a pain in the ass to get to to a manageable size and still have it be readable. I'll give it another go tomorrow.

With some scaling / zooming / cropping / cutting away, I managed to get it down to something manageable, though even here I had to split it up.

  • Player fleet approaching the enemy. There's a constant aggro factor of 50, while the final level increases as the ship approaches. When the fleet splits, the split-off Alpha wing inherits the aggro, and is detected as the ship AI should target, as it's the closest.
  • After the battle. Upon successfully destroying the enemy cruiser, Alpha wing's constant aggro factor gets increased to 60.

Thanks for addressing my argument directly. While that does force me to readjust somewhat, I'm not sure it's enough to go all the way and vindicate the portrayal of Germany that the other posters have put forward. So before we continue I just want to make clear what I am, and am not arguing for.

What I'm NOT saying: Germany was Aryan Wakanda, the most advanced nation on Earth that only lost because they were outnumbered.

What I AM saying is: Germany was not a backwards and low-tech economy. While not the most advanced in the world, it was easily in the top 10, if not the top 5 most advanced nations on the planet. I don't think this is particularly due to the Nazis coming up with some brilliant formula to manage their country, quite the opposite in fact, I think national socialism was quite a bit of a clusterfuck. In fact I'm somewhat bemused at the idea that Tooze discovered something new, or cleared up some misconception, when these arguments were being made since the war started. The Nazis simply inherited way too much capital for the portrayal as backwards, low-tech, and Potemkin-industrialized to stick (in fact, I'll take a wild guess that that Czech industrial infrastructure was largely built by Germans as well).

I accept that the numbers I gave conflated the quality of the equipment being produced, and that the UK and US advanced quicker and performed during the course of the war, but I don't think that's relevant to the arguments being made in the course of this conversation. Achieving the level of production for even these simpler aircraft would have been impossible without a strong industrial base. If you could pull that off while being backwards and low-tech, Poland would have boasted of a similarly-sized and equipped air force.

I concede that the numbers also included external territories, and thus overestimated German performance. It was, after all, a simple sanity check. But if we drill down, do you think we'll find a backwards and low-tech country, or one of the most industrialized ones at the time?

I'd propose that if we're calling the literal global hegemon of the time "very primitive", maybe it's time to take step back and reassess if we're using the right standard.

If you want to say that the tech-level of the time allowed for more advanced solutions, yes I agree. The problem is that it takes time for these advanced solutions to get the required infrastructure to support it, that's why you see horses being used in Europe well after the war (into the 60's in poorer countries, and even into the early 90's behind the Iron Curtain - I still remember seeing quite a lot of them when I was a kid). Not being able to instantly snap that infrastructure into existence is not a sign of primitiveness (though taking your sweet time until the 90's probably is).

Germany was in the situation where the vast majority of their divisions were exactly as maneuverable as in WW1 the second they got off trains and hitched their guns to the horse teams. My dad had an older artilleryman friend who said they were jealous of the panzer units heading east, but very grateful for the horses heading back east because you can't eat a tank.

Here I'll just quote my response to Hyperion:

I mean, even there that's not particularly backwards and low-tech for that era. Especially if you look at the amount of infrastructure in the east, and the German's chronic problems with just finding enough oil, it might even start looking like a rational choice.

But in any case, the reason I did a double-take, and an now at the stage where I'll die on this hill, is that they were talking about the economy, not army logistics.

So I'll go right back to the raw production numbers I cited, and point out they were roughly on-par with Britain. They obviously ultimately lost, but the run for the money that they gave to Europe + US would indicate that they weren't backwards or low-tech. Either that, or everyone else was as well, which makes those descriptors meaningless.

Also re: locomotives in particular, you can tell where Prussia used to end, and where the Russian Empire began, just by looking at the railway map of Europe. To be clear: not the 1930's and 40's map - the one from current year. Like, I don't know if you realize how tall the order of "Germany was a backwards low-tech economy" is.

I would imagine that the sheer scale implies the use of some sort of mass transportation system, like a railway, to deliver the raw resources needed for their production. Also factories. But if Tooze says it's mules all the way down, I guess I better trust the experts.

Well then, definitely a point for the commies!

Well, the question was rhetorical, but thank you for answering, because this is exactly what I was hinting at.

What's 4H, by the way?

@Southkraut, how's your Unreal Engine thing going along?

The crux is that sex and license-sex only mismatch when the subject is trans. Therefore, anything that only penalizes such a mismatch is unlawful discrimination.

Giggle was not penalizing the mismatch. A trans man would be welcomed with open arms.

The reason I brought up national surveys (which I could be strong about! It's just one of those factoids that got absorbed into my head somehow) is that it le's us get past the bias of this forum, or even right-wingers more broadly. I suppose it's entirely possible people are irrationally taking out their life's frustrations on the consumer price index, but I hope you'll understand why some might be taken aback, given the sheer magnitude of the phenomenon you're proposing.

You can still say it's better for them to individually go outside and make a mess, then to allow groups of drug-zombies to collectively make a mess.

Yeah, but my wife tends to nag me about doing things that are actually useful.

So, who wants get slapped?

The idea for this thread came from my tongue in cheek job posting for the slapper-in-chief in the last HighSpace thread. The idea being that I'd have to regularly do the "post your progress, and what you hope to accomplish", and if I went lazy they'd go "Hey Arjin, how's your work going, Arjin? You said you'll do XYZ last week Arjin, what's the status on that?" Consider this an open invitation to do exactly that to me, if I don't report in the weekly Tinker thread, but I was curious, does anyone want a similar service? I remember a few people from last week mentioning they want to hold themselves to account, and this would be a way to have a bit more enforcement that just voluntarily posting... though I also could imagine it getting annoying / stressful, so it's probably not for everyone.


It's been too long since I imported the earlier designs, so I completely forgot how the art pipeline works, but I remember it wasn't too complicated, I think I figured it out within a day. Let me know if you need any help.

BTW, I think I'll be moving all the HighSpace commentary to the Tinker Tuesday threads. The idea is that my top level comment there will act as the HighSpace thread,

Not gonna lie, while I haven't gone off the deep end to quite that extent, I was feeling very similar recently.

@Jesweez, @quiet_NaN , Just so no one misses the correction, I'm adding this as a comment. The broader point is unaffected, but I originally overestimated the numbers by a lot.