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joined 2022 September 05 07:02:15 UTC


User ID: 483


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User ID: 483

We have now had a parliamentary crisis of procedure over a remote dispute between two combatants who have little to no social or material relation to this country. The giga blackpill feed forcibly attached to my veins continues to deliver.

A comparatively small handful of Islamo-lefists were able to overturn the policy of the opposition party through threats of violence and intimidation against a handful of elected politicians and get it to completely agree with its goals in about 5 months of persistent activity. Granted, they had help from the sympathetic media class, but even then the rate of change is incredible. In most other unpopular decisions (the Iraq war, Brexit) the British state largely plowed ahead and either ignored or steamrolled over public outrage. The only loss they've ever taken was on Poll Tax.

The outcome of this is that threats and violence have been proven to work in an established, mature democracy. I expect this trend to continue.

I disagree. Quite strongly infact. For the most part autistic people are largely treated like children due to misconceptions about what it actually is, unless they mask to a near perfect neurotypical standard. When you mention to people that you are autistic, people automatically assume that you are some screaming, severely obese manchild who punches himself in the head and rubs his own shit on the walls, and whatever wins they make are done under fake self. Getting onto the stack can only an upgrade at this point.

Masking actively hurts autistic people. It is not the case that you learn to mask enough and you manage to permanently graduate into being an NT, with all the privileges that come thereof. It is an exhausting, miserable slog where you are constantly watching everything you say and do, where you are perfectly aware that no one around you likes you for who you are and if you make one misstep all your signifiers of success will desert you. What is the point of enduring a ceaseless uphill struggle for such people? I have only ever felt happy and liked around my autist friends.

The "best version of yourself" seems to be what is of most utility and least discomfort to neurotypicals, not what would allow someone like me to live a happy, fulfilling life.

You might be able to find some sympathy if you posted on /r9k/ and framed your post correctly. In any case, I find 4chan's blunt, brutal honesty to be far more tolerable than Reddit's just world smarminess.

Yeah, pretty much. The fact I am alive solely because of technological excess and slave morality is really quite unsettling to me.

Female autists seem to have a very... rosy view of what being an autistic man is actually like. It is widely stated in their spaces that we are not punished for our transgressions against NT norms, that we receive early intervention and support and generally live happier lives. Personally, I did not receive a diagnosis until I was 10 and received no help from any government institution until I was 23, and this help I received purely because I had crashed out of uni and entered a multi year NEET torpor, and the reason for this is that I spent all of my childhood and and teenagerhood being bantered to death because I wasn't even given the support I talked about in the OP.

If they expect any kind of help outside of an academic environment, they will be bitterly disappointed. Those male academics long ago learned to shut their pie hole.

One my (deeply unpopular) autism related views are that the elimination of Aspergers as a diagnosis and the folding of all similar conditions into vague levels has been an absolute disaster. Normies have a slightly less uninformed idea of what Aspergers is, even if their idea gravitates towards Sheldon Cooper. Meanwhile, if you say the world Autism they will automatically assume "Guy who punches himself in the head and screams", regardless of any attempts by the establishment to reband Autism away from this thought.


(For the purposes of this post, I am defining an autistic person as someone who has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition, or could qualify for an autism spectrum condition diagnosis should they given access to the correct services. The disaster spiral trainwreck that is the self diagnosis movement and the widening of the definition of autism to be completely meaningless, I might write about at another time.)

The modern anglospheric society operates off the belief that there are oppressed groups and oppressor groups. It is stated that oppressor groups have high rates of economic and social success, while the reverse is true for oppressed groups. This is often referred to as the progressive stack, with some oppressed groups being more oppressed than others. To alleviate this disparity, oppressed groups are allowed to seek reparations from their oppressor and demean their oppressor in public spheres, while the reverse is not tolerated. There are many examples of these groups: Women are oppressed by Men, Non-white People are oppressed by White People, Gay people are oppressed by Straight people, Non-english speakers are oppressed by English speakers, and so on. However, there is one group to whom this opressed definition might apply, but receive no recognition, appreciation or restitution from society bottom text.

Autistic people have utterly awful life outcomes. They have very poor employment rates, with many being unemployed or undermployed, even if they are level 1 autists in possession of college degrees. The suicide rate is abysmal, with rates being 9 times in excess of neurotypicals and over half of autistic people having considered suicide throughout their lives. Autistic people also experience heightened rates of social and even sexual abuse.

Despite this very strong case for a place on the progressive stack autists have no place whatsoever on it, or indeed recognition that they even exist in wider society. I do not recall the last time there was a front page article on my country's news outlet about anyone with my condition. I do not recall there being any support or preferential treatment for autists in regards to accquiring economic and social capital during the time when I was seeking employment, in comparison to programs that fast track and support women and ethnic minorities, for example. Support for autistic people is very limited, and only meaningfully exists in the early stages of childhood. This support is not provided to allow the child to feel comfortable in their skin, but to minimise friction both with neurotypicals and with the school and work systems. Even behaviours that are not directly harmful to the autistic person themselves or to neurotypicals, such as stimming, are heavily discouraged.

For most opressed groups, the responsibility for the easing the disparity is put upon the oppressor group. For example, men are expected to validate the fear that women feel due to the difference in physical strength in situations such as being in an elevator, or walking alone at night, and adjust their behaviour accordingly. It may depress an individual man to feel that he is and can only ever be a threat, but this feeling is not validated and he is told to Get Over It. In comparison, the autist is expected to adapt to social norms and behaviours that they do not innately pick up and instead learn manually, in the same way that Sideshow Bob learned that there was a rake there by walking into it except this time the rakes are invisible. It is the autist that has to mask, the autist that has to conceal their interests, the autist that has to pretend to be someone other than who they are.

Obviously, this is terrible. How then, are autists to get onto the progressive stack and get the sweet government funding necessary to improve these awful outcomes? The first task is to create an original sin for neurotypicals that devalues their accomplishments whilst providing avenues to redistribute their social and economic capital to autistic people. White privilege, male privilege and so on are all forms of this and it would not be difficult to create a similar privilege checklist for neurotypicals, but to get into a position to enforce this belief on the rest of society would be far more difficult. Autists, estimated, make up roughly only 2% of the global population against a neurotypical 98%, compared to the 13% of African Americans vs White Americans and the roughly 50%/50% sex split among men and women. Moreover, autists are not naturally grouped or forcibly segregated into one place in a way that men, women and ethnic groups are, so they cannot easily band together and overcome oppression they face.

If we were able to overcome both of these issues, there is another large problem: NTs innately do not like autists, finding them to be offputting and thus wishing to interact with them less based on thin slice judgements. You can argue that there are similar innate dislikes against other oppressed groups, however these groups usually have something that endears them to their perceived oppressor in some form, whether these are biological urges or moral spooks about kindness and human unity, or contributions to society in the form of food or entertainment and so on. There are no moral spooks that encourage being nice to the weird asshole in the corner, even if they haven't done you any real harm. Obligations to do the neurotypical social dance run much deeper than any other aspect a human being is othered by.

Lastly, autism is still seen as a male coded thing, and oppressor/oppressed heirarchy is the strongest where it relates to men and women. There are some autistic people who are able to hyperfocus on useful things, and thus can channel their abilities into a lucrative career. However, these careers are usually in something like software developement, research or other high value STEM careers due to their innate rigidity, which are currently the target for cooption by various diversity movements due to their high status and outsized influence on the world we live in. These positions are likely the only place that a neurotypical will not only encounter an autistic person, but an autistic person in their element who may not be masking (and I suspect this lack of masking is one of the reasons that autists in these roles are being targeted.)

Meanwhile, female autists are more heavily socialised into following neurotypical norms and thus present in a neurotypical manner, so they do not register as being autistic. Hence autists are either invisible or irritating to the oppressed/oppressor sensibility and general notions of social status, and must be removed. Where NTs have not met neurotypicals, their perception of the condition is usually influenced by piece of shit media like Rain Main or the Big Bang Theory, where most depictions in the vein of "Guy who punches himself in the head" or Sheldon Cooper."

We live in a neurotypical society.

The film is overly hyped imo, though that might be because I have had all morally spooked notions like fairness and equality beaten out of me by the mere act of observing how the world works. The lines about white people just bounced off me. I no longer expect to be seen as anything other than an oppressor at this point.

The worst thing about this film is that it's a romcom (and therefore an automatic 0/10) wearing the skin of something far more interesting. If black people have magic and thus are able to do anything they want, why do they devote substantial amounts of time to keeping white people happy when they could instead

  • establish a concealed, seperate society like the wizards have done in Harry Potter, or

  • BTFO the white muggles with magic and create their own nation?

I wasn't actually thinking of that when I wrote this. My mind was more on the potential for reduced violence.

A thought experiment that is somewhat too large for the small scale questions thread.

Picture for a moment that a first world, rich, western nation decides to implement an open borders policy. Anyone who lives in a foreign nation can, at any time, apply for and receive permanent residency visa and be entitled to work and live in this country. There are no upper limits on the numbers of the people that may settle in the country using this method of entry.

However, there is one restriction. Only women and girls are permitted entry. Y chromosome owners are not permitted entry through this system and the fullest force of the law will be unleashed against any man who is found to be illegally within the country.

This approach should, theoretically, neutralise right wing arguments against open borders. These arguments either have an economic basis (a vast surfeit of labour will decrease pay and bargaining power for domestic workers) or a social basis (large amounts of unmarried, low skill men will cause unrest, violence and buggery). While the labour disruptions remain, a critical mass of unsettled women is unlikely to fuck shit up in the way that a critical mass of unsettled men are. Indeed, if we look to the current debate around migration in europe, there is an undercurrent of violence and hostility present in predominantly male migrants that wouldn't be the case if they were mostly female. The Ukranian migrants generated no such disruption because they were majority women and children.

Assume for the purposes of this argument that the male only border control is fullproof and has no workarounds. What are the effects of this open borders system? Are there any consequences I have not forseen?

I question why Twitch wants to boot a substantial proportion of their business from their platform.

The Peacekeepers seem to be suffering some dreadful drone riots recently


These guys are not considered to be Muslim tm by every substantial group on the planet, including Sunnis that make up the overwhelming majority. You need something else to break into the hardened core.

I am not as hopeless as Sam. The existence of ex-muslims in western nations, many of whom stand firm in their beliefs despite risk of ostracisation/decapitation at hands of their family, friends and wider community gives me some hope.

The main problem is that young people originating from a muslim background in Europe face both internal pressures from their own community to behave and act a certain way, and external pressure from the white lumpen majority who perceive them to be encroaching on their territory. In addition, many are poor as they come from very religious, very poor rural stock, compared to the middle class educated types that the US gets, and so are more susceptible to extremist views than otherwise. Moreover, the god-is-dead post industrial society gives you no greater aspirations to work towards, since deciding that something is a greater aspiration necessarily privileges one thing other another, and doing is in contravention of the "everyone's a winner" mentality of the modern day.

Between these problems, it is not suprising that many young people go balls deep into their religious heritage: they feel have no other choice. Given the behaviours of states during the pandemic, I would say that they are completely capable of of crushing theist behaviours and thought underfoot by drowning them with Starlink, Steam deck, dirt cheap halal KFC and Chil Fil-A, etc. Our lawmakers don't even try.

The Tories are "right wing" in the sense that some of their prominent members make statements countering the current humanist consensus. Any policy that is remotely right wing, such as the Rwanda programme, is either neutered on implementation by the Civil Service or withdrawn beforehand by government members on the left of the party, fearing negative comments in the press. Speech is valued by the public far above action: Boris put the UK under three separate lockdowns and was about to do a fourth, stopping only due to innate weakness and a rebellious backbench. However, this is not remembered: what is remembered are his flippant comments about letting the bodies pile high. This is how the perception of a supposedly right wing government comes to be.

Amusingly, the newly returned Cameron is entirely to blame for having actual Conservatives in his Conservative party, rather than Lib Dems wearing blue coloured ties. He made a point of freshing up his party's image during his premiership so it was no longer perceived to be "Pale, Stale and Male." He was in such a rush to do this that he failed to vet many of his new entries to ensure they were Blairites and so you end up the party of today where ethnic minority women, such as Badenoch, Patel and Braverman have the strongest opinions.


Moldbug weighs in on the latest episode of the Israel and Palestine show and the excessive reactions of westerners to it.

You need to turn off your feelings because you are a mother bird feeding a cuckoo. Once you look at the cuckoo, it is obviously not related to you. Where did your actual eggs go? What happened to your real empathy? It’s gone. Write it off. Your first job is to somehow get that thing out of your nest.

This was happening in various places around the UK before recent developments. At best, this only accelerates something that already existed. The source ultimately did not matter until all the stars align and the knock on effects reached your doorstep.

This post was spurred by the latest episode of the Israel and Palestine Show and me accessing the frontpage of my national brodacaster and seeing only one story on the right hand that directly concerned the lives of people living in this country.

The News Problem

It occurs to me that much of the connected world is gripped by "News Problems". A "News Problem" is a problem that ceases to affect you the moment you turn off the news. To determine whether something is a news problem or not, ask yourself this question: if I was suddenly made to forget the information I had just watched or read about, would my life be any different?

An obvious example of something that is not a News Problem would be stories about inflation: inflation trickles all the way down to the consumer. It is made immediately obvious when the price of your favourite foods goes up, or when your money gets you less petrol than it used to at the pump. The topics involved in the story are those that directly affect the material world around you. To go back further, during the terrible time when a large chunk of the world was denied Freedom of Association over a virus with a 99%> chance of survival, the information coming out of the news outlets was of varying utility. For some people, Covid: The Virus was a just News Problem but for almost everyone, the actions taken by the State to control the virus were not News Problems.

In regards to story I initially mentioned, whether the debate starts begins on who you are: if you have family or friends in the region, or if they have been affected by the recent attacks, then this is very much not a news problem. If you are Jewish and living in a city with a large Muslim population (or a population of people who care very strongly about the issue despite neither being Muslim nor Jewish), you may or may be directly affected by the events as they occur in the region, but you may certainly care about how that population responds to you, particularly if you present as being Jewish.

So, can you ignore news problems? The answer, to my eternal chargin, is no. Even if the story has no material affect on my life, I am still surrounded by people who care about it, and in turn expect me to care about it. Should the conversation emerge at my place of work (so far it hasn't, and for that I am extremely grateful), I may be asked for my opinion, and my genuine opinion would piss off everyone in the room. During the summer of 2020, depending upon your position in society, you might have faced social repercussions if you didn't agree with the rhetoric at the time. This could have been something as simple as nodding along to what was being said, or, if you were in a position of power, expected to divert your resources, energy and face to something you strongly disagreed with.

Will there be an end to the News Problem? The obvious cure is to take the grillpill, which in this sense means turning off your device and going outside, but this only works if everyone takes the grillpill. Had you taken the grillpill in a city, you might have bumped into protests about the dispute.

Eh. Voting systems are weaponised and have always been weaponised to express agreement or disagreement with a point rather than to indicate quality. Hope is irrational.

Those initial migrants are likely to be middle class as a result of the visa restrictions, and so are likely to invite other middle class people rather than lumpens.

Uncle Ted's real problem wrt his actions (which were to send random mail bombs to computer repair shops and universities) are that he was spectacularly unlikely to topple the industrial society in which he lived through them. I think, in his heart, he knew this. The techno industrial machine couldn't and cannot now be stopped by anything weaker than something like a massive solar flare or a meteor hitting the earth.

The reason is simple: it allows the following: if you're critical of technological progress, you're endorsing the worldview of a domestic terrorist.

Terrorism is only bad if you lose. At one point, Marx and his friends may have been considered terrorists, now they are widely known and in many places revered historical figures. The IRA, through judicious deployment of semtex under cars and inside bins next to which small children would stroll eventually secured a permanent route to reunifying what they perceived to be their country. Others are downgraded to rebels or traitors, but successful terrorists are never known as such.

Daggerfall didn't have prostitution in the final release. At one point it was meant to but this was removed to lower the age rating. The assets themselves were kept, hence why whenever you walked into a temple half the characters therein were dressed in a priestly fashion and the other half weren't wearing any clothes.

Objectivity does not factor in to whether someone is an NPC or not. NPCs are primarily concerned with morality over all else. Whether the Scythian Goat Herder goes along with the decisions of his clan in all cases or whether he can manage to question some of the poorer ones, that is what makes him an NPC, not questions about a planet he cannot adequately see with his primitive technology.

Someone whose views are the average of the media they consume or the friends they keep. They do not seriously evaluate a given topic or problem and come to their own conclusion on it, instead preferring to delegate to trusted figures of authority. Often, their views are wanting to be seen as on the "correct" side of history or to avoid judgement from peers.

Example: I will briefly talk about a colleague I work with. At the start of 2020, when Covid was emerging on the scene, he was making fun of another colleague for looking at the Covid death toll. He dismissed concerns about China's handling of the virus as it being worthy of concern, saying that "China is always like that" Fast forward 6 months, he has become a staunch supporter of lockdown measures, demanding that the government keep schools closed and expressing scorn on the wishes of some people to perform outdoor activities like sports. This disdain was not extended to the BLM protests. It is nearly 2 years on from the end of Covid. He now jets out to other countries almost every weekend.