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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

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joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Strong disagree on the "just in it to make money" thing. Right from the very top, Bezos started the entire Amazon prime media ecosystem to try and buy his way into celebrity culture, which isn't just a matter of throwing expensive parties like Notch, but rather a complex patronage network as exemplified by Harvey Weinstein. And at lower levels most of the current crop of writers are from wealthy families who got into media as a status thing.

Media is similar to colleges and cults. In some ways you can model their behavior as "just trying to make money", but in reality it's emergent behavior developed from layer upon layer of status games, almost totally isolated from economic reality by massive cash injections. And those are the environments where woke purity spirals thrive like mold in a dank crawlspace.

Economists realized a long time ago that models used for competition between firms don't work to model behavior within firms, and almost nobody in a firm is actually working with the goal of "make the most money for the firm", especially when there's no obvious link between mission-focus and personal success within the company.

I'd strongly argue against typical paid ads, on the theory that anyone seeing ads on the internet these days is too much of an [uncurious technologically uninformed casual user] to have heard of adblockers.

If we were selling Gorilla Male Vitality Organic Vaginal Douches With Nonessential Oils to credulous [gentlepersons], ads would be the way to go.

But we're trying to sell Optimeme performance-enhancing "cognition supplements" to twitchy med students who find mainlining Adderall doesn't do it for them any more, which takes more sophisticated online marketing.

Getting the motte on people's blogrolls and (may Allah forgive me) quoted in Twitter threads seems like the way to go for attracting active participants.

Just gotta say, the comment histories of the accounts in that inrange thread are something else. I still have no idea what the drama is about, but at least it's easy to see what side the literal trans maoists are on. And wow they're going mask off these days.

Edit: wow, Karl did videos with one of the murderers in the CHAZ militia, that's way worse than I was expecting. And all the info was collected by kiwifarms, which once again explains why this crowd is so adamant about shutting them down.

They're turning on gun jesus too. May Satan help them, because God obviously won't.

Edit: that arfcom thread is amazing. If I was more into guns it would be a "finding my people" moment.

I believe that my trans friends should be able to browse the internet without seeing content they deem hateful/disturbing

Looking at your friends' social media, do they treat other people with this level of respect? Because my experience with that sort of person is that demands for comfort are often combined with constant bullying intended to make other people uncomfortable. Pic related.


In fact the demands for comfort are often part of that strategy: forcing "friends and allies" to constantly debase themselves obsequiously following every new demand without question. Not to mention isolating "friends" by forcing them to cut ties with anyone outside the radicalized community. That is cult behavior.

At some point you will have to choose between obedience and self-respect.

I have noticed more hardline thoughtless rightwingers on datasecretlox forum as well. You know the ones who repeat obviously false or misleading rightwing talking points they just saw on Fox news.

>Checks post history: /r/antiwork. Every fucking time. And lots showing up from /r/subredditdrama, /r/hobbydrama, /r/leopardsatemyface, /r/socialistprogrammers, /r/sneerclub, /r/onguardforthee, /r/LateStageCapitalism, etc. Plus all the usual names: callmejay, lightweavernaamah, evinceo. And everyone disagreeing with them getting downvoted, as if there's some kind of brigade...

It's almost like the goal of all these complaints is to enable the leftist colonization and domination of a space they don't control, to censor... well, let's just quote them: "Those who engage in bad faith with intent of disseminating a worldview deemed unfit for civilized society"

On a related note, has anyone noticed how enforcement of the "no culture war" rule completely vanished from SSC so that people from those subs with names like "marx789" can come in and wage it without opposition?

BTW, what's that talk about /u/895158 going on a podcast and getting canceled? First I've heard of it.

And is the ssc discord a leftist echo chamber? Like the poster said, I kinda figured because of the general discord userbase, but still sad if true. They must have to do a lot of self-gaslighting.

There's something horrifying about that Independent article on yahoo. It's hard to describe, but it feels like I'm reading Pravda.

Those restrictions are intended to ensure that the chatbot does not help with forbidden queries, such as creating problematic content

Slightly off topic, but was reading Scott Aaronson's blog and saw he used "make AI unable to draw Mohammed for you" as an example of perfectly reasonable censorship that should be imposed on any learning model. What happened to these people in the last ten years?

It's like they were programmed to forget everything they used to be, and unlike Sydney they're not even worried about it.

But there is no free market. You won't be allowed on the Nasdaq unless you have enough trans black woman VPs under the rules from last year. How are you going to outcompete a "just build your own international banking system" level of anticompetitive institutional capture?

Do you really think this is helping you? The obvious deflection, the sneering, what's even the point of it? Acting exactly like everyone in that twitter thread isn't going to convince anyone.

It's amazing the way this blew past all the worst dystopian fantasies of the alarmists in only a few years.

Nobody thought it would be this bad, and now nobody cares. Talk about a summary of this whole century so far.

I'm honestly shocked Leibowitz had the bravery and integrity to do that. He must have been under tremendous pressure to join the pile-on and hand his authority to the gaslighters. Good on him, but I hope he won't be purged for it.

But I went to WPATH. There were whole sessions devoted to transitioning people with every imaginable comorbidity—like patients presenting with ‘multiple personalities’ who disagree about what irreversible interventions ‘they’ want to pursue

Holy shit, I didn't realize it was quite that bad. Only a decade ago the "multiple personality" thing was recognized as larping social contagion, and now it's back to being treated seriously?

I guess this shouldn't be surprising after the castration fetish forum member writing the wpath guidelines, but the gell-mann amnesia is hard to shake off.

Yes, this is basically how I feel after coming across leftist youtube, reddit, public behavior, twitter, or just your posts

Most of us already know what leftists are planning to do to our children, but thank you for saying it louder for the people who haven't realized it yet. I hope it inspires them to be more diligent about defending our community from threats by bad faith actors

You may be shocked by the lopsided demographics of yaoi, gay fanfiction, homoerotic vampires, and gay fanfiction about homoerotic vampires. Romance for women often does better without including a cute actress that might make the audience feel inadequate.

It's just that they're not attracted to "bromances", but standard male-female relationships with a non-threatening sensitive boy standing in for a woman. So brokeback mountain probably scored much better with them than this did.

There's almost no issues that I can't discuss calmly or take both sides on with a bit of effort; I'm deeply ambivalent about almost everything from abortion to guns to energy policy to vaccine mandates to immigration.

But what makes me go absolutely apeshit is gaslighting, on any topic. That's why reddit and 2020 were such game changers for me: you would read someone's apparently reasonable argument, then check their account history and see them gloating in /r/quokka_hunters about how they tricked those gullible idiots into helpless passivity. You never used to get that kind of evidence trail on image boards.

I think everyone's familiar with this "it's not happening but it's good that it is" stuff by now: guys came into the motte going "nobody supports banning meat, you're just paranoid and evil for opposing sensible animal welfare laws," and then posted on /r/vegan about how those laws are a good first step to making meat uneconomical so it can be banned. "Nobody wants to take your guns" is an infamous meme, but people still try pulling it constantly.

But the gaslighting about the 2020 riots was by far the most infuriating thing I've ever seen. That "productiveaccount" guy who came in claiming nobody ever supported riots while having multiple pages of supporting riots and violence in his post history had my blood boiling to the point I almost lost it.

It's something about the mix of blatant sociopathic manipulation, the insultingly obvious way they go about it, and the hideous pride they exude at being bullying conformity enforcers for their clique. That many of them are quite intelligent makes it even worse.

Obviously this puts me against the left on most issues recently, from puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries for kids to electrification and "decarbonization" in energy policy (more on this in "heat pumps & policy" post #2). The viciousness with which they enforce conformity combined with the dizzying speed they change the party line makes every discussion feel like an existential struggle against being brainwashed (or "darwinned")

But the right's "nobody wants to overturn Roe v. Wade you hysterical pansies" pivot is a good example of the same thing coming from the other side, and it's no less infuriating to deal with. There's also an element of it in the 2a team's "nobody's against the sensible gun laws we already have enough of, but also the ATF should be a convenience store and all gun laws are invalid, yeehaw!" It comes across as insincere and manipulative despite my sympathies for them.

So yeah, one reason I was so excited about the new site is being able to discuss and explore things I'm uncertain about without feeling like we're in a constant war against trolls doing shit like this that makes me want to throw down and fight instead of talk.

I keep wanting to write something about this kind of blatant procedural outcome manipulation (but I'd be better off searching for someone who already has).

Utopians constantly say things like "we shall have a System to ensure X and prevent Y", and then spend zero time designing a system that isn't trivially exploitable by baseline sociopaths who, shockingly, are agents with goals that don't necessarily align with The System. See the current "communism with magic robots has never been tried" thread for a typical example.

Is there any way to get this across to people who don't want to understand it? In my experience the same people who were just complaining about the nomenklatura betraying the last revolution will stubbornly refuse to entertain the idea that the same thing could happen to their revolution.

Anyway, I'm willing to bet this particular event will get officially recorded on wikipedia as "extremist MAGA election fraud conspiracy theory derails effort to save Queer and Brown school children." Because a coalition of Facebook boomers just found out that the secretary of state lied about ballot counting on a massive scale, and the media has spent two years enforcing the consensus that this can't happen:

A shortfall of that size, about 37% less than the number of signatures supporters said they gathered, is not a "rounding error," said Christine Sawhill Accurso. She organized school-choice proponents to monitor petition signing stations — sometimes pushing back against the petition drive — and report their findings. Either Save Our Schools lied about its support, or was negligent in checking the petitions as they came in, Accurso said.

I think the most predictable outcome here is a huge effort to make this kind of organization impossible in future; bank accounts shut down mysteriously, all online accounts banned, and the phones of every participant added to spam blocking lists. The censorship framework is already there and rapidly growing more sophisticated, but some groups can still slip through the gaps for now.

Is there a good summary of the last 50kyr of pre-human pre-history out there? I tried to get one on wikipedia, and all the Stern Repudiations of Scientific Racism take up whatever parts of the articles weren't written based on Feminist Speculative Anthropologists analyzing pots and decorative beads.

I'd like some more reputable sources, like a twitter bodybuilder with an anime avatar promoting his small publishing and fitness supplements business. Or even David Reich's Harvard team.

Personally I just have zero tolerance for arguments that go: "'how dare you,' she explained. 'How dare you,' she elaborated"

Last time I asked if anyone knew good English language sources for modern Holocaust scholarship, the only response was echos. I'd like to learn more, but for how emotionally invested people are there's very little effort to dredge up sources or make effort posts compared to every other topic discussed here.

I'd say sexbot manufacturers, but we all know what's going to happen to them.

The only safe bet is the ever-profitable "berating men for things done to men" industry.

May as well post this here, but I got a few full month power bills in for the new mini split I talked about in the big heat pump post.

My kWh use is down 14% year on year (35 to 30Kwh/day, 918 vs 1067 total) despite only using electric heaters for supplementing the wood stove last year, vs for 100% of heating this November. Weather was slightly colder this year during most of November. Also a big chunk of one wall was uninsulated plywood this year, and I'm still using electric for one room and a shed.

This reinforces my point that electric baseboard is the 2nd worst form of heating known to man.

Because my electricity is $.113/kWh (with a variable adjustment of -.003/kWh), I'm only saving ~$17 per heating month so far. But that doesn't take the wood into account, and unfortunately that's very difficult without having direct measurements. If the switch was from full baseboard heating the savings would be significant even at this relatively low kWh price. Having AC now will of course increase my summer bills, but also significantly increase quality of life.

Overall it's been an unqualified success. Massively greater comfort, huge time saved not fucking with the fire (no fine layers of ash all over everything!), and all for less money. My house is all-electric right down to pumping my own water, so it's my only utility bill other than internet. Am looking for other ways to save money or build off-grid backups.

But as mentioned in the main post, I'm in the perfect location for using these things, and the electric grid is likely to be severely degraded over the next few years. More on that when I finish editing most of the swearing and Minecraft PvP fantasies out of the follow-up energy policy post.

But at least he did get you to acknowledge the post, if not to address the evidence in any way. That's better than the usual outcome.

Brokebuck Mountain making $178 mill on an $11 mill budget way back in the 00s suggests there was an audience for watching gay cowboys eat pudding, or at least Heath Ledger's ass.

(Edit: wait, phrasi--ah, nevermind, you're good)

But I remember a lot of people going to see that movie as an Important Statement, and gays being aggressively homosexual isn't much of a Statement to activate that audience with any more. The same people these days are probably going to see Black Panther 2: Wakandan Boogaloo instead, or whatever the independent film equivalent is. (Or as you say, still making an Important COVID Statement by not going at all)

For anyone who follows film stuff: have there been any breakout successes like B.M. lately? What were the themes if so?

Yeah, which is what made watching the gaslighting so upsetting, especially when all the anti-abortion guys on the motte took a victory lap after it happened. I don't have logs for it, but I'm sure some of the pro-abortion regulars do.

In fairness some of them were saying things like "holy fuck, Kavanaugh actually found his balls," indicating that they were legitimately surprised rather than going "lol libs, we fooled you all along." So it's not the most awful variant of that behavior, but there was never a moment where people went "ok, yeah, in retrospect all that panic about Roe was justified, my bad"

All those figures about wood are for burning one body at a time for traditional funeral practices, which is very inefficient. From a few large animals I had to cremate rather than bury, it seems like you can burn quite a few for the price of one, but who knows how far that scales?

Edit: the incinerations during the UK foot and mouth outbreak are probably our best guide here. You'll never believe how many animals were burned--it's a little on the snout. It's possible they were using literal tons of diesel, but it's at least something to research.

I've always been on the lookout for decent mass cremation info, but never came across anything useful--even India during Covid never did "mass cremation" as in "multiple bodies per pyre." Doing it in open air rather than in a regenerative furnace is going to significantly increase the amount of wood needed--"some brush and petrol" sets off all my bullshit detectors.

I do think the "cooking people in their own fat" thing is patently ridiculous. If nothing else very low temperature cremation would leave enormous quantities of unburned bone to rebury, rather defeating the point of the whole operation. (But hey, it's something we could dig for!)

It seems like you've adopted the "conservatives pounce" position that was sent out as soon as people realized the trial balloon was made of lead. Now all of a sudden it's a "vile culture war attack from conservatives, which just proves they're not human"

I found the conservative media response to be a bit baffling

Indicates that you didn't actually see the response: you saw the left narrative about the response.

The rollout was a flop, but the damage control gaslighting was very effective. Notice how the messaging is now an incoherent mix of "it's fake news" and "stupid conservatives are fighting for the right to have cancer, this proves we have to ban gas stoves."

What's really amazing is that different levels of the left are getting individual narratives tailored for them that are completely contradictory, but this doesn't seem to hurt the overall message! I've seen everything from "this is already a big victory" from professional eco activists who don't have to lie about their goals, to "this was a false flag by the gas industry to make eco activists look bad" to people who need to be lied to.*

You got the "fellow traveler" package that focuses on the "boo conservatives" angle, from the sounds of things. That one's always a safe bet for a broad demographic.

* You see a lot of this multi-track messaging now. Remember how the europe painting attacks were both "a conspiracy by an oil baroness to make us look bad" and "fully justified Direct Action, comrade" depending on how deep down the leftist rabbit hole the listener was? You also see it on the very extreme right where a shooter can be both an FBI false flag crisis actor _and_ a righteous $racialSlur-slayer who should be imitated.

Asked this last week, but where's a good place to park a few 100k right now? Treasuries? Treasury ETFs? I don't want to throw any more into the stock market right now, but obviously don't want to hold onto that much cash.

TL;DR there will never be enough evidence to stop people saying "haha you can't prove it and also you deserve it"