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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

I'm honestly very sorry for the kid who hurt himself, but it's a good thing it didn't happen last year when he probably would have gotten yelled at for trying to appropriate the pain of indigenous children or something

  • -16

I hadn't realized you were literally a member of the party's terrorist wing.

That explains why I smelled sadistic glee in bragging about getting away with it in all your posts about the 2020 violence and election.

I follow your buddies in "Redneck Revolt" and all the affiliated groups. They're open about what their goals are, and so it's easy to see what you're up to.

Tell us about your activities with them.

Edit: engaging with people we disagree with is a good use of time. But leftists aren't people: burn in hell.

  • -11

So my mistake was not linking examples of this exact thing happening? Because you know I can, however much people here try to ignore the mass insanity of '20-'21 and pretend it never happened.

As long as I get to assume that when you say "the N-word" you're referring to N*tflix.

Imagine thinking that's something we have to be told it wants, when we could just go to the front page of reddit or imgur.

Or a similar third world country, yeah.

This is ridiculous. You leaping to the defense and trying to paint the whole thing as some kind of weird coincidence was one thing, but this is just obtuse nitpicking.

It's the exact same line communists use to claim the USSR wasn't really communist, just State Capitalist because the workers didn't really own it. It comes across as disingenuous, and desperate to defend bad people with bad arguments rather than discuss anything.

I wish I could understand why some people get so weirdly evasive and dismissive to the point of making arguments like "woah, you can't prove there was anything sexual about the drag strip show at that kindergarten!" An enemy of your outgroup is being attacked for something they did. It's presumably not even an attack on your ingroup, so what's even the point of doing the whole "maybe those words randomly appeared on that paper" thing? It just comes across as covering for them for literally no reason except maybe who the criticism is coming from.

And yours are effectively vindictive and nihilistic sadism directed against any group you see as being weak enough to victimize in the name of "progress".

Gloating about crushing people and their families is fun, I get that, but watch out if you slip.

Can we get rid of the "private profile" feature? It seems to only be used as a tool for trolls to cover their tracks.

Edit: if people are worried about doxing, it's a bad safety tool because this whole place is googlable. You can just search for "thatoneguy $wrongthink" and come up with incriminating stuff, but you can't see driveby trolls when they start posting.

Nurse friend came over for tea, says it's wu flu, but she'll come back with a test tomorrow. Seems likely, because it's the same feverish chills I got from the clot booster. At least I don't have COVID and an empty window frame.

Having not seen a single episode of Joe Rogan, what industrial solvents does the motte recommended inhaling/injecting? Don't say ivermectin, because I used the last of it for deworming everyone after a wet spring.

I guess this is why they say never meet your heroes :(

(Welcome to the motte!)

No, that wasn't in reference to any particular post, although I was definitely thinking about sscreader's "when you think about it, grooming kids into being castrated isn't any different than grooming them to become Anglican or not masturbate" post series.

And as a mod you can probably see that all my posts get edited 50 times, because I'm a filthy phoneposter.

Yes, unfortunately. We'd be in much better shape if that was reversed imo.

Oh, thanks, I'd forgotten about that little cheese knife. In my defense I've got zero knowledge of or experience with circumcision, other than a lurking suspicion of gentiles doing it. Because that didn't work out so well last time.

I wouldn't say this site is better designed, and especially not better implemented. You can start a thread anywhere on DSL and see it from the main page. Here we have... The culture war thread (and I guess the silly Sundays or whatever thread). That's hugely limiting for visibility of top level posts.

I've been enjoying DSL much more because people actually write effortposts about topics they're familiar with, or even just games they're playing. That kind of thing doesn't get much traction here; there were more replies to my throwaway remarks on heat pumps in the CW thread than to the front page post on them.

I wish I had some faith we won't see the exact same demands for sources the next time this issue comes up.

Look at this and tell me it's not doing sexual shit with children. Why do you constantly gaslight people to cover for this? Is it just misplaced party loyalty? Or something else?

Edit: anyone who covers for this is evil, and if the rules enable it the rules are evil too. "Continually on the attack" against evil is the greatest compliment you could ever give me.

Don't feel weird, it's a problem I've been having too; normal meals are so good now that it's sometimes difficult to find something for special occasions. Fortunately(?) I'm poorfag enough that a ribsteak is still an expensive treat for birthdays, etc.

What are the odds he's making a noble sacrifice play to draw all the heat away from his partners?

I was vaguely thinking of Afghanistan and other conservative cultures that nevertheless ended up with homosex on the side (maybe not entirely due to the Greeks invading them). And the competition from 2nd+ wives is a very real threat to women in some of those places.

Honestly, I'd fully endorse right wingers not being welcome in a community that seemingly exists to waste people's time with video games in the most useless ways possible. Maybe they could get off discords run by shut-ins and do something real.

But the worrying thing is the way petty conflicts like this work as training wheels for leftist takeovers of organizations that actually matter.

It breeds mindless no-life zealots and trains them to follow party procedures for crushing opposition, rewarding them with a taste of power when they're allowed to summon the might of corporations to hurt people they hate; the pack has already been banned by Microsoft. And a lack of victories means there's no effective training for humans to oppose them, even In Minecraft.

Edit: I offer my deepest apologies to the gamer community for the offense and hurt this poorly considered post caused. It was a heated non-gaming moment that does not represent who I am. As such, I promise to Do The Work and fund a scholarship for children to compete for the prestigious "100% achievement no-keyboard" Minecraft Speedrun category. Their bravery and commitment to this valuable skill is an inspiration to us all.

To be fair, the guy he was asking invited a guy to come bite a bit off of said penis (unless SF's more modern mohels use scissors or something), so "if you can take the tip of a dick you can take a question" seems like a reasonable assumption.

Thanks, that sounds like he was working on a serious power system: enough to keep a Heroes 3 PC running 24/7.

great, I'll try to find time this weekend.

Imo a lot of what France did to the south would definitely count as genocide today. Not to mention their religious wars.