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BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

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joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

The phrase "coup-complete problem" comes up again and again in these scenarios, because keeping censors from having power over you goes way past "make your own international banking system," right up to "pull a Napoleon and conquer europe."

In the call Wednesday, Musk agreed to let the EU's Executive Commission carry out a "stress test" at Twitter's headquarters early next year to help the platform comply with the new rules ahead of schedule, the readout said.

That will also help the company prepare for an "extensive independent audit" as required by the new law, which is aimed at protecting internet users from illegal content and reducing the spread of harmful but legal material.

Violations could result in huge fines of up to 6% of a company's annual global revenue or even a ban on operating in the European Union's single market.

It's literally illegal to not censor things that are perfectly legal, governments can order you to ban anything they consider "harmful content", and we've gone way past the point where rearranging deck staff on the Titanic could fix anything.

If they were subject to the same conditions as common criminals, they'd have been released without bail and then had the charges quietly dropped.

Strong disagree on the "just in it to make money" thing. Right from the very top, Bezos started the entire Amazon prime media ecosystem to try and buy his way into celebrity culture, which isn't just a matter of throwing expensive parties like Notch, but rather a complex patronage network as exemplified by Harvey Weinstein. And at lower levels most of the current crop of writers are from wealthy families who got into media as a status thing.

Media is similar to colleges and cults. In some ways you can model their behavior as "just trying to make money", but in reality it's emergent behavior developed from layer upon layer of status games, almost totally isolated from economic reality by massive cash injections. And those are the environments where woke purity spirals thrive like mold in a dank crawlspace.

Economists realized a long time ago that models used for competition between firms don't work to model behavior within firms, and almost nobody in a firm is actually working with the goal of "make the most money for the firm", especially when there's no obvious link between mission-focus and personal success within the company.

The local public school's art teacher almost got wifi banned from the school because of that (and her friends did get it banned from local public housing, using their credentials as licensed reiki energy healers). Sanity only barely prevailed, and I heard rumors it was thanks to a "can you feel the wifi right now? Well... It's off" gambit at a staff meeting.

Have you seen the new Equity-Centered Food Health Scale that puts Corn-syrup Nut Cheerios and frozen yogurt above eggs and milk? (Iou link)

Implementing any pigouvian tax system in a non-insane/currentyear manner is a coup-complete problem; if you had the power to do it, you'd already have the power to seize the assets of the coca cola corporation and sentence all their executives to a lifetime of community service cleaning your state-run gyms.

"Ivan, this cover story can't possibly work"

"You do not know the Americans like I do, comrade. Is bulletproof. Now hand me that tutu"

That really is a weird sting op. I guess they've been running these since the start of the war on anyone with Russian family or friends, but why? Inter-agency status games? Did he get thrown under the bus? Wrapping the whole thing up in less than a month is pretty amazing too; if you've gone to all that work, why not entrap a bit harder to get better charges to stick?

Edit: oh for fuck's sake she just called up the most heavily tapped phone line in the country to offer her and her husband's services lmao

(John Hopkins already memory-holed her bio page, btw. That was quick)

You may be shocked by the lopsided demographics of yaoi, gay fanfiction, homoerotic vampires, and gay fanfiction about homoerotic vampires. Romance for women often does better without including a cute actress that might make the audience feel inadequate.

It's just that they're not attracted to "bromances", but standard male-female relationships with a non-threatening sensitive boy standing in for a woman. So brokeback mountain probably scored much better with them than this did.

I think "we're coming for your kids" answers that one pretty well. Pretty good singing too.

And yes, do you want me to find endless supporters of the bill on Reddit thirsting at the idea of jailing red parents? Gotta do something with all those prisons after "prison abolition," after all.

And no, that reddit admin that was luring runaway teenagers to his house and giving them drugs was grooming children. Discord admins who do the "oh ur 14, that's heckin cute and valid here put on these thigh highs and send pics, we'd better get you on girl juice before it's too late sweetie hehehe" are grooming children. The art teacher who tried to encourage me to come to school wearing panties because it would be our little secret was grooming children. There's literally zero allegory involved in calling any of this grooming!

All of it should be punished. But most of them are just going to get away with it, because sex offenders are very good at blending in with whatever gives them the best camouflage, and joining whatever coalition offers to enable them.

The past few years have been an education in how many people are willing to enable predators for fear of standing out, causing a row, or "letting the team down". It makes you realize how abuse gets so normalized in prisons, schools, Hollywood, scouting, etc.

I feel like it's probably unfair to blame technical consultants for anything that happens in Star Trek. She probably spent most meetings in the corner drinking out of the science consultant's hip flask while the writers did their thing.

"Chakotay needs to save the day with indian mystic bullshit to remind the viewers that Diversity Is Our Strength. Indians can telepathically communicate with the Sun, right?

"I... Uhh-"

"Awesome! Science consultant, can quantum consciousness and growth mindset use an antimatter explosion to open a subspace wormhole?"

"Sure they can, buddy, long as BURP as your checks clear"

"Great, we have a story here! Continuity director, how many proton torpedoes does Voyager have left?"

"Woof! Woof!"

"Damn it... Well, maybe no one will notice this time"

"don't worry sir, your son isn't an antisemite. He just wanted to jerk off to "elderly male anthro fox presenting feet!"

No idea what prompted your ban, but when I hear "free speech" I think the person is maybe a right-wing fascist conspiracy theorist who thinks their racist language on facebook should be protected by the First Amendment. So you may not be that, but they may be a little ban happy when they hear the phrase

I am continually glad we got the fuck off that hellsite. More because of the userbase than the insane moderation.

Is there a good summary of the last 50kyr of pre-human pre-history out there? I tried to get one on wikipedia, and all the Stern Repudiations of Scientific Racism take up whatever parts of the articles weren't written based on Feminist Speculative Anthropologists analyzing pots and decorative beads.

I'd like some more reputable sources, like a twitter bodybuilder with an anime avatar promoting his small publishing and fitness supplements business. Or even David Reich's Harvard team.

The WA supreme court has been pedal to the floor on radicalism for several years now, and almost nobody seems to have noticed it.

I was thinking about posting their recent "it's legal to flee from the scene of your crime in a high speed car chase with an illegal gun, but only if you're not white" ruling, but... Why bother? Anyone who doesn't already oppose it isn't going to have their minds changed by example #56,663, they'd just cheer and gloat that another blow for "equity" has been struck, or try desperately to ignore it and downvote+report anyone who mentions it.

People keep posting these pathetic "peak woke!" cope articles, as if they can't bring themselves to admit that this will never end. It's only just getting started, and it will keep getting more insane and oppressive for generations, because the hatred, sadism, and power of the perpetrators is inexhaustible.

In fairness, "Scottish government toppled by man in dress" is somewhat of a dog bites man story after the last thousand years. There's only so many times you can run what's fundamentally the same article.

Remember, sometimes when they want to finish a hit piece with "X did not reply to requests for comments at press time", they literally just called the person's office outside of business hours 5 minutes before releasing the article, making the claim technically true. There's been some drama on twitter about this, with journos coming down on the side of "you can't call it a lie!"

It'll take me a while to come up with a full response, but it starts with wildly gesturing at the "latest news about fusion power" being almost as misleading as their race and sex coverage.

I've seen plainly wrong information from associated press reports copy-pasted hundreds of times across different media outlets that just rearranged the sentences and added some fluff. Google "first with 25 mm shells, then a few hours later with ammunition twice that size" for a basic, non-culture-war example of copy-pasted bullshit repeated by every trusted news source. (Some intern at the AP got "50 caliber" mixed up with "50mm." I only remember because I went "wait, the coast guard have 2" guns now?", searched, and found every article serving the same pasta.)

That kind of thing happens all the time, but it only really gets noticed or called out when it's something Conservatives Pounce on: race, sex, gays, guns, etc. For things like biology, history, or climatology almost nobody notices except a few depressed scientists (and surely Hanania should have added guns and "the climate crisis" to the insanity topics list!)

The only surprise here is that I wasn't aware the motte had image hosting. Til

Don't worry, I'm sure everyone responsible for posting this misinformation about the department of misinformation will be punished for misinformation.

My heat pump just got here, and once I've got it installed would anyone be interested in a post on some of the things I learned planning for the build? I did the usual unnecessary turbo-autism level of research, so it'd be nice for people to get some benefit from it before I close all the tabs and forget the whole thing.

There was a lot of discussion on the last heat pump thread, but nobody drew any conclusions. I think I've done enough to make some solid ones.

Related side question: what are people paying for electric rates these days? We've gone from 8 to 11 cents/kWh, which is fucking ridiculous even for the extra costs incurred here. Natgas isn't available here, but in most places the electric/gas price ratio is a huge factor.

Well yeah, but in this case nobody had to do any of that for the official overseeing the process to celebrate tens of thousands of nonexistent sigs.

If they had written down "Mickey Mouse" an extra 50000 times, the process was for the SoS to verify the sigs to her satisfaction, then send a "randomly selected" 5% sample back to individual counties to do their own verification. Lots of opportunities to sneak things through there, kinda surprised it didn't happen; the last big one only failed after it went to the courts for review for fraudulent sigs the SoS "missed" (iou a source that isn't Salon)

That's the sort of thing I was talking about with people designing a System that on the surface looks secure, but in practice totally depends on one person playing by the rules.

May as well post this here, but I got a few full month power bills in for the new mini split I talked about in the big heat pump post.

My kWh use is down 14% year on year (35 to 30Kwh/day, 918 vs 1067 total) despite only using electric heaters for supplementing the wood stove last year, vs for 100% of heating this November. Weather was slightly colder this year during most of November. Also a big chunk of one wall was uninsulated plywood this year, and I'm still using electric for one room and a shed.

This reinforces my point that electric baseboard is the 2nd worst form of heating known to man.

Because my electricity is $.113/kWh (with a variable adjustment of -.003/kWh), I'm only saving ~$17 per heating month so far. But that doesn't take the wood into account, and unfortunately that's very difficult without having direct measurements. If the switch was from full baseboard heating the savings would be significant even at this relatively low kWh price. Having AC now will of course increase my summer bills, but also significantly increase quality of life.

Overall it's been an unqualified success. Massively greater comfort, huge time saved not fucking with the fire (no fine layers of ash all over everything!), and all for less money. My house is all-electric right down to pumping my own water, so it's my only utility bill other than internet. Am looking for other ways to save money or build off-grid backups.

But as mentioned in the main post, I'm in the perfect location for using these things, and the electric grid is likely to be severely degraded over the next few years. More on that when I finish editing most of the swearing and Minecraft PvP fantasies out of the follow-up energy policy post.

This is excellent advice for anyone who is currently engaged to and planning on marrying a man. All of those rational explanations will be very convincing if we make the one small assumption that his fiance is, in fact, a bearded adult male who will nod sagely and propose to spend the money on matching rifles and a sensible investment portfolio instead.

Unfortunately it may not be the best route to avoiding hurt feelings if he's for some reason planning on marrying a woman.

the "good night moon, good night amazon® co ltd." thing is where it starts to look risky to me, especially if kids learn from it. Feels much safer to be able to say "computer: engage evening mode" in the famous "earl gray, hot" voice of command.

Once you start exchanging pleasantries with the abominable intelligence, it's all over. I know an old widow who started to chat with her Alexa thing during lockdowns, and building that sort of exploitable customer "relationship" with vulnerable lonely people is what some Amazon marketing ghoul drools over.

Woo, county-wide power outage right before Christmas, with no bad weather associated with it like usual (just a single digit freeze). If it's someone's resistance op I wish him the best of luck: this is a great target.

Seems like a good time to break out the laptop, curl up by the wood stove, and finish the culture war side of "why forcing everyone to only have electric heat with no form of backup allowed by law may be a bad policy choice."

Not that anyone with any power cares what the consequences are.

Edit: Christmas Eve, and power's out again for at least half the day. Only a day between outages.

It's extremely difficult to stay on the knife edge of "social progress" though, which is where the real signal is: "this person is so socially plugged in that she knows why the acronym we adopted last week is now problematic, has a trendier one ready, and is savvy enough not to impose it on her coworkers until it's on the cusp of going mainstream." That's not just chanting shibboleths, it's an unfakable signal of social power.

Asking when woke will be saturated is like asking when fashion or court politics will be saturated. They all just get progressively more surreal and byzantine until history overtakes the arena of that status competition, via a fashionable city losing economic power, dynasty collapse, revolution, etc.

Do you really never notice any of the things people are pointing out to you in this thread? I've always assumed anyone saying they've never seen it is blatantly gaslighting, but is it actually possible to just have impervious blinders for it?

Reddit looks more leftist than it is because leftist groups are very good at two things: mod takeovers and brigading from their discord hangouts. Stalking post histories made me realize that in most cases the "radically leftist highly upvoted post in a normally non-political sub" is completely artificial.

But my god it's an amazing tactic for imposing the appearance of consensus. Back in the days of the open internet the left was at a disadvantage, but they've adapted wonderfully to this new environment that rewards procedural manipulation and party organization.