@Bernd's banner p
BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users  
joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Persistent culture warring and petty antagonism


Fighting algorithmic racism like John Henry

2 followers   follows 6 users   joined 2022 September 20 00:47:35 UTC


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User ID: 1266

Banned by: @Amadan

Is he out for sure then? That's a pity, it seemed like he was most of the energy behind it.

I believe that my trans friends should be able to browse the internet without seeing content they deem hateful/disturbing

Looking at your friends' social media, do they treat other people with this level of respect? Because my experience with that sort of person is that demands for comfort are often combined with constant bullying intended to make other people uncomfortable. Pic related.


In fact the demands for comfort are often part of that strategy: forcing "friends and allies" to constantly debase themselves obsequiously following every new demand without question. Not to mention isolating "friends" by forcing them to cut ties with anyone outside the radicalized community. That is cult behavior.

At some point you will have to choose between obedience and self-respect.

Thanks for the update. We don't get nearly enough of that around here thanks to the format, so 90% of what's discussed just gets forgotten and never followed up on.

Starting to appreciate traditional forums more, where a thread can stay dormant and be revived with news.

As with most of these things, the choice seems to be "tabloids and dissident press" or dead silence. Meaningful Journalists had to be dragged to cover this saga at every step, and only spoke up when the tabloids hit hard enough that the need for damage control made ignoring and silencing untenable.

Firstly, for the average Democrat this is simply not an important issue.

Literally every single democrat on my street has one or more pride flags flying way out into the road so nobody can miss it. Some of them replaced the old version with the "progress pride" thing last year, while others just fly both. Half of them have "in this house we believe trans women are women" signs up.

I am not going to believe you that they do not care about this when it seems to have eclipsed race as the number one thing to signal party loyalty and make ominous threats to dissenters over.

Wait, furries? I'd ask where do they come in, but it sounds like the setup to a really gross punchline.

I wouldn't say this site is better designed, and especially not better implemented. You can start a thread anywhere on DSL and see it from the main page. Here we have... The culture war thread (and I guess the silly Sundays or whatever thread). That's hugely limiting for visibility of top level posts.

I've been enjoying DSL much more because people actually write effortposts about topics they're familiar with, or even just games they're playing. That kind of thing doesn't get much traction here; there were more replies to my throwaway remarks on heat pumps in the CW thread than to the front page post on them.

Wow, Freddie was going off in the comments.

I'm honestly shocked Leibowitz had the bravery and integrity to do that. He must have been under tremendous pressure to join the pile-on and hand his authority to the gaslighters. Good on him, but I hope he won't be purged for it.

But I went to WPATH. There were whole sessions devoted to transitioning people with every imaginable comorbidity—like patients presenting with ‘multiple personalities’ who disagree about what irreversible interventions ‘they’ want to pursue

Holy shit, I didn't realize it was quite that bad. Only a decade ago the "multiple personality" thing was recognized as larping social contagion, and now it's back to being treated seriously?

I guess this shouldn't be surprising after the castration fetish forum member writing the wpath guidelines, but the gell-mann amnesia is hard to shake off.

Pahoittelut. Hakemaasi sivua ei löydy

I'm not sure there is anything promising at the moment. I shifted a bunch over to treasuries recently.

That's exactly the weird doubt I had. Maybe there really is some weirdly autistic chav who goes around ranting about "fucking yorubans, with their nice houses and slightly narrower than west-african-average cranial maxilla and posh Ufẹ̀ accent. I hate them even more than the fucking Kposo!"

Not to mention certain groups get a much higher payoff than others, depending entirely on lifespan. Statistically a black man paying into social security will only collect for a few years before death, while Asian and Jewish women will get a return many times greater by living to their late 80s.

Small differences in life expectancy turn out to be huge in terms of "years lived after age 65", and the inevitable raising of SS collection age will only make that worse.

I want to pre-register a bet and get some opinions on this one. This death threat is absolutely fake, right? The grammar is ridiculous, and the word and phrasing choice is an absolute parody. Everything about it smells like an educated non-english person larping with zero understanding of what the natives actually sound like.

It reminds me of my college professor who smashed her car windows and wrote "brave dykes will never smash the patriarchy" on it to blame frat boys (which worked on the college, but fortunately not the police & insurance agency).

I expect we'll never hear about it if it turns out she wrote it. But I doubt even the met would grab some random local boy and use him as a scapegoat like my college tried In that incident.

Thanks! I searched .is for the tweet URLs, but nothing came up. Guess the archived one was the top tweet.

went to Oxford

I shouldn't have closed these tabs, but have you noticed that most of the attacks on EA are coming from people affiliated with Oxford"? Like https://twitter.com/oxhcai

And this David Thorstad guy is from the Global Priorities Institute at Oxord, "Using academic research to drive positive change within and outside of the effective altruism movement." : https://twitter.com/IneffectiveAlt4 https://ineffectivealtruismblog.com/ https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/users/david-thorstad

He's been heavily attacking people on the EA forum, after joining in 2021.

He protected his tweets and they weren't archived, but this is what he was saying to scott (dead twitter link):

@slatestarcodex Perhaps you would like to start? Repeat after me: "I unequivocally reject all forms of racist pseudoscience" and "people of color are not genetically inferior to anyone else". They are simple words. Say them.

The EA forum is finally beginning to denounce the worst offenders. LessWrong still has a long way to go. Delete, denounce, and do better next time

You know, honeyed words about "growth and change," followed by the standard bullying commissar stuff as soon as he thinks he has power over someone.

Smells like an entryist clique to me. Somebody on EA really ought to call him out about this.

(Edit: noticed by Ilforte last month)

This empty centrism cannot conceive of systemic power, of the legislative, institutional, and stochastic terror threats wielded against LGBT people

You could just word replace "against" with "by" and it would be a lot more accurate. For a guy who has experienced internet hate mobs to fully support them against his chosen victim just shows that all of the crocodile tears about it were strictly "no bad tactics, only bad targets."

I guess this is why they say never meet your heroes :(

(Welcome to the motte!)

What evil image? I'm really confused about all this. He posted a random out of context meme pic that people downvoted because it was a random out of context meme pic, even though it was mildly funny.

It would have been way funnier mixed in with an actual post, tbf.

Liking hate, what are you on about?

Or maybe I'm not being pessimistic enough and UK counter-terrorism will just make a huge list of books, TV shows, and movies that get you on a terrorism watchlist, such as "Yes Minister", John Locke, Carlyle, C.S. Lewis and Tolkien.



hogleg debacle

The what

Will try to write something better later, but wanted to point out that almost all these signs are more likely the result of the woke revolution now being fully institutionalized.

For example, there's no longer a need to astroturf noisy campaigns against publishers to hire a cadre of party censors, because those people now effectively run the company and are busy rewriting all our books. This process is generally much quieter than the original takeover, flashpoints like the Dahl incident aside.

Similarly all university hiring is now controlled by DEI departments, right down to filtering janitors with mandatory "diversity statements." Flashy campaigns are no longer necessary; now begins the boots grinding on faces forever stage of the revolution.

That was the way I understood it from his original comment #300-something that went viral and summoned the mob.

I'll try to find it again. Was stalking the accounts of users supporting the Roald Dahl censorship (well, attacking anyone who opposed it as hateful bigots with no empathy, anyway), and ended up closing the whole window.