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User ID: 473



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User ID: 473

In another type of society ignoring your sexual desire and doing something else might be workable as a last resort, but in a modern welfare state it is for many reasons a humiliating and degrading proposal. It’s well-known that women (at least in Europe) receive far more money from the state through welfare, maternity care and health care than they pay in tax, and that means all tax-paying men inevitably support women with their hard work.

I'm sure Western societies are already close to the point where women pay more than 50% of all taxes.

EDIT: looking back I think it's easy to interpret this comment as feminist or pro-feminist. It was never intended as such.

No, you aren't crazy.

The most plausible explanation is that Hillary's campaign staffers in 2016, most of whom were probably single and childless cat ladies already caught up in the cycle of online feminist radicalization for years, convinced themselves that "Berniebros" (who actually never existed anywhere but the imagination of Hillary's propagandists and were simply a mirage), "Nazi" 4chan trolls and toxic male Trump supporters represent a worthy political target somehow, and thus convinced Hillary that it'd be a good idea to radicalize her own base by rallying against the "basket of deplorables". I imagine it wasn't her own idea actually, and most of this was simply about her staffers wanting to feel good about themselves.

Can you elaborate please?

I suggest 'human biological determinism' as the alternative meaning of HBD. At least that's how I've seen it defined in the past.

O9A is very obviously a CIA honey trap.

I'm going to argue that it was celebrating the military victory on Latvian soil over, you know, literal Nazis ("garbage humans", "deplorables" etc.), alien occupiers, aggressors, oppressors etc. It's not a monument, as far as I can tell, to the reannexation of Latvia, or to the establishing of Soviet military bases in Latvia i.e. "occupation", or to Russianness, a Russian empire, or to Stalin.

So I clicked on the link and took a look. I don't disagree with the findings of that study, but I think there's definitely some nuance warranted here.

If we define 'sexual predation/assault' according to 21st Century feminist terminology, then the cited research is definitely correct. After all, I think it's self evident that it's usually not low-status men who make - and, presumably, get away with - 'inapproriate' sexual advances, do sexual acts without specifically asking for consent etc.

However, if we use the word 'rape' in the original / based / non-normie sense of the word, i.e. rape-rape (h/t to Whoopi Goldberg), a brutal and violent act, then I think we're safe to say that low-status men are more likely to perpetrate it.

Plenty of married couples rent?

I'm sure they do, generally as long as they're still childless. Once they're not, I'm not sure most people see that as a viable option.

There's a graph that circulates on Twitter frequently about how Western youth are supposedly polarizing sharply away from each other, with women becoming more left-wing and men becoming more right-wing, and if you actually look at the graph it just shows men becoming mildly more conservative, a change that is barely perceptible, while women are stampeding to the left.

South Korea is an exemption though, as far as I can tell.

You can't write this and then not give us anything!

Check the quotes in the original comment, I suggest.

It's hardly realistic to assume that any Russian offensive in the future will even reach the Moldovan border.

Drugs are no big deal, the whole war on drugs thing is right wing conservative Republican freakout

designed to tyrannize innocent BIPOC, of course.

I think it's a more accurate meaning though.

Good point. I wouldn't call that gratuitous though.

I think eugenics and euthanasia are concepts worthy of consideration, and the German military defeat in 1945 does not turn them into "wrong choices".

The political issue with leaving the statue standing is that statues need regular cleaning and maintenance. The next thing you know, outraged leftists are posting photos all over social media of maintenance workers, many of them blacks, cleaning the feet of Lee and his horse under the instructions of the city government. That wouldn't go over too well.

No, because I don't have the habit of saving the URL of articles I read in a database in case someone asks me for the source on an online form 8 years later.

Yes and yes, hence why I'd question conflating the two.

That's not what I meant. How is it relevant that he wasn't the one who technically purchased the paintings?

In that case it's clear that your assumptions about dissident rightists bear little resemblance to reality.

What exactly does anal have anything to do with this?

If you don't mind being lonely, you should also not mind not becoming a mother.

This is probably nothing new, but I'd argue that cars are great (i.e. efficiently used) for one thing, that is, for a nuclear family to move between two locations, as long as both our outside urban cores.

I don't think that the average woman can deliver 3 or more healthy children in a span of 5-8 years and retain good health. Statistically it's not likely. But even if it is, this is the equivalent of advising women to marry after finishing college. I think that's rather countercultural today.

According to the linked Wikipedia article, it seems it was a simple case of cancelling:
