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Not robot-ist just don't like 'em

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User ID: 1558


Not robot-ist just don't like 'em

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User ID: 1558

The domino theory was not that A empowers the actor to attempt B. It is it emboldens the actor to attempt B.

This is a textbook motte and bailey.

Perhaps YOU, @Gdanning, are scrupulously consistent in every discussion you've ever had that Domino Theory describes emboldening only, but many/most proponents of the theory are not.

And has the EU interfered in any of this?

Presumably not, but that's because both of these examples are poor ones, in each case coupling a small dose of what globohomo hates with a large dose of what globohomo likes, making it an aggregate win for the globalist homogenisers.

Abort disabled people? This is not globohomo. But look at it from the other side: abort disabled people, and we see that it is in fact smack in line with the no-questions-asked abortifactants on demand that the cosmopolitan class loves.

Encourage single mothers to have blonde blue eyed babies? Bad. Encourage single mothers to have blonde blue eyed babies? Good, smash the patriarchy, children don't need fathers anyway.

He was in the equivalent of a supermax prison.

...in a country with a smaller economy than Italy's (notorious for losing mafia bosses from supermax). Russia can't afford to secure its jails from determined infiltrators.

have an internal party vote and then everyone is bound to vote for the winner on the floor of Congress or they get expelled from the party.

I was under the impression that this was a specific trait of Leninist parties, which might contain the answer as to why the US Republicans don't do it.

Just as plenty of Americans who illegally aided the IRA during the troubles were loyal to the US.

This is oxymoronic. If you violate the policies and laws of the government, you are by definition disloyal.

This case, if true, is obviously tragic.

It's the "if" that should make it a scissor statement. It is very difficult to prove "medical murder", and therefore reasonable people may disagree on the implications of this case. The feminists could insist that Letby is a victim of a misogynistic society determined to punish women, and doctors / hospital managers are trying to use her as a scapegoat for systemic failures in the healthcare system. While on the other side...


...ok maybe that's why there's no toxoplasma around this. What bloc is going to be a loud comment section partisan for "Yes she did kill all those babies"? Misogynists who do want to blame women for everything are a boogieman that don't actually exist, so who is there to fill up the Internet for the prosecution?

Women buy an exceedingly large number of excessively expensive swimsuits. Do you have an explanation why?

Perhaps they know that they live in an attention economy, even as they wish they did not? They think it would be better if they were valued for their opinions and not their curves, but alas, it is not so.

(Also I don't think they're spending their own money on those swimsuits)

But who says 'slaughter the innocent, treasure and protect the guilty!'

I can actually defend Neely in the context of your analogy from a right-wing perspective. Bombing Afghan aid workers and not giving a shit but handling Neely with kid gloves is right and proper because he's American and the Afghan aid worker isn't. One of our guys is worth a hundred foreigners, that's the whole point of being a nation with national in-group preference.

This wasn't intended as antagonism; The Narcissist's Prayer is literally the name of the thing. I am in the same unfortunate situation as the residents of Fucking: in that the name itself carries unfortunate connotations.

If there's a more plain-spraking way of denoting the concept I am happy to switch...?

Ya i see no reason why foreign nationals should be limited in their discussion of US politics.

The problem with taking this stance is that you arrive at the conclusion that a Macedonian troll farm spamming pro-Trump propaganda and funded by the Russian state then becomes this is fine. They're just foreigners discussing American politics, why would anyone complain?

Adding my vote (haha!) to this one. Women are just more susceptible to propaganda in general, and this includes "YoUr VoTe MaTtErS!" propaganda.

but really, at some point, you'd imagine sheer morale questions would make it hard for Russians to proceed

The Russian army managed to proceed westwards under literally Stalin, so I don't really think you can characterise the Russian infantryman as a creature with great susceptibility to morale damage. Lose: concentration camp. Win: gulag!

The occupations of Germany and Japan went well

By what metrics?

Certain people are always lecturing me that "the only reason the west is rich is because of all that silver that Spain expropriated from Bolivia"; if we accept that profitable resource extraction / trade windfalls was both the objective and a successful objective of colonial occupations, where's my silver dollars made out of Axis bullion?

Neither is the average grad student, or Indian call center employee, they just mindlessly regurgitate whatever is fed to them by their professors/supervisors.

Yes, but this is an argument for morally valuing useless demographics less, not for morally valuing babies more.

Given that Britains war aims were essentially to keep the continent pretty much as it was before the war and preserve the balance of power in Europe

"We want Austria-Hungary to keep oppressing everyone because the status quo is profitable to our top-hat class" is not exactly my definition of Just War.

(remember that the military, the police, small-town local elites, organised religion and Fox News are all objectively part of the establishment)

This can't be a general rule - look how often establishments get military coup'd in Africa. Do you mean specifically in America 2023?

How would you know, before you get arranged-married at 16 (this ALSO being the Chestertonian wisdom-of-the-ancestors advice)?

What slippery slope exists between abortion and interracial marriage?

If your model of pro-lifers is "conservatives who want to turn the clock back to the social mores of 1950", the answer becomes obvious. It's a slope of "concessions to that agenda".

First they go for the least popular and legally flimsiest 2020s social more (abortion). When they succeed at that one, it's easier to knock down the next domino, both because the conservatives are energised by the proof that liberal progress can be reversed, and because their opponents have to concede "OK when the conservatives won last time the country didn't immediately get consumed by hellfire". Slip!

No, I don't think the logic of the commanders there was "we want to do it ourselves because the foreigners will bungle it and lose our boys to the sea".

And I don't think the logic of Ukrainian men at the front line is "We defend our land with all our hearts!", either; I think it's more likely to do with the law that makes it illegal for them to leave, and the probabiloty of getting tarred and feathered across global media for 'cowardice' by their Americo-Euromaidan regime commissars. That's the thing about making "WELL I THINK THAT" assertions: the interlocutor can just-so right back at you.

Not to mention, of course, that the Russian command did bungle it.

Yeah, but they didn't know they'd bungle it when they started. Hindsight is 20:20.

Pulling out of Afghanistan, BBB, student loan relief, CHIPS Act, etc.

Those all sound like _un_doing things that previous Presidents did.

Not quite the same as proactivity.

Didn't do me any good during the Cold War either. The reason we work a 40 hour week instead of an 80 hour one is because Soviet tanks scared Western capitalists into making concessions to labor. If those bases hadn't been in Germany the Western capitalists would have been more scared and we'd be working a 20 hour week now instead.

Israel shouldn't lose points for preventing more Israelis from being killed and this making this comparison look bad.

How do you feel about the sentencing for murder being different from the sentencing for conspiracy?

How many Brazilians do you think are posting on /r/portland?

On the face of it: this is good evidence against my thesis.

More subtly: "Portland is home to one of the largest immigrant and refugee populations in Oregon", hmmmm, what a twist.

I note here a rather egregious goalpost shift from "morale" to "ordinance".

incomprehensibly unlikely outcome that probably has nothing to do with the fact that your child goes to a public school.

I'm saying that if you run the numbers in a Pascal's-wager sense, my suspicion is that "incomprehensibly unlikely that it works" * "positive utility of being incomprehensibly wealthy" actually does come out better in terms of expectation value.

Aren't you also just implying that it's acceptable to shelter your child indefinitely from the bad parts of society?

Well, which kind of "acceptable" are you talking about?

If you're asking whether I think it's acceptable in terms of "rational cost-benefit analysis" (the same metric by which I considered homeschooling them into a billionaire above), then probably no. I think sending them to a highschool on the wrong side of the railroad tracks is particularly likely to be deteimental and therefore worth avoiding by homeschool. But other "bad parts of society", like, idk, waiting in line at the DMV? Learning Aurelian stoicism by firsthand experience of The Queue is probably a net good.

If you're asking whether I think it's morally acceptable to forcibly curate a child's experience of the world in pursuit of a bizarre human experiment in genius creation then: yes, I am very much in the paterfamilias camp of "They're my kid, I own them, I can do what I want".