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Not robot-ist just don't like 'em

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User ID: 1558


Not robot-ist just don't like 'em

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User ID: 1558

Some (me) would say the Iraqi one is much more benign because that invasion didn't leave millions of American-Iraqui colonists / anchor-babies there to cause further demographic and political disruption in perpetuity.

I'm not even calling for the establishment of a race of Ubermensch, I want everyone raised up to as close to equality as possible


Seriously, why do you think it should be some sort of teleological objective of mankind to have everyone calibrated to be of equal ability?

Even if these abilities are high, this is still some kind of Harrison Bergeron dystopian shit.

Quite. The Mexicans in Mexico are the ones puppeteering the Mexicans in the USA: "Go to El Norte and send us some money" style. So yeah, they are invading the USA, in the same way that George Bush was invading Iraq - he isn't personally the boots on the ground, but the boots on the ground wouldn't have been there if he didn't direct them.

"they are not stupid, so if they are at the bottom it can only be because society has placed them there."

But if you actually prove that they are stupid, then what?

This is MathWizard's point: progressives don't actually disbelieve that the stupid deserve to be at the bottom of the pile, they simply disagree about who are the stupid ones.

Maybe this kind of stuff is needed because people like you deny the Holocaust and argue that Jews control our lives?

Does everyone in America really need to be right about something that happened on another continent 80 years ago?

I'm not saying the Holocaust didn't happen, I'm saying we shouldn't care whether it did or not; certainly not to the extent of making laws about it.

Given that Britains war aims were essentially to keep the continent pretty much as it was before the war and preserve the balance of power in Europe

"We want Austria-Hungary to keep oppressing everyone because the status quo is profitable to our top-hat class" is not exactly my definition of Just War.

Sometimes I wonder what the Turks are getting out of all this that makes it worth it.

Work visas they can convert into chain migration into Germany.

It's not quite EU-membership total freedom of movement, but it's close.

It is a well-established fact that women are people. Treating people like objects is the essence of evil.

What's the greater evil: my psychopathy, or OP's incel-ism?

Overcoming social anxiety to be able to date is a good end. Does it really matter that one uses evil means when the evil means exist only in my subjective qualia, not in the objective outside world?

If I have a perfectly good spanner and I try and use it to recalibrate CERN I'm gonna have a bad time. That doesn't mean I should throw my spanner out, it means I should go back to using it as a spanner. The solution to the Peter Principle is to hit the promotions board with a rolled up newspaper, not to institute rolling firings on everyone that could possibly be promoted.

One step further is "up or out".

This sounds like a great way to ruin a business. You have to wonder if these people have ever even heard of the Peter Principle.

We can broaden this to a discussion about climate change or even immigration. Sure, there will be issues, but the doomsters on both issues were proven wrong historically.

This proves too much, because it implies that all those 1700s Native Americans whining about Pilgrims stealing their land were just paranoid doomers.

Sometimes, bad shit actually does happen

I ask you not to move the goalposts. Nobody was discussing such other requirements here.

Well I certainly was, and given that I wrote the post to which you are responding, I can assure you that the goalposts remain exactly where I first placed them. My point about working in the wagie cubes was intended to refer to the broad class of "activities engaged in grudgingly" rather than the specific class of "activities engaged in out of purely economic necessity". Revealed preferences need not always refer to the revealed preferences of one's employment.

But with that out of the way:

It feels strange for me to be whiteknighting career e-thots, but I still think your reasoning is flawed. Let's say Job A contains upside 1 and downside 2, while Job B contains upside 3 and upside 4. And let's say the magnitudes of the upsides and downsides run 1 > 2 >> 3 > 4. Job 1 has big upsides and big downsides compared to either in Job B, but in both cases the upside exceeds the downside so you do actually want the job (more than unemployment). That you stick with Job A despite REALLY hating downside 2 is testament to the advantage of upside 1, not that you actually, secretly, masochistically enjoy downside 2.

To but some colour to these scenarios: Job A is Instathot, upside 1 is simpbux, downside 2 is "constant thirstposting in her comments", Job B is office worker, upside 3 is mediocre salary bux, and downside 4 is the anomie of regular office work.

In this rubric we see that it is logically possible that Instathots do not in fact appreciate the drool and asparagus emojis they get in their DMs, but they're willing to put up with it to live the high life. Whether they have any moral right to complain about it is another question - they have signed the Faustian Pact and bought themselves tropical holidays with it, it seems therefore petty to whine that the devil will inevitably take his due. But do they like having to hold up their side of the contract? Well, no-one I know has ever enjoyed holding up their side of a contract, so I can believe that they do, in fact, not, and are just in it for the (lots of) money.

This doesn't apply to insta/tiktok/etc models.

Doesn't it?

I mean, obviously the median woman with an Instagram account doesn't need to post Instagram bikini pics to to able to afford bread. But human beings have other requirements, like high-value mates. How do you think (or how does she think) she's going to get one of those without some kind of self-promotion?

Generally I'm paranoid about approaching women, because I feel like maybe they think I'm a creep and they're just too polite to say so. My biggest concern isn't that they dislike me per se; it's that maybe I've hurt the woman without realizing it. I'm very sensitive about that.

The only cure for this is practice. Many years ago I almost threw up with anxiety before my first dating-app date. Now, women are disposable playthings to me and I have absolutely no concern for their feelings at all beyond the instrumental requirements to get them to sleep with me. At a point you come to regard each one as an entertaining brain-teaser (how do I need to rotate this Rubix cube to get it into my bedroom?) rather than as a person to whom the Golden Rule applies. This makes dating totally stress-free because you just don't care if you go down in flames.

TL;DR: There's nothing to make your first forays into the pitiless jungle psychologically easier, but each foray makes the next one easier.

When or if reaction comes, it will have to feel as natural as say, supporting Ukraine.

...which is to say, not natural at all and entirely the product of MSM narrative-craft and bot astroturfing?

Huh? That doesn't even make sense. How can the "risks bigger than AI" , which includes nuclear war, be bigger than the possible risk of AI starting a nuclear war?

If we say that nuclear war has a disutility of 0.9 and a human-started nuclear war has a probability of 0.2 this puts human-started nuclear war at a risk factor of 0.18.

If we say that unfriendly AI has a 0.3 chance of occuring and then a 0.6 chance of successfully starting nuclear war, this gives it a risk factor of 0.162: lower than human-started nuclear war.

(remember that the military, the police, small-town local elites, organised religion and Fox News are all objectively part of the establishment)

This can't be a general rule - look how often establishments get military coup'd in Africa. Do you mean specifically in America 2023?

I liked the second book because of how ridiculously misogynistic it is.

The third book goes so soft sci-fi it breaks my suspension of disbelief.

Women buy an exceedingly large number of excessively expensive swimsuits. Do you have an explanation why?

Perhaps they know that they live in an attention economy, even as they wish they did not? They think it would be better if they were valued for their opinions and not their curves, but alas, it is not so.

(Also I don't think they're spending their own money on those swimsuits)

If women stated that the issue was avoiding runaway intrasexual competition it'd be one thing.

"Ban this ad because other women are hotter than me" is not a sentiment that any woman wants to admit to others or herself, a'la cognitive dissonance. To out yourself as an uggo is to lower your own social status, so I can't really begrudge women for not making that argument any more than I begrudge myself for not making the argument that all gyms should be banned so fewer guys are buffer than me so I can get more chicks. I would like it if they were but I can't make the argument.

We can nevertheless infer that this is their true motive by mapping out their incentive structures.

This is just about the worst link you could have attached to support your argument because Amouranth is extremely obviously fabricating her husband's "abuse" to facilitate more simp donations.

Indeed, you're on to a losing battle whenever you claim that we can "know" (justified true belief) that something is happening based on the evidence of an lewd streamer's Twitter self-reporting.

By their revealed preferences, many (more like most) women rather enjoy being sex objects to the extent they can.

This sounds a bit isomorphic to "Men must want to wear a suit and tie and sit in a cubicle being a wagie for 8 hours a day, look how many of them do it!"

I work in my wagie cube grudgingly because I need the money. It is not beyond imagination that Instagram/TikTok/SnapChat thots have similar ulterior motives.

They need the specific kind of legibility, for an illiterate dirt farmer in an emerging economy who just got his first internet connected smartphone on a microloan. Corporate Memphis is distilled lowest-common-denominator art.

how much info is ideal?

I've been to enough rodeos where my prejudices were thoroughly vindicated that I'm going for "Zero, my priors are great, judge purely from them".

We're a discussion forum, not a court of law. themotte.org has no standards of evidence, and that's fine.

I love this comment as a glittering example of "Comes so close to noticing but then the crimestop kicks in"

To wit: don't you think it a little... suspicious... that the """reports from IRL""" that your news media pipes you from Ukraine, map so neatly into the tropes you've been fed for decades from your entertainment?

Does that not strike you as a little, err, improbable to be an organic occurrance?

(So no-one accuses me of not speaking plainly: I am forwarding this as circumstantial evidence that Western reporting from the Ukraine War is very, very contaminated by Western attempts to narrative craft it into the pre-prepared slot in the Western psyche of "Just like my Indiana Jones movies".)