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User ID: 290


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User ID: 290

After I kept yelling β€œGo away, bear!” it ran back off, and I was surprised by just how fast that thing was; it felt like a marvel of biomechanics.

Also effective: "I need you to go now. I hope you enjoyed my yard." and "PERKELE!!!1!"

Palestinians have a hostile nation occupying their territory

And what, in your opinion, constitutes 'their territory'?

Easter won't occur on March 31st for at least the next 25 years (sorry, my chart only goes to 2049).

Next occurrence is in 2086 (62 years hence).

Even if the Aitchbeedee hypothesis is true, that does not make black people's condition hopeless; nor does it justify slavery or Jim Crow laws.

It means that nature herself is racist, and reparations are owed in the form of IQ-increasing genetic engineering disproportionally paid for by white people and East Asians.

This is taking a physically healthy and "natural" male and turning it into a defective and unnatural male: a male with no penis, no testicles, and a hole where a hole shouldn't be.

This begs the question of whether the patient was supposed to be a man or a woman. They could be thought of as having been born as a defective and unnatural woman, lacking the parts and capabilities she is naturally supposed to have; the operation would then be turning her into something closer to her natural form.

Admittedly she would not be entirely there with the current state of medical practise (e. g. unable to bear children); however, this is less an ironclad proof of the One True Ontology Of Gender and more of a Skill Issue on the part of surgeons.

Imagine we had the technology to perfectly change someone's sex, and also had the technology to cure their GID (as in, they won't feel like they're in the wrong body anymore). From a Natural Law perspective, curing the GID seems to be the superior treatment.

From a 'considering second-order effects' perspective, 'curing' someone's mind to make them accept their existing body opens a slippery slope to those who do not accept 'Natural Law' to 'cure' their workers of the desire for humane working conditions.

Therefore changing someone's body, into a form which exists naturally (men and women both naturally exist), may forestall the un-natural transformation of human beings into something that does not naturally exist.

In any case, what is certainly not licit under Natural Law is to take a natural human and lop off bits of it

Again, that is begging the question of whether a trans person, prior to medical interventions, is a 'natural human'.

But the soul is still oracular; amid the market's din,

List the ominous stern whisper from the Delphic cave within,

β€”"They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin."

most people who use it don’t intend for it to mean the ethnic cleansing or murder of Israelis.

They don't even know which river and sea!

The philosophical work underpinning extant views on gender goes back over a century, to Nikolay Chernyshevsky's declaration that

people will be happy when there will be neither women nor men

I think it goes back a bit further than that....

What every critical race theorist, marxist philosopher and academic β€˜decolonize science’ poaster in America has in common right now is a πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ flag in their Instagram bio.

Not all of them.

Some of them use the πŸ‰ emoji.

before God decides to go full Sodom and Gomorrah on us.

If that is your concern, perhaps you ought to focus more on the prohibitions on feeding the homeless.

We respect each others' beliefs regarding the supernatural (including the beliefs "It exists" and "It doesn't exist"), even when we know Our Beliefs are Objectively Correct and Their Beliefs are Objectively Wrong, because when we don't, Bad Things tend to happen.

Was there a control group, to distinguish the effect of the rocket noises from that of the board, straps, and headphones?

That the appraised and assessed values of Trump properties are not the same thing?

For those of us who are unfamiliar with real-estate finance, can you explain the difference between them and how it applies to this case? They both sound like they mean 'How much is this building/land worth?', but if there is a legitimate difference between them....

If "discussing bigfoot or high fantasy novels as if they were true with a capital T" prevented a continent from being bled dry for three decades....

It would have been the rational thing to do, give Trump something to make him go away.

Once you pay the Dane-geld, you'll never be rid of the Dane.

Yes, we need more people saying that Americans' rights come from Congress and the Supreme Court (except when they overturn Roe or keep Trump on the ballot), and anyone who says otherwise (such as Thomas Jefferson, or the rest of the Founding Fathers, or pretty much any American statesman up until maybe half a century ago) is a dangerous, fanatical β€œChristian Nationalist” theocrat.

There is a big difference between

Our rights were written into the fabric of existence by the Divine Watch-maker/Great Architect of the Universe at the beginning of time. They apply to everyone, even when it is inconvenient to the State.


Our rights exist at the pleasure of a glowing biped in the sky. The dis-obedient/heretics/infidels/Northern Conservative Fundamental Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 have no rights which we are bound to respect.

I suspect people are more worried are more about the latter than the former.

this was a generally Protestant Christian framework, with freedom of religion primarily being a truce between denominations not to use the state to settle matters of doctrinal differences

Thomas Jefferson would dis-agree.

But do the genitals at birth necessarily correspond to God's will more than experienced gender identity does?

(also, given the Church's recent history, concerning themselves with the genitals of infants is, as they say, Not A Good Look.)

Not at this time; I usually am reminded of them by relevant context.

That particular verse appeared as Arc Words in Scott Alexander's novel UNSONG.

Not sure Barack would want to run, even if he could. His hair looked a lot græyer in 2016 than 2008....

the implications of this tech would suggest we can ALSO psychologically tweak people to be completely content with their current identity.

What if we could engineer people to feel 100% straight, have no doubt about their biological gender, and no curiosity about experiencing what the other genders were like, and they were about as non-dysphoric as you could get?

The problem with opening that can of worms is that one then invites "What if we could engineer people to not need work-life balance?"/"What if we could engineer people to not find it degrading to 小便 in bottles rather than needing bathroom breaks?"/"What if we could engineer people to be content eating bugs/living in a pod/owning nothing?"/insert whatever you fear your outgroup imposing on people.

That's why I oppose it.

Sell them to someone with a pet snake?

Universalisability principle! If everyone did that, members of certain groups, finding themselves unable to put a roof over their heads, might be less inclined to co-operate with society.

State marriage only exists to manage procreative couplings.

But infertile opposite-sex couples could always get married...?

Also the state has other strong interests in deterring homosexuality.

Such as...?

important shared experience that connects all women for having been oppressed by the patriarchy as girls

I think this proves too much: would radical feminists consider someone born with female parts in a non-patriarchal society to be a woman?