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User ID: 290


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User ID: 290

"any difference in outcome is caused by racism, we just need to find the racism"

I don't know of anything else that it could be; admittedly, the claims made by the aitchbeedeeists, if true, would describe racism perpetrated by nature.

  • -11

But do the genitals at birth necessarily correspond to God's will more than experienced gender identity does?

(also, given the Church's recent history, concerning themselves with the genitals of infants is, as they say, Not A Good Look.)

Biden was caught doing the exact same thing

It was my understanding that Biden returned everything as soon as he realised he had it, while his predecessor refused to return documents upon notification by the National Archives, and repeatedly lied about having more things he wasn't supposed to.

Admittedly, I live in a fairly Blue-tribe circle; is my understanding incorrect?

To the best of my knowledge, Secretary Clinton didn't show anyone what she had.

Loose lips sink ships, but her lips were sealed tighter than a pickle jar.

Which, if I understand correctly, he also returned.

Were there any instances in which Mr. Biden either:

A: Denied possessing classified documents which he knew he possessed,


B: Refused to return classified documents which he was informed belonged to the government?

before God decides to go full Sodom and Gomorrah on us.

If that is your concern, perhaps you ought to focus more on the prohibitions on feeding the homeless.

Imagine we had the technology to perfectly change someone's sex, and also had the technology to cure their GID (as in, they won't feel like they're in the wrong body anymore). From a Natural Law perspective, curing the GID seems to be the superior treatment.

From a 'considering second-order effects' perspective, 'curing' someone's mind to make them accept their existing body opens a slippery slope to those who do not accept 'Natural Law' to 'cure' their workers of the desire for humane working conditions.

Therefore changing someone's body, into a form which exists naturally (men and women both naturally exist), may forestall the un-natural transformation of human beings into something that does not naturally exist.

In any case, what is certainly not licit under Natural Law is to take a natural human and lop off bits of it

Again, that is begging the question of whether a trans person, prior to medical interventions, is a 'natural human'.

the right-wing attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade can be seen as a defence against a very questionable attempt by the left to impose their preferred policy decisions on states which would not otherwise have adopted them.

And Roe v. Wade can be seen as a defence against attempts by the right to impose their preferred policy decisions on women who would not otherwise have adopted them.

There's still a big difference between "It's lithium" and "It's some environmental contaminant", though.

why is it such a big deal for trans people to use the "gender I identify with" bathroom, then?

One concern is the ability of people to use bathrooms without announcing what genitals they were born with.

But they didn't tell everyone and his brother about it.

in a hypothetical future with plentiful and very low-carbon electricity generation, a gas stove might lock in fossil fuel consumption.

Unless the gas is produced from said low-carbon electricity generation....

Even if the Aitchbeedee hypothesis is true, that does not make black people's condition hopeless; nor does it justify slavery or Jim Crow laws.

It means that nature herself is racist, and reparations are owed in the form of IQ-increasing genetic engineering disproportionally paid for by white people and East Asians.

Fewer than if they were openly discriminated against, I suspect.

Utilitarianism is based on false premises and is a terrible basis for a system of morality.

Utilitarianism is the worst form of moral system, except for all the others that have been tried.

I think it kind of works; one could be said to 'carry' an objection. I understand your irritation, though.

If "discussing bigfoot or high fantasy novels as if they were true with a capital T" prevented a continent from being bled dry for three decades....

from what I can tell from them, the concept of a society that isn't patriarchal might exist in fiction or fantasy

I was thinking of the society postulated in the pre-Indo-European--matriarchal-society hypotheses....

but one hasn't existed yet.

...and the radical feminists' ideal future.

"Assuming the ancient-European Mother-Goddess worship hypothesis to be true, would someone born with female parts in such a society be a woman?"

"If you succeed in your goals and remove the patriarchy, would your great-great-granddaughters be women?"

important shared experience that connects all women for having been oppressed by the patriarchy as girls

I think this proves too much: would radical feminists consider someone born with female parts in a non-patriarchal society to be a woman?

and he would have won.

I certainly don't dispute that part.

That worked well enough in 1789, pre-telegraphs/railroads/steamships. A 20th/21st century economy is far wider in geographical scope, thus companies can more easily threaten to take jobs/tax revenue elsewhere. In order for a state government to have the option of 'factory that cleans up after itself even if that is less profitable', rather than having only the options of 'horrendously polluting factory' and 'no factory', a method of coΓΆrdination is needed across state lines.

What is loco parentis?

It means that their parents are just as crazy?

And how do you propose to ensure that a woman can leave an abusive husband while still keeping herself fed and housed?

It depends on what was marked on said maps; "Locations of secret facilities Pyongyang thinks they've hidden from us" could be very bad if it got back to them.