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joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

When SBF says he didn't realize they were leveraged due to accounting error, I believe him. It's not like you can just install the QuickBooks Enterprise Crypto Derivatives Exchange plugin. All of this stuff was bespoke, and in a hurry.

I'm not buying your explanation here, like at all. Yeah there's not really any crypto-specific accounting software out there, but several of the issues FTX had would have been found in under an hour by any random schlub who completed a double-entry accounting course on youtube or skillshare. Having $3 billion in customer funds go into the bank account of an entirely different company (that is also owned by SBF) and never actually get transferred to FTX's accounts is beyond amateur hour. The worst accountants in the world could notice an issue that big. It was almost certainly fraud, and if it wasn't it was reckless and criminal levels of negligence.

I dunno, I'd rather hear more about fraud shenanigans in the world of cryptocurrency than what idiots on social media are doing

22% of lesbians were molested as children, vs. 1% of heterosexual women:


It's basically a black version of Youtube. 99% of videos on it are either ghetto fights or wannabe rap/hip-hop stars uploading their garbage music. It used to be (still is?) common in videos of fights to hear the cameraman or other bystanders shouting "Worldstar!" or "This is going to be on Worldstar!"

Which resulted in... the creation of the FISA court. So my hopes aren't high that any such committee will accomplish jack and/or shit other than further entrench the IC's power.

So do I, but can you really deny the benefits?

Yeah, I can. Prices are higher in cities (not just for housing) which eats into the benefit of higher wages, and if you can work remote you can get big city level wages while living in the middle of nowhere. The only real advantage I see to cities is access to a wide variety of stores/food/cultural activities.

Tried some made of agave (don't recall what restaurant this was at) and while the texture was strange it worked well and didn't turn into a soggy mess. No idea how much they cost vs. plastic though.

Edit: I'm sure wholesale prices are different but I can find plastic straws for 2 cents per on Amazon (and potentially cheaper if I looked harder) while the cheapest agave straws I saw on Amazon were 10 cents per, so not completely terrible.

Rebellion has been successfully co-opted by the monoculture and you can buy it at your local strip mall now.

Are you a fan of Uncle Ted, by chance? This sentence is essentially the thesis of The System's Neatest Trick.

Prediction before reading: if you hadn't made a post about it on here, my default assumption would have been some of them leaning in favor of keeping affirmative action, but the commenters being surprisingly moderate overall despite the overall left politics of NYT readers. Since you posted about it here my gotcha sense is tingling and is now assuming that the comments are overwhelmingly in favor of abolishing AA.

Edit after reading about 20 top level comments: my initial idea was more or less right, my gotcha sense was wrong.

I mean it's not the most unique idea, 4channers already use it sometimes as a normie filter.

The University of Utah's econ department has been called Marxist pretty often. I mean UofU's raison d'etre is to be the anti-BYU so it kind of makes sense:


Back when I made the unfortunate decision to live in Seattle, I did actually live less than a 15-minute walk from a supermarket. And I literally never walked to it, because Seattle is full of steep hills similar to San Francisco's and even if it wasn't you can only carry so much in a single trip. Asking if it is a 15 minute cit is asking "Do you want to make a 30 minute round trip to the grocery store on foot every three days?" And I'm guessing for most Americans the answer is a resounding no.

I've seen it (in fact, it was specifically the phrase "Eat the rich") on the blog of one of the best Rust tutorial people (Fasterthanlime). He's a Frenchie though so I give him a bit more of a pass I guess. Though he also had a quote from Christ during the last supper as an example once too so who knows?

Only if you disagree with and/or igmore arguments that the unborn baby has rights that are being violated when the mother aborts.

Not a father, but not for lack of trying. My wife and I started adoption paperwork recently.

I would have liked to have gotten married at around age 21 or 22 (so not long after returning from my missionary work) and would have happily had kids right away, or after graduation (age 23-24) at the latest. But God definitely had something else in store for me. I'm 34 now.

That said, I think OP is right about most men not wanting to have kids young. Non-religious men who want to have families at a young age are the exception, not the rule.

You'd have to be careful about causality, I specifically worked to improve my career prospects because I got married, I was fine with kind of coasting until I had other people depending on me.

Also not sure how much of it is based on a false stereotype or not, but the old song "Johnny Verbeck" is about a Dutchman who invents a sausage making machine and grinds up all of the neighborhood's cats and dogs in it.

Does that include other means tested benefits where the number of children you have affects how much you need to make to qualify? At least in the US food stamps and other welfare programs are easier to qualify for if you have more kids.


Liberalism runs deep and can still be saved.

Does it run deep? As much as I love it, it seems to largely be the product of English culture and institutions, and the weirdos who were most into it self-selected and yeeted themselves across the ocean to America. Continental Europeans never really seemed to get behind it, given their love of handing over absolute power to the state. And of late England and most of its former colonies other than the US seem more in favor of giving absolute power to the state rather than anything remotely resembling liberal democracy. The US is the last bastion of anyone and everyone who gives the smallest fuck about limiting state power, and even then it's a dwindling number. Covid lockdowns alone should have been enough to convince you of that.

I mean, you don't have to believe me, but I have zero moral qualms about meat eating and still think most of the stereotypes of fanatical vegans are accurate. My only rule for animal cruelty is: does the cruelty serve some productive economic purpose? So long as the answer is yes I don't care how animals are treated.

That's actually a brilliant idea, imagine an anime about St. George slaying the dragon with lots of Christian metal for the soundtrack. And tons of animes have excessively long internal monologues, so you could have him thinking to himself about the nature of faith, temptation, or whatever the message of the week is etc.

Depending on which Christians you ask it may very well be mocking God. For example, you could argue that the power of creation and destruction are God's, and using them outside of the ways he has allowed us to use them is a mockery of His power. This would be an argument against both murder and fornication/adultery.

If you want a good adblocker on Android your best bet is to use Firefox. Van occasionally be janky, and ~1% of the time you'll need to launch Chrome for a site that's broken in FF, but having a proper adblocker is absolutely worth the fairly minor issues.

If you're already taking the grill pill might as well take the piracy pill too. It also means you don't have to have that nagging "am I financially supporting people who hate me" thought in the back of your mind any more, which will help you think about politics even less.

They even released Nerf and Transformers themed cards a few years ago. I only know this because I have a coworker who hardcore collected MTG cards (he owns multiple Black Lotus cards) and he paid me to order a pack because Hasbro was limiting the amount of packs an individual could order for the set.