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joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


User ID: 218



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


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User ID: 218

The economic gains from removing communists makes the helicopter fuel pay for itself.

Here's a question: How much time per week does the average single straight guy spend on dating sites etc., assuming he's actively looking for a date?)

Can't put a time figure to it, but back when I was single I took the shotgun approach. Men are at a huge disadvantage as far as reply rates go so volume is key Have a template for messages that contains one or two interesting tidbits about yourself to copy paste and send to every profile that even slightly interests you. Add in a few personalized questions/comments to show that you actually glanced over their profile (this lets them know that you've looked at more than just how they look) and leave the questions open-ended because women like to talk. Suppose she mentions that she plays violin. Add a question like "I noticed that you play violin, what got you into that? What do you like most about it?" Avoid yes or no questions because all you'll get are yes or no answers.

In any case, my wife actually messaged me first, so I can't say for certain that my strategy works. But it did get me a healthyish number of first dates prior to meeting my wife (about one to three a month) and a few second and third dates.

Edit: Also go to church related stuff to meet girls, if you're an actual believer. If you aren't then please don't hurt the good and faithful women who do


Illegal immigrants are often not identified as such by most state prison systems. Also any claims that illegals are less criminal than natives doesn't pass the most basic of smell tests: illegals skew younger and more male (which universally correlates with higher crime rates) and the very nature of their status as illegal immigrants makes certain crimes like identity theft (to secure housing/employment/etc.) much more common.

In situations where we do have more accurate data on the immigration status of convicts (such as federal prison system) the data suggests that the internet racists are, in fact, right. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/departments-justice-and-homeland-security-release-data-incarcerated-aliens-94-percent-all

Really the only part of a casual male outfit are the shoes, and good luck getting men to look at your shoes.

And good luck fitting into men's shoes, women have tiny feet.

"No utilitarian" is a pretty absolute claim. I don't know if the author of the "bike cuck" comic is utilitarian, but he makes a very utilitarian argument about bike theft that follows the same logic as Walterodim's:


Mexico (and much of Central amd South America) are highly dysfunctional for similar reasons, yet you still see significantly better results in infrastructure, innovation, and general prosperity in Latino countries than in sub Saharan Africa. Why bother building a successful ranch or small business or whatever in Mexico if the cartels are just going to take it away? And yet a decent amount of Mexicans strive and succeed despite such risks.

How does your mental model account for this?

He also does some interesting things with accounting, like overcharging governments by 2-3 times, and with that I wonder if the private launches aren't just subsidized by government contracts.

The problem with this argument is that SpaceX still charges the government significantly less than ULA (i.e. Lockheed and Boeing) do.

That matches pretty well with my experience. At my current job ~90% of my coworkers are Indian, most of them offshore. The ones good enough to get to the US are noticably better, but not by much. I look like a miracle worker to them with some really simple, CS101 tier crap.

Real (but slightly simplified) conversation a few weeks ago:

Them: "The API client library you wrote only takes a single instance of this object, could you change it to take an array/list/whatever?"

Me: "Well the third party API only takes a single instance at a time so I can't change it directly, but I can add a method to the library that takes a list and loops over it while sending it to the API."

Them: "That would be great, how long would it take you to implement that change? We have a project that's going to use your library starting in a month and need it reasy by then."

Me: "I can have it done in... 5 minutes?"

Them: "Really? That's amazing, how can you do it so quick?"

I was under the impression that the upper castes (and the wealthier castes) were more likely to practice strict vegetarianism than the lower castes. Obviously meat is still going to be harder to afford for the poor in lower castes, bit I don't think it would be as much of an issue.

After all, isn't the best counter-argument to claims that HBD is motivated reasoning and just a way to dunk on your outgroup to outright admit that the ethnicity you belong to isn't the best per capita?

You'd think so, but I've seen leftists make the argument "White supremacists' willingness to rate the intelligence of Asians higher than that of whites is just because they hate blacks so much that they're willing to do anything to insult their intelligence."

given that community used to be significantly more supportive of pedophilia and has been backpedaling on it for decades.

The usual argument is that they kicked out NAMBLA et al from the movement in order to gain mainstream acceptance, amd now that they have it and homosexuality has been normalized they are returning to their original goals (and more).

The argument usually isn't that there's an explicit conspiracy by the LGBT community, simply that LGBT and pedophilia are natural fellow travellers. And given the enormously higher chance that gays and lesbians were sexually abused as kids and/or had significant inappropriate sexual experiences as a kid*, combined with the higher likelihood of those who were sexually abused as children to themselves become pedophiles**, the basic idea isn't that far fetched.

*: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11501300/

**: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2082860/

I think that it’s very defensible to claim that gay male sexual norms around consent, the age thereof, harassment, and the like would be very, very bad to have adopted more widely

I don’t think it passes the smell test that LGBT people, or the movement... are pro pedophilia

Those two statements seem directly in contradiction to me

FWIW, copies of Samuel from the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as the Septuagint (ancient Greek translation of yhe OT) have Golaith's height 2 cubits shorter than the Masoretic Text (which most older translations of the Old Testament are based on). So at least according to those, Goliath was about 6' 9".

According to an old Navajo coworker I had, Skinwalker Ranch doesn't make any sense because according to Navajo lore skinwalkers only have power within some specific geographic boundaries (bounded by some specific mountain ranges I think, I don't recall the exact details).

Obviously comparing a theoretical extraterrestrial species with Earth life has plenty of inherent issues, but looking at the handful of species that (at least seem to) experience biological immortality, the most complex is a jellyfish. At least in Earth life it would appear that there might be something incompatible between complex life forms and biological immortality.

£250/month, especially when it's for what I assume is some sort of gap insurance to cover what the NHS can't, sounds really high to me. That's ~$320 a month. Here in the US, at my last 3 or 4 employers, the monthly premium for the nicer plans has never been more than about $200/month after my employer's contribution. And there are always high deductible plans that are significantly cheaper than that.

I'd make a physical version of a relational database, actually pretty easy to accomplish with filing cabinets and folders.

There's a bunch of cards/sheets/whatever containing lists of authors, each with a unique id (just a number that I increment with each new author added, though there are other ways). I find Michael Price and make a note of his id. Then there's another bunch of cards that has book/record/document titles ordered by author id. I find the sheet(s) for Michael Price's id and use that to find all books by him

There's other concerns like handling books with multiple authors, adding new sheets in the middle of others, etc. that would make it more complicated but it's nothing that can't be done by hand, especially for a smaller local/school library.

It's diet and exercise. You have to have both. Together.

You really don't, at least for weight loss. You can lose weight from diet alone by simply eating X fewer calories. You can't really lose weight from exercise alone unless you're exercising at pro athlete/olympian levels, exercise just doesn't really burn all that many calories.

I started feeling self conscious after hitting a BMI just a little under 24 (and immediately worked to drop it back down to the 22-23 range), it makes it difficult for me to even imagine how the morbidly obese can live with themselves.

Do you feel the same about the crew members of Yamamoto's plane when we assassinated him in WW2?

You forgot your (pbuh)

This website that you're currently posting on.

I never knew helldump was a thing back in the day but the circles I hanged out in mostly mocked them for being Lowtax's paypigs.