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User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

Then say that instead of pretending to be shocked

Do you have a specific objection?


Have been extinct for 400 years, how do we have any reasonable way to compare their intelligence to that of cows?

At least in Zimbabwe, the black citizens now have less economic prosperity and less political freedom than they did in Rhodesia.

and that sucks as a life.

Objection, arguing facts not in evidence. Plenty of women still live such a life an find it extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

Women wanting "liberation" is a modern phenomenon, so unless the 96% of women in 1895 that were opposed to suffrage along with their ancestors for thousands of years were Huxley's Deltas it feels like you're projecting modern culture and mores onto the past.

Well I can't speak for psychology majors, but as someone who was dumb enough to major in history there are virtually zero jobs in history outside of actually teaching history (either in grade school or university). I majored in history but went on to become a software dev. My dad majored in history but spent his whole career doing insurance claims adjustment. My grandpa majored in history and spent his whole career as an electrician. My older brother was dumb enough to get a whole ass PhD in history, and somehow managed to land one of the tiny, tiny number of actual history jobs that aren't teaching jobs.

It is no wonder women are mad and opting out. It is the only rational option.

Yet few if any are pushing for a return to the majority of women being stay at home moms without careers.

They can get dropped by their sponsors and the like though

Technically, so long as it isn't ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals, isn't it always a possibility that the pope is wrong about [insert topic here]? I mean, at least from the Catholic perspective?

There's a fun saying I bring up from time to time when people try to use the statements of leaders of my church (I'm Mormon) against me/my faith/some position I hold: "The pope says he's infallible, but no one believes him. The Mormon prophet says he is fallible, but no one believes him."

The sheer effort, technical skills, and dedication required to make that video are admirable and beautiful things (even if they're largely dedicated to something mundane and mostly worthless). I can't say the same for modern art, where literal trash piles left behind by accident by the janitorial staff are mistakenly assumed to be part of the exhibit (or the other way around, where art exhibits wre mistakenly assumed to be trash by the janitor).

Clean it up, jannie

Just some useful legal context to add to this:

In the 90's the Clinton administration cracked down on so-called "kitchen table" FFLs. A lot of gun enthusiasts became FFLs in the 80's because it allowed them to bypass a lot of the onerous gun control regulations that had been passed in previous decades, at the small small cost of a fee, record keeping requirements, and allowing the ATF to search your home without a warrant or prior notice. But hey at least you can own post-1986 machine guns!

The Clinton administration changed this by requiring that FFLs be "in the business" of manufacturing and/or selling firearms, eliminating the ability of these smaller gun enthusiasts to become FFLs. Even though my state can set clear limits for automobile sales to determine who needs a car dealer license, the ATF seemes unable to set clear limits/amounts for what determines whether or not someone is "in the business" of selling firearms.

They've intentionally left it vague for decades because it creates fear amongst gunowners who never know if the ATF might arbitrarily and capriciously decide to go after them for even a small number of sales. And in cases like OP's story where they seem to be intentionally flirting with that line it gives all the more power and justification to the ATF for overreach.

Source on the Clinton admin FFL changes:


Also for your consideration, my state's rules on who needs a car dealership license vs. the ATF's guidance on what counts as being "in the business" of selling firearms:



Blind, a kind of 4chan for software engineers

Oooooooh, I'm sold. Looks like /g/ and /pol/ had a baby. God has seen fit to let me live another day, and I'm about to make it everyone else's problem.

But in a scenario where conscription is already occurring, do you think it is proper to only require males to stay in the country?

Nothingburger predictions are why I didn't believe the western intelligence community's claim that a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent. You can find similar claims of imminent invasion going all the way back to the annexation of Crimea, with nothing to show for it. The intelligence community has successfully predicted 8 of the last 1 Russian invasions.

The VA (James Arnold Taylor) has explicitly said it was intentional. FFX's real issue with the story (even though I love it) is that none of it makes sense until you get about 95% of the way through the game, and even then you had to really be paying attention and piecing things together to make sense of it (and even then there are plot holes and nonsensical bits).

But the punchline to the Google's funding of various FOSS (or not-quite-F-or-O, like RaspberryPi) groups is that even the best-funded groups aren't doing that hot, for even the most trivial problem. Canonical is one of the better-funded groups, and it's gotten them into a variety of places (default for WSL!) and they can't bother to maintain manual review for new Snaps despite years of hilariously bad malware.

This (combined with my experience as a professional dev) are why I'm sure similar crap is common in closed source code as well, even if the attack vectors are different. In recent years I've come to the conclusion that there is simply greater need/demand for code in the world than there are competent devs able to write it (and/or companies willing to fund development of it).

At least in the case of Waco it seems like the ATF and FBI wanted to generate publicity. Koresh made regular trips into town and they could have easily arrested him then, thry chose not to.

Offshoring already basically accomplished this. The big issue with offshoring is that 99% of Indian software devs are utter dogshit and produce utter dogshit code and don't even have the competence to understand what's dogshit about this. I write this as I sift through a pile of dogshit shat out by my offshore Indian coworkers. Any time I show basic competency at my job and do things I would expect any US CS fresh out of college grad to be able to do I come across as a miracle worker to my Indian coworkers because they're really genuinely just that incompetent.

But if conscription isn't being stopped, do you think women should be blocked from leaving the country like the men?

Zendaya isn't outright ugly, but something about her is strongly reminiscent of an Olmec head that had its face flattened with a frying pan

And Heinlein messed with readers until the last page or two of the book, making you think Rico was Hispanic the whole time only to reveal that he's Filipino.

I think it's a problem with period pieces in general. Robert Eggers's work (The Vvitch, The Northman) is one of the few examples I can think of where someone in mass media attempted to have the characters' concerns match what people of that period's actual concerns would have been. And while I'm not sure what Eggers's feelings about religion are, I can tell from his films that he actually gets religious people, something that makes him better than 99% of people in tv and film. The hardcore Puritans in The Vvitch and the norse pagans in The Northman make sense on their own terms, which actually makes them more relatable to me in a strange way even if I find several of the specifics of their beliefs repugnant.

I liked Hlynka well enough, but my biggest issue him was the near constant question dodging whenever he got challenged with something difficult. Now mind you in a lot of those cases there are wats he could have responded/answered from his own viewpoint (even if I think the arguments would have been wrong) but he didn't even do that. But he would continue responding to other people's posts that didn't contain hardball questions in the meantime.