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joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


User ID: 218



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


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User ID: 218

The economic gains from removing communists makes the helicopter fuel pay for itself.

some moral frameworks attribute little or no moral value to beings that have never achieved sapience

Correct, the monsters I was referring to.

Holders of frameworks in that second set should not denigrate holders of moral frameworks in the first set as "crazy" or "monstrous"

Holders of frameworks in the first set shouldn't be the ones deciding how holders of frameworks in the second set are allowed to think and talk about them.

Because he holds extremely unethical positions for an ethicist?

Funnily I mostly know him as "That monster pretending to be an ethicist who supports infanticide."

Clean it up, jannie

Median salary for a gen-Zer is about $38,000: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/average-salary-by-age/

Assuming they have $40k for a down payment lying around, and ZERO debt, they can afford a $200,000 house. Townhomes in my semi-rural town in Utah are $250,000+. The numbers just straight up just don't pass the smell test.

Edit: Just checked Zillow, the cheapest listing I can find in my town (that isn't a trailer in a trailer park) is $265k, that's for a townhome.

Just 4chan shit, I think.

Sure, but 4chan is probably like 95% male and the female 5% are probably almost all ethots on the webcam board

I invite you to demonstrate any other model for what human consciousness could possible be.

I mean there have literally been hundreds if not thousands of models of consciousness proposed over the last few thousand years, so take your pick? The burden of proof is on you to show why your mechanical view of consciousness is superior to all of the others.

I want a killer AI that goes after people who took Roko's Basilisk seriously. Can't claim originality on that one though, I think XKCD made that joke.

I started feeling self conscious after hitting a BMI just a little under 24 (and immediately worked to drop it back down to the 22-23 range), it makes it difficult for me to even imagine how the morbidly obese can live with themselves.

Supernatural entities would presumably operates by rules separate from those of the physical universe. Aliens have to follow the same rules as us.

That's basically the plot of an episode of the X-Files. Mulder swaps bodies with a guy whose job it is to make up alien and other conspiracy theories to distract from advanced military tech.

I mean the Samaritans did it, so it's possible

Current leading headline on Drudge Report-


Links to a tweet by Matt Yglesias, who happens to be Jewish. Yglesias in turn is quoting Musk, who in turn is quoting some Twitter rando (I think) saying that Jewish communities have pushed for the same sort of hatred against whites that they oppose when it's against Jews, and so he doesn't care when they come to the shocking discovery that many of the immigrants they support flooding the country with discover that these immigrants are antisemitic. Musk simply says that the rando speaks the truth.

Here's the actual Musk tweet: https://nitter.cz/elonmusk/status/1724908287471272299#m

So, uh, how did Yglesias's clearly uncharitable interpretation of things get blasted to the top of the most popular conservative leaning news aggregator? It feels like the Gina Carano situation all over again.

This, combined with Nikki Haley's recent bizarre "Israel doesn't need the US, we need them" nonsense makes me think the GOP is trying to make some sort of push regarding foreign policy towards Israel. Or maybe it really is all one big conspiracy lol?

Edit: Also to pre-empt any claims of antisemitism on my part, if Israel decided to turn Gaza into a parking lot tomorrow my reaction would be somewhere along the lines of "Eh, that's unfortunate."

given that community used to be significantly more supportive of pedophilia and has been backpedaling on it for decades.

The usual argument is that they kicked out NAMBLA et al from the movement in order to gain mainstream acceptance, amd now that they have it and homosexuality has been normalized they are returning to their original goals (and more).

You can say that black people are stupid and trans people are deluded pedophiles every day for years, as long as you maintain decorum.

But if someones recognizes that what you're saying there is 'fuck everyone not like me' and responds with 'hey, fuck you too', that person is not being polite and must be eliminated.

Do you consider there to be any possible explanation for those views other than "fuck everyone not like me?" I don't believe that black people are "stupid," though I do believe that there will be fewer high IQ blacks per capita than whites and Asians. I don't hate them, I just want to stop giving them handouts and discriminating in their favor. And I don't believe that all trans people are deluded pedophiles, just the overwhelming majority of the MtF ones.

Knowing that I hold these views, do you believe that I personally think "fuck everyone not like me?" If so, why?

This is your reminder that AshLael is literally a paid political operative in meatspace. Any conversations you have with them should be viewed through that light.

Also a lot of people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what LLMs actually are. The mostly accurate soundbite explanation is that they're statistical models that predict the most likely data to follow some previous data. They don't "think" (unless you're in the camp that thinks that human consciousness is basically just a really complex statistical model running on a biological computer). Hell, you can do what an LLM does with pen and paper. It would take years, but you could simulate the computations being done by AI on your own. I realize this is similar to the Chinese Room thought experiment but it means that LLMs are nothing like consciousness unless you have a very simplistic and mechanical view of what consciousness is.

The biggest threats from LLMs and other forms of "AI" aren't Skynet or paperclip maximizers. The biggest threats are social disruption due to AI eliminating lots of jobs and consolidating wealth. Or kafkaesque nightmares caused by corporations, bureaucrats, and courts blindly relying on AI (or being intentionally oblivious to its shortcomings if it allows them to do what they already want). AI won't lead to Terminator, it'll lead to Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

Only if you assume first that free will doesn't exist (and if it doesn't then this discussion doesn't even matter but it's not like I could stop us from having it).

For the sake of upholding due process

Do you feel the same about the crew members of Yamamoto's plane when we assassinated him in WW2?

If you're just going to dodge the same question repeatedly then why are you even imon this forum?

Once again, only if you discount free will/individual choices/agency/whatever you want to call it. You're assuming that the same person in the exact same circumstances would always make the exact same choice.

I can't find anything about a specific player like you're talking about it (all the top search results are about how the NFL is racist but unsurprisingly light on specifics). Do you recall which player this was?

The War Powers Act and every war since Korea (if not even sooner) suggest otherwise. This is separate from the constitutionality of this