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User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

Current leading headline on Drudge Report-


Links to a tweet by Matt Yglesias, who happens to be Jewish. Yglesias in turn is quoting Musk, who in turn is quoting some Twitter rando (I think) saying that Jewish communities have pushed for the same sort of hatred against whites that they oppose when it's against Jews, and so he doesn't care when they come to the shocking discovery that many of the immigrants they support flooding the country with discover that these immigrants are antisemitic. Musk simply says that the rando speaks the truth.

Here's the actual Musk tweet: https://nitter.cz/elonmusk/status/1724908287471272299#m

So, uh, how did Yglesias's clearly uncharitable interpretation of things get blasted to the top of the most popular conservative leaning news aggregator? It feels like the Gina Carano situation all over again.

This, combined with Nikki Haley's recent bizarre "Israel doesn't need the US, we need them" nonsense makes me think the GOP is trying to make some sort of push regarding foreign policy towards Israel. Or maybe it really is all one big conspiracy lol?

Edit: Also to pre-empt any claims of antisemitism on my part, if Israel decided to turn Gaza into a parking lot tomorrow my reaction would be somewhere along the lines of "Eh, that's unfortunate."

Steven Crowder has leaked portions of the Nashville shooter's "manifesto": https://nitter.cz/scrowder/status/1721545965402726734

I put manifesto in scare quotes because the leaked portions seem to more part of a "schizo mass shooting planning diary" as opposed to "schizo essay on motivations for the shooting." That said, the leaked pages do reveal some insight into the shooter's motivation. The biggest surprise to me is that it doesn't really mention being discriminated against for being trans. Instead it focuses on the shooter's perceived perpetrators being rich privileged white kids with daddy's money. Basically the lyrics to The Dead Kennedys's song Holiday in Cambodia if they were written by a mass shooter. Also semi-surprising to me is their repeated use of the word "faggot" as an insult. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this in a mtf trans shooter's diary, but it's a bit surprising to see from ftm trans. Maybe some sort of performative masculinity?

In any case, the documents appear to be genuine though they haven't been 100% confirmed. Currently there's a lot of hubbub over whether or not they were appropriate to leak in the first place, but I see very little questioning of their authenticity. What are your thoughts?

Also a lot of people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what LLMs actually are. The mostly accurate soundbite explanation is that they're statistical models that predict the most likely data to follow some previous data. They don't "think" (unless you're in the camp that thinks that human consciousness is basically just a really complex statistical model running on a biological computer). Hell, you can do what an LLM does with pen and paper. It would take years, but you could simulate the computations being done by AI on your own. I realize this is similar to the Chinese Room thought experiment but it means that LLMs are nothing like consciousness unless you have a very simplistic and mechanical view of what consciousness is.

The biggest threats from LLMs and other forms of "AI" aren't Skynet or paperclip maximizers. The biggest threats are social disruption due to AI eliminating lots of jobs and consolidating wealth. Or kafkaesque nightmares caused by corporations, bureaucrats, and courts blindly relying on AI (or being intentionally oblivious to its shortcomings if it allows them to do what they already want). AI won't lead to Terminator, it'll lead to Terry Gilliam's Brazil.

The basic idea is that black players that had not taken the Wonderlic when joining the league had their post-career Wonderlic score compared to a lower default/baseline than white players that had not taken the Wonderlic prior to joining the league. The reason for this being that the median black Wonderlic score is lower than the median white Wonderlic score. There was no manipulation/lowering of actual test scores based on race, it was applying a baseline for players that hadn't taken the test before.

Hlynka's characterization of the incident is... uncharitable to say the least.

Can't speak to much of this, but my French Canadian grandpa (though to be fair he was born in Massachusetts, my great grandparents immigrated from Quebec and raised him speaking French and English though) said any of the times he went to visit France he was treated better when he spoke English than when he spoke French with a Quebecois accent. So that's a datapoint in favor of your argument that there's real friction between a French that's true to how Quebecois (and Cajuns) speak it as opposed to Europhile French.

My grandpa never seemed to have any strong opinions one way or the other about Quebec separatism though.

Oscar Isaac (Leto) was probably the most "Middle Eastern" looking cast member, but he's Guatemalan

It is no wonder women are mad and opting out. It is the only rational option.

Yet few if any are pushing for a return to the majority of women being stay at home moms without careers.

and that sucks as a life.

Objection, arguing facts not in evidence. Plenty of women still live such a life an find it extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

Local scout leaders, church leaders, etc. Two of my bishops growing up (I'm LDS) were huge role models for me.

My biggest secular role models as an adult are probably John Carmack and Richard Hipp, but that's because I work in software development.

I wonder at what point all those young, high-TFR, head-covering, Latin Mass-enjoying traditionalist Catholics I hear so much about just straight up break away from the church?

My prediction would be that Sedevacantism and similar movements continue to grow. As far as what the long term future of such movements is, I don't know.

Are you really saying if you were an immigrant to Gaza, you should be "cleansing" Israel because its in the constitution?

I'm not Hlynka, but my feeling is less that you have to adopt their "destroy Israel" culture and more that if you don't do so then the native Gazans are understandably justified in not wanting you there and potentially trying to get rid of you and/or keeping more people like you from immigrating. It all boils down to "You knew what you were getting into, so get with the program or get out."

Only if you assume first that free will doesn't exist (and if it doesn't then this discussion doesn't even matter but it's not like I could stop us from having it).

Minor point of contention: "The payroll tax is actually regressive, exempting incomes over $160,200."

It's only regressive if you ignore actual retirement payouts. SS payouts scale with how much you put in, and stop scaling up at, you guessed it, $160,200.

Eh Carmack probably isn't a super good role model of conservative values outside of a role model for the value of hard work and education, I agree. Though he is anti-woke to some extent (good friends with Musk, guest speaker at an explicitly anti-woke sci fi convention, etc.).

Richard Hipp on the other hand would probably be a good conservative role model. Devout Catholic, family man, hard worker and successful. Also massively impactful worldwide (you probably have a few dozen instances of SQLite running on your phone or desktop as we speak). And appears to be very humble in spite of that.

£250/month, especially when it's for what I assume is some sort of gap insurance to cover what the NHS can't, sounds really high to me. That's ~$320 a month. Here in the US, at my last 3 or 4 employers, the monthly premium for the nicer plans has never been more than about $200/month after my employer's contribution. And there are always high deductible plans that are significantly cheaper than that.

But in a scenario where conscription is already occurring, do you think it is proper to only require males to stay in the country?

Finland? If we're limited to countries sharing land borders with Russia

Given that "UFO" simply means "Unidentified Flying Object" and not "alien spacecraft" it makes sense that major governments would investigate them. Not because of aliens, but because UFOs most likely mean "advanced aerospace tech made by our enemies that we want to know more about."

And the baron specifically wanted to rape 15-year-old Paul, and even had a drugged up slave boy who looked similar to Paul. They definitely toned down how truly terrible the Harkonnens were in the movies (both 80's and new).

Congress has subpoena power and you can land a contempt charge for ignoring them.

I'd make a physical version of a relational database, actually pretty easy to accomplish with filing cabinets and folders.

given that community used to be significantly more supportive of pedophilia and has been backpedaling on it for decades.

The usual argument is that they kicked out NAMBLA et al from the movement in order to gain mainstream acceptance, amd now that they have it and homosexuality has been normalized they are returning to their original goals (and more).

Once again, only if you discount free will/individual choices/agency/whatever you want to call it. You're assuming that the same person in the exact same circumstances would always make the exact same choice.

I'd love for the idea of (peaceful) interstellar contact to be a reality, but the problem is that it just really isn't feasible unless several major widely accepted parts of physics are actually false. The time and energy requirements needed for interstellar travel so high that any non-supernatural (i.e. angels or demons etc. instead of aliens) explanation for UFOs is prima facia false.

This is your reminder that AshLael is literally a paid political operative in meatspace. Any conversations you have with them should be viewed through that light.