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joined 2022 September 04 22:31:16 UTC


User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

Press S to spit on Reddit's stinking corpse

The best comparison to this I can think of where race/ethnicity affects the story is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. There was an article a year or two ago about a group of students boycotting a university production of it because they cast a white girl as Esmeralda. In the actual book (not the Disney movie) a group of gypsies swap Quasimodo for Esmeralda when she's an infant. Esmeralda's mother is ethnically French. Many years later she runs into Esmeralda and rages against her because she sees her as one of the gypsies that kidnapped her daughter. One of the major points is that she is despising her own daughter, her own flesh and blood, due to ethnic hatred.

There's a lot of beautiful things that have been lost or utterly ruined in the SJW quest to brownwash and blackwash the world of literature.

And CNN for threatening to identify a meme maker: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/cnnblackmail

Reddit's style of branching comments is the worst, because discussions get buried and harder to find. 4chan style where replies have direct links to the post they're replying to (and the ability to preview the previous/next post in the chain by hovering) is the best forum style I've ever experienced.

Not a book, but the anime series Gurren Lagann. It's like someone said "Hey, what if we made media that actually uses 'the male gaze' and phallic symbolism and 'toxic masculinity' and all that other bullshit that feminists falsely accuse other media of?" And it turns out the result is amazing mecha battles where literal galaxies are being chucked around.

I don't think it will ever happen. EA essentially requires utilitarianism as a prerequisite, and I don't think utilitarianism has been adopted as a guiding moral/ethical principle by more than maybe 5% of the population, tops.

Could be a Julian vs. Gregorian calendar conversion issue?

Also for what it's worth the overwhelming majority of Hungarian immigrants to the Czech Republic that I met when I lived there were Gypsies

There's also an amazing official Doom novelization where Doomguy goes back to earth, and all earth governments except for Utah are working for the demons. He lands near Salt Lake City and starts reading The Book of Mormon and stuff.

Looks like your post is now the top submission on HN, not sure if it will be there long before getting flagged.


And less than 15 minutes later I'm not seeing it anymore on the front page.

Clearly the AI is a fan of the Prince song "Donald Trump (Black Version)"

The problem with infosec in the context of voting etc. is that it's much easier to interfere without getting caught (and from a continent away) and the magnitude of possible interference is much greater. Bribing senators scales linearly or exponentially in difficulty with each additional senator, changing one vote is as easy as changing 100,000 with electronic voting.

On a related note, you can go to Nukemap.org to simulate what effects (apart from fallout and economic devastation, etc.) a nuke would have on you. Find the nearest military base and/or major city center and simulate away. Fortunately for my family it looks like we'd likely be completely safe from any (direct) effects from a nuclear attack, since the military base likely to be the closest target is over 30 miles away.

This seems like a problem that could easily be solved with proper tools, especially machine learning models.

The "AI models are racist and undervaluing my crack den in the middle of the ghetto" articles will (literally) write themselves.

The west would destroy TSMC in such a case because while there would be a ton of short-term hurt, it would make west-aligned fabs like Samsung and Intel even stronger. Also the west has been making deals with TSMC to build fabs outside of Taiwan (Japan, Arizona) in part so that they have the option to blow the whole fab up in the case of a Chinese invasion.

Did Malcom X have some controversial statements about the Jews that were in a similar vein?

"So many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man, I gave the Jew credit for being among all other whites the most active, and the most vocal, financial, 'leader' and 'liberal' in the Negro civil rights movement. But at the same time I knew that the Jew played these roles for a very careful strategic reason: the more prejudice in America could be focused upon the Negro, then the more the white Gentiles’ prejudice would keep diverted off the Jew." - Malcolm X

For what it's worth, all of the political ads I've gotten on YouTube in the last month have been 1) Mike Lee (my senator here in Utah) sucks, don't vote for him 2) Mike Lee is awesome, vote for him 3) Vote for Evan McMullin because Mike Lee sucks. None of the ads have mentioned abortion one way or the other, as far as I've noticed.

At least in polling, it's been pretty consistent since the 60's or 70's that the percent of men/women for/against abortion have been pretty close. In the most recent polling from Pew women are 5% more likely to be pro-choice/5% less likely to be pro-lifr, but this has fluctuated over the years/depending on the poll and has even been reversed at times.


You're giving me flashbacks to Angelina Jolie's campaign to stop rape in war zones. I mean why not just stop war itself while you're at it?

Objection #1 is basically the Loki's Wager fallacy. Basically Loki made a bet with a dwarf and lost, and the stakes were his head. Being the trickster that he is, he argued that the dwarf couldn't determine where his head ended and his neck began, and that the dwarf didn't have any claim to any part of his neck. And since the dwarf didn't have any claim to any part of his neck and couldn't clearly define where his head ended and neck began, he couldn't take Loki's head either.

Makes for fun folklore but terrible logic. Just because you can't precisely define where your head ends and neck begins doesn't mean you don't have either.

No. In my hypothetical and in the real-life event, a drunk person chooses the word that seems most likely to offend the person they are confronting.

In the same way that kids telling their little brother that he's adopted don't hate orphans, they just like teasing their little brother.

Legs are ok, you gain brozouf

to the point that Twitter is a mostly worthless husk with a domain name and a low-moat technical product.

Twitter is already a low-moat product, network effects are what keep competitors from replacing it. If the left can come up with a left-wing version of Gab/Truth Social/whatever and actually get people to use it (unlike the right-wing examples I just gave) then Twitter might be in trouble. Otherwise I think it's going to stick around.

I can't handle Brussels sprouts, not because of the flavor, but because they smell like death. Had a roommate who would cook them all the time and it would stink up the whole house.