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User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

Press S to spit on Reddit's stinking corpse

Steven Crowder has leaked portions of the Nashville shooter's "manifesto": https://nitter.cz/scrowder/status/1721545965402726734

I put manifesto in scare quotes because the leaked portions seem to more part of a "schizo mass shooting planning diary" as opposed to "schizo essay on motivations for the shooting." That said, the leaked pages do reveal some insight into the shooter's motivation. The biggest surprise to me is that it doesn't really mention being discriminated against for being trans. Instead it focuses on the shooter's perceived perpetrators being rich privileged white kids with daddy's money. Basically the lyrics to The Dead Kennedys's song Holiday in Cambodia if they were written by a mass shooter. Also semi-surprising to me is their repeated use of the word "faggot" as an insult. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this in a mtf trans shooter's diary, but it's a bit surprising to see from ftm trans. Maybe some sort of performative masculinity?

In any case, the documents appear to be genuine though they haven't been 100% confirmed. Currently there's a lot of hubbub over whether or not they were appropriate to leak in the first place, but I see very little questioning of their authenticity. What are your thoughts?

Just some useful legal context to add to this:

In the 90's the Clinton administration cracked down on so-called "kitchen table" FFLs. A lot of gun enthusiasts became FFLs in the 80's because it allowed them to bypass a lot of the onerous gun control regulations that had been passed in previous decades, at the small small cost of a fee, record keeping requirements, and allowing the ATF to search your home without a warrant or prior notice. But hey at least you can own post-1986 machine guns!

The Clinton administration changed this by requiring that FFLs be "in the business" of manufacturing and/or selling firearms, eliminating the ability of these smaller gun enthusiasts to become FFLs. Even though my state can set clear limits for automobile sales to determine who needs a car dealer license, the ATF seemes unable to set clear limits/amounts for what determines whether or not someone is "in the business" of selling firearms.

They've intentionally left it vague for decades because it creates fear amongst gunowners who never know if the ATF might arbitrarily and capriciously decide to go after them for even a small number of sales. And in cases like OP's story where they seem to be intentionally flirting with that line it gives all the more power and justification to the ATF for overreach.

Source on the Clinton admin FFL changes:


Also for your consideration, my state's rules on who needs a car dealership license vs. the ATF's guidance on what counts as being "in the business" of selling firearms:



I think it's a problem with period pieces in general. Robert Eggers's work (The Vvitch, The Northman) is one of the few examples I can think of where someone in mass media attempted to have the characters' concerns match what people of that period's actual concerns would have been. And while I'm not sure what Eggers's feelings about religion are, I can tell from his films that he actually gets religious people, something that makes him better than 99% of people in tv and film. The hardcore Puritans in The Vvitch and the norse pagans in The Northman make sense on their own terms, which actually makes them more relatable to me in a strange way even if I find several of the specifics of their beliefs repugnant.

It's diet and exercise. You have to have both. Together.

You really don't, at least for weight loss. You can lose weight from diet alone by simply eating X fewer calories. You can't really lose weight from exercise alone unless you're exercising at pro athlete/olympian levels, exercise just doesn't really burn all that many calories.

Congress has subpoena power and you can land a contempt charge for ignoring them.

"No utilitarian" is a pretty absolute claim. I don't know if the author of the "bike cuck" comic is utilitarian, but he makes a very utilitarian argument about bike theft that follows the same logic as Walterodim's:


The GI bill also covers trade school, and trade school enrollment has gone up ~60% since 1999 (the US population has only increased by around 20% since then). Though I imagine a lot of people doing trade school don't feel the need to pay for it with the GI bill since they feel confident in their money making abilities after graduation. That and the increasing ease with which to get student loans etc.

Because he came across state lines with a gun

He didn't, the gun literally never left Wisconsin. Why do people keep repeating this one? And ehy do they keep making a big deal over him "crossing state lines" when his job was in Kenosha and it was 30 minutes away from his home. It's like if someone from NYC shot someone in Jersey City, no one would make a big deal out of it. He actually lived closer to Kenosha than the 3 people he shot.

When SBF says he didn't realize they were leveraged due to accounting error, I believe him. It's not like you can just install the QuickBooks Enterprise Crypto Derivatives Exchange plugin. All of this stuff was bespoke, and in a hurry.

I'm not buying your explanation here, like at all. Yeah there's not really any crypto-specific accounting software out there, but several of the issues FTX had would have been found in under an hour by any random schlub who completed a double-entry accounting course on youtube or skillshare. Having $3 billion in customer funds go into the bank account of an entirely different company (that is also owned by SBF) and never actually get transferred to FTX's accounts is beyond amateur hour. The worst accountants in the world could notice an issue that big. It was almost certainly fraud, and if it wasn't it was reckless and criminal levels of negligence.

Shinigami Eyes

Naming your app after the ability to see people's names so you can murder them with your grim reaper notebook certainly isn't great optics, eh?

Back when I made the unfortunate decision to live in Seattle, I did actually live less than a 15-minute walk from a supermarket. And I literally never walked to it, because Seattle is full of steep hills similar to San Francisco's and even if it wasn't you can only carry so much in a single trip. Asking if it is a 15 minute cit is asking "Do you want to make a 30 minute round trip to the grocery store on foot every three days?" And I'm guessing for most Americans the answer is a resounding no.

And Heinlein messed with readers until the last page or two of the book, making you think Rico was Hispanic the whole time only to reveal that he's Filipino.

Palestinian refugees were also a significant causal factor in the Lebanese Civil War.

I liked Hlynka well enough, but my biggest issue him was the near constant question dodging whenever he got challenged with something difficult. Now mind you in a lot of those cases there are wats he could have responded/answered from his own viewpoint (even if I think the arguments would have been wrong) but he didn't even do that. But he would continue responding to other people's posts that didn't contain hardball questions in the meantime.

And less than 15 minutes later I'm not seeing it anymore on the front page.

Looks like your post is now the top submission on HN, not sure if it will be there long before getting flagged.


The basic idea is that black players that had not taken the Wonderlic when joining the league had their post-career Wonderlic score compared to a lower default/baseline than white players that had not taken the Wonderlic prior to joining the league. The reason for this being that the median black Wonderlic score is lower than the median white Wonderlic score. There was no manipulation/lowering of actual test scores based on race, it was applying a baseline for players that hadn't taken the test before.

Hlynka's characterization of the incident is... uncharitable to say the least.

As others have pointed out: it is definitely causing some /priors updating/ that anybody takes this data even remotely seriously. This would be like polling a bunch of redditors about religion and then reporting on it as if this was a meaningful sample.

I can't remember if it was here or back when we were still on plebbit but someone posted one of Aella's polls about sexual satisfaction in marriage and the number of people here defending it with all sorts of weird rationales ("Of course representative, sexually well adjusted men follow prostitutes on Twitter and participate in their polls!") was baffling to say the least, and made me lower my already low estimation of much of the rationalist movement.

What is the reason for stopping the government from using modern databases and technology to be able to effectively investigate these matters?

The concern is that such modernization will make it easier to create a registry of who owns what, which can and inevitably will used for mass confiscation. If you don't believe me on the inevitably will part, look at NY state which has a registry and has used it to confiscate guns that were legal when purchased and registered, but later made illegal: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/another-nypd-gun-confiscation-letter-emerges/

Similar things have happened in Canada with their long gun registry, in Nazi Germany with mandatory gun registration leading to mass confiscation, and several other places.

Objection #1 is basically the Loki's Wager fallacy. Basically Loki made a bet with a dwarf and lost, and the stakes were his head. Being the trickster that he is, he argued that the dwarf couldn't determine where his head ended and his neck began, and that the dwarf didn't have any claim to any part of his neck. And since the dwarf didn't have any claim to any part of his neck and couldn't clearly define where his head ended and neck began, he couldn't take Loki's head either.

Makes for fun folklore but terrible logic. Just because you can't precisely define where your head ends and neck begins doesn't mean you don't have either.

The best comparison to this I can think of where race/ethnicity affects the story is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. There was an article a year or two ago about a group of students boycotting a university production of it because they cast a white girl as Esmeralda. In the actual book (not the Disney movie) a group of gypsies swap Quasimodo for Esmeralda when she's an infant. Esmeralda's mother is ethnically French. Many years later she runs into Esmeralda and rages against her because she sees her as one of the gypsies that kidnapped her daughter. One of the major points is that she is despising her own daughter, her own flesh and blood, due to ethnic hatred.

There's a lot of beautiful things that have been lost or utterly ruined in the SJW quest to brownwash and blackwash the world of literature.

Minor point of contention: "The payroll tax is actually regressive, exempting incomes over $160,200."

It's only regressive if you ignore actual retirement payouts. SS payouts scale with how much you put in, and stop scaling up at, you guessed it, $160,200.


Illegal immigrants are often not identified as such by most state prison systems. Also any claims that illegals are less criminal than natives doesn't pass the most basic of smell tests: illegals skew younger and more male (which universally correlates with higher crime rates) and the very nature of their status as illegal immigrants makes certain crimes like identity theft (to secure housing/employment/etc.) much more common.

In situations where we do have more accurate data on the immigration status of convicts (such as federal prison system) the data suggests that the internet racists are, in fact, right. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/departments-justice-and-homeland-security-release-data-incarcerated-aliens-94-percent-all

Similarly I have a brother who is deeply progressive in just about every possible way, yet after he lived in Koreatown in LA for several years (for our foreign friends, Koreatown has had a distinct lack of Koreans since the Rodney King riots in the 90's) he has said things about Hispanics that would make /pol/ blush.