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User ID: 218



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User ID: 218

At least in the case of Waco it seems like the ATF and FBI wanted to generate publicity. Koresh made regular trips into town and they could have easily arrested him then, thry chose not to.

Current leading headline on Drudge Report-


Links to a tweet by Matt Yglesias, who happens to be Jewish. Yglesias in turn is quoting Musk, who in turn is quoting some Twitter rando (I think) saying that Jewish communities have pushed for the same sort of hatred against whites that they oppose when it's against Jews, and so he doesn't care when they come to the shocking discovery that many of the immigrants they support flooding the country with discover that these immigrants are antisemitic. Musk simply says that the rando speaks the truth.

Here's the actual Musk tweet: https://nitter.cz/elonmusk/status/1724908287471272299#m

So, uh, how did Yglesias's clearly uncharitable interpretation of things get blasted to the top of the most popular conservative leaning news aggregator? It feels like the Gina Carano situation all over again.

This, combined with Nikki Haley's recent bizarre "Israel doesn't need the US, we need them" nonsense makes me think the GOP is trying to make some sort of push regarding foreign policy towards Israel. Or maybe it really is all one big conspiracy lol?

Edit: Also to pre-empt any claims of antisemitism on my part, if Israel decided to turn Gaza into a parking lot tomorrow my reaction would be somewhere along the lines of "Eh, that's unfortunate."

The argument usually isn't that there's an explicit conspiracy by the LGBT community, simply that LGBT and pedophilia are natural fellow travellers. And given the enormously higher chance that gays and lesbians were sexually abused as kids and/or had significant inappropriate sexual experiences as a kid*, combined with the higher likelihood of those who were sexually abused as children to themselves become pedophiles**, the basic idea isn't that far fetched.

*: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11501300/

**: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2082860/

given that community used to be significantly more supportive of pedophilia and has been backpedaling on it for decades.

The usual argument is that they kicked out NAMBLA et al from the movement in order to gain mainstream acceptance, amd now that they have it and homosexuality has been normalized they are returning to their original goals (and more).

"Dislike of military lifestyle" is incredibly broad though. It could be not liking having to stay sort of physically fit, the need to move halfway across the country (or world) every few years with no say in where you go, it could be the shitty pay compared to private sector, it could be the need to follow orders, ut could be the manual labor and sleep deprivation. Without more specifics on what respondents understood "lifestyle" to mean that's a pretty useless poll.

And the baron specifically wanted to rape 15-year-old Paul, and even had a drugged up slave boy who looked similar to Paul. They definitely toned down how truly terrible the Harkonnens were in the movies (both 80's and new).

Olympic level women's teams regularly skirmish against ordinary teenage boy teams, and still get absolutely demolished. Even the most extremely athletic females have difficulty competing against reasonably athletic teenage boys.

You're giving me flashbacks to Angelina Jolie's campaign to stop rape in war zones. I mean why not just stop war itself while you're at it?

They can get dropped by their sponsors and the like though

The sheer effort, technical skills, and dedication required to make that video are admirable and beautiful things (even if they're largely dedicated to something mundane and mostly worthless). I can't say the same for modern art, where literal trash piles left behind by accident by the janitorial staff are mistakenly assumed to be part of the exhibit (or the other way around, where art exhibits wre mistakenly assumed to be trash by the janitor).

Offshoring already basically accomplished this. The big issue with offshoring is that 99% of Indian software devs are utter dogshit and produce utter dogshit code and don't even have the competence to understand what's dogshit about this. I write this as I sift through a pile of dogshit shat out by my offshore Indian coworkers. Any time I show basic competency at my job and do things I would expect any US CS fresh out of college grad to be able to do I come across as a miracle worker to my Indian coworkers because they're really genuinely just that incompetent.

I also assume that the viral photos you sometimes see of black hair products in anti-shopliftimg cases next to white hair products without any additional protections are done by retail chains based on their actual shrinkage data and not because they're racist.

I'm also curious if anyone has tried to collect data on which Walmarts have a checkout within the make-up section vs. those without and compare it to the demographics of the surrounding neighborhoods. My anecdotal experience is that checkouts within the make-up section are more common in more ghetto area Walmarts.

I mean you can make a long list of conservative black people, but that doesn't change that fact that ~90% reliably vote Democrat. But just because 10% don't vote Democrat doesn't make it unfair to say "the black community supports the Democratic Party." I don't have stats on what percentage of Jews in the US support anti-white rhetoric but if an overwhelming percentage supported anti-white rhetoric and practices then it would be completely reasonable to say that the "Jewish community" supports such things

I mean it's not the most unique idea, 4channers already use it sometimes as a normie filter.

Prediction before reading: if you hadn't made a post about it on here, my default assumption would have been some of them leaning in favor of keeping affirmative action, but the commenters being surprisingly moderate overall despite the overall left politics of NYT readers. Since you posted about it here my gotcha sense is tingling and is now assuming that the comments are overwhelmingly in favor of abolishing AA.

Edit after reading about 20 top level comments: my initial idea was more or less right, my gotcha sense was wrong.

and that sucks as a life.

Objection, arguing facts not in evidence. Plenty of women still live such a life an find it extremely rewarding and fulfilling.

But the punchline to the Google's funding of various FOSS (or not-quite-F-or-O, like RaspberryPi) groups is that even the best-funded groups aren't doing that hot, for even the most trivial problem. Canonical is one of the better-funded groups, and it's gotten them into a variety of places (default for WSL!) and they can't bother to maintain manual review for new Snaps despite years of hilariously bad malware.

This (combined with my experience as a professional dev) are why I'm sure similar crap is common in closed source code as well, even if the attack vectors are different. In recent years I've come to the conclusion that there is simply greater need/demand for code in the world than there are competent devs able to write it (and/or companies willing to fund development of it).

It doesn't help that Rust is actually a good language (though I won't pretend it's perfect) while still enabling C/C++ levels of performance. Wokes got in on the ground floor of what is likely the future of systems programming. I mean it's possible something like Zig could win in the long run but given the Linux kernel adopting Rust and Microsoft beginning to use it for important parts of Windows it's hard to see it losing with that kind of momentum.

But even alternatives like Zig are going to attract plenty of weirdos. Interest in low level computing and being a weirdo seem to go hand in hand, just look at how 90% or more of prominent emulator developers seem to be trans and/or furries. Even the more normal ones are still massive weebs.

Seeing as I find both EA-types and vegans insufferably obnoxious this isn't a surprise to me.

Part of it might have to do with the Civil War and Lincoln's lasting legacy being a vastly expanded central government and greatly weakened states.

No it did, you can find people commenting on the change back then. I was first introduced to the comic by mockery of it on /pol/ because it was super woke and feminist etc.

Edit: See also Ian Miles Cheong for another example of an Asian in media going down the Neo-Nazi to Woke to Anti-Woke (but in a boring boomercon sort of way IIRC), kind of similar to Ishida. It's always especially weird when their ideological phases are clearly documented online by their own statements.

Piracy is fundamentally different from theft. If I steal a loaf of bread from a store, the store has one fewer loaves of bread to sell. If I pirate a song, the record label doesn't have reduced stock.

Additionally, copyright (and intellectual property in general) is a legal fiction created by the state. Meanwhile physical property rights, while largely enforced by the state, are near universally recognized across all cultures in the world throughout the entirety of history. Copyright has only existed for a few hundred years in western countries, and for even shorter periods in the rest of the world (and even then only due to globalization of trade, cultural exports from the west, etc.).

You'd have to be careful about causality, I specifically worked to improve my career prospects because I got married, I was fine with kind of coasting until I had other people depending on me.

Did Malcom X have some controversial statements about the Jews that were in a similar vein?

"So many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man, I gave the Jew credit for being among all other whites the most active, and the most vocal, financial, 'leader' and 'liberal' in the Negro civil rights movement. But at the same time I knew that the Jew played these roles for a very careful strategic reason: the more prejudice in America could be focused upon the Negro, then the more the white Gentiles’ prejudice would keep diverted off the Jew." - Malcolm X

At least in Zimbabwe, the black citizens now have less economic prosperity and less political freedom than they did in Rhodesia.