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BANNED USER: /comment/174290




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joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

BANNED USER: /comment/174290



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 17 21:05:42 UTC


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User ID: 1245

Banned by: @cjet79

Classism, probably.

Nothing more shameful than looking and sounding poor, except for looking and sounding poor and being white.

If there were such people to choose, I would choose them.

I just think they don't, have never, and will never exist on the RIGHT right. The best we can get is center right statist neocons; anyone who has strong opinions about Lee in statue form I would wager will never not employ the boot when given the opportunity.

That being the case, it is more important that they never get the chance than trying to compromise in some way.

It would be sick as hell if the liberal political tendency was wrong about that, but given the tenor of discussion here, with the smartest and most moderate RIGHT right population I've seen, I really don't think it is.

As another civil war nerd; how do you know how haven't already been gaslit? There was a strong, well funded revisionist and revanchist effort to deny the historical reality of the south, the civil war, and the way the war was fought for several decades up until at least the 1960's.

How do you know the sources you read weren't based Rutherford's feelings about it rather than the historical reality?

10 to 1 it's bog standard internet polarization. It's probably unfair but I find that it's easy enough to attaint anyone who is a 'fan' of the confederacy as a dumbdumb (bad values (meaning values I don't like(This is fair because it's me))) .

Basically, I've had to talk with more people than I expected who have all sorts of opinions about the "war of northern aggression" and related subjects who A: Don't know who the fuck anyone but Lee is (Bedford? Stuart? Can you eat them?) and have ahistorical views about the war and, B: Also have some opinions about the blacks that I find slightly distasteful AND C: Are fucking stupid Low iq mouthbreathers.

This is almost certainly a sorting mechanism thing, but anyone online is going to run in to enough loud morons they disagree with to tar any ideology they like with any size brush.

Yup; if by cabal you mean a random selection of people with enough time, energy, and autism to try to be a bona-fried wiki warrior: Upper middle class Americans/western Europeans mainly white mainly kinda vaguely agnostic non practicing.

Eg, liberals; like most people.

Because there can only be one definitive undefinitive source and despite the bubble effect of sites like this one the Liberal opinion on (most) factual questions is the popular opinion.

Wikipidea is undefinitive because it is a democracy; you will never get conservative wins in an open platform because there are less conservatives than liberals.

Hell yeah brother!

Pretty much all of them: The service is substantially shittier to use in general; and slightly shittier to use from a technical perspective.

The general shittieness has risen to the point where I actually use it much less.

Bluecheck morons getting top billing instead of whoever has the best one liner has killed my interest in using twitter as twitter; I now only use it to follow specific people for updates on scheduled appearances/articles/ FILTHY FUCKING PORNOGRAPHY.

I'm shocked by what a difference this makes. I went from scrolling for a couple mins. each time i checked my feed for the latest incredibly specific porn / current events in the Palm Oil Killings / when is video game coming out to basically never actually going deeper than the very top level of the thread.

He has turned it into a more expensive rss feed for me.

We'll see.

The actual orgs doing the investigation have tentatively ruled out the misfired rocket idea 'cause of the direction and angle it came in from, but it's vague now.

Re. specifics: HE needs a pretty big volume to smash windows at a distance, specially in an open area. The shockwave just isn't that powerful when it detonates in the air. Fragments from a purpose built device are direcitonal, they all go down the bottom arc. It's probably not that though because we'd see photos of swisscheese side panels on cars and such

Re. the apology thing:

I've noticed that an apology is an admission that doesn't guarantee forgiveness; so forgiveness has to be given before the apology or the apology is pointless.

This is similar to how it was in my small jungle town in the middle of nowhere; where you needed an intermediary to be sure the beef was crushed before anyone tried to do any actual working it out so you didn't eg get beat with some horseshoes on the end of a chain.

Incorrect; I think you are thinking of thermobaric explosives which use a big charge to create a vacuum and subsequent very impressive shockwave.

Most airburst ap munitions have (relativly) not a lot of explosive force. What they do have is elventybajillion hypersonic fragments to fuck up squishy things. I don't know what the IDF uses; but some of them are even directional.

At some point I went from looking like a doormat for abuse but actually being on a hair trigger to start swinging and getting in fights all the time; to looking like if you talked shit your life was in danger but actually being calm and able to avoid conflict.

It was a purposeful change, after I got pretty good at wrestling and got big enough that I almost ended some guys whole career as a functional human in freshman year over some stupid bullshit, it put the fear of god into me.

I think that is the limit also: You need either a trauma response avoidance of something; or a crazy desire for something to make the change. you can't just think your way into it.

Why not?

The US was way less trigger happy then the IDF during the war on terror and we Kandahar'd the hell out of some hospitals.

It was sensational as hell though; can't argue with that.

I was trying to kinda circle the point there but yes lol.

(Properly constructed) Buildings don't want to fall down; the bigger they are the less they want to fall.

It takes a truly stupendous explosion to actually level a building. The thing that really fucks up a structure is water or fire damaging the footings/weakening enough of the steel that it starts to get wobbly; then the buildings own weight.

That's why bursting/firebombing mix is the trad way to destroy a city: The bursting bombs blow open lots of shit and spread burnable material; the firebombs set everything off and start a firestorm that kills lots of people and makes buildings unsafe after the fact.

That's why houses get totalled by even medium fires, actually.

Netanyahu has been fucking the security state over a barrel for political reasons; normal bullshit that crops up all the time in these types of situations.

The types of boring prescription lenses in aviator frames wearing megadeath calculating blood drinking reptilian motheruckers you need to run an effective 1st rate military don't do well in particularly ideological regimes.

You gotta have the type of bastard who isn't a sociopath but can imagine a mile high pile of corpses and not feel bad or need to justify it to plan out how they are gonna get the pile high enough to reach god.

Palestine wonks I know say that kinkos printouts of orders are very unusual; that hamas usually has more informal and deniable chains of command in these situations eg, never never never commit anything to ink or bits that might make them look bad if it comes out. They might have messages saying "Break through at such and such" and then a dude would drop by tell you face to face the level of war crimes they expect out of you.

Native speakers I know say that could either be a machine translated text of some language with weird clauses (not english); or it could just be written awkwardly as all such documents are.

For my part: Islamist Jihadists are assholes, who knew? Sure, kill them, whatever. I don't care.

The collective punishment by a superior force on a group that are not allowed to leave seems bad though.

Do I have suggestions? No. Do I care about that? Also no.
All I can do is point at the latest "collateral damage'd" picture of some western journalist that stopped a stray bullet with their forehead in an empty field or the latest video of a settler executing a Palestinian family while the IDF watches and say "Less of that please".

You know about them; the problem is your parents or grandparents needed to start snowballing them up to get a decent amount of money in there.

Most safe investments only beat inflation by a little.

That said, if you want to protect against inflation "safely" Ibonds, TIPS, treasure bonds, and other boring products backed by the government are the way to go.

The problem is that they will never beat an index fund. I know they say to never try to time the market, but damn: never try to time the market.

EDIT: I FORGOR! Look into fixed annuity. I don't understand them much and they are complicated as fuck; but all the ones we have have worked out well. This one is not good advice; it is advice to get advice from an advice-er.

The fairness is the problem, I guess.

It just feels kinda shitty to get more benefits out of parasitism three steps removed than actually improving the world.

I think it's unfair, and that is me.

I didn't do anything to deserve a high enough IQ or a low compulsion to gamble or a lack of desire to alter my state of concious; that shit just happened to fall out that way.

If I sit here and say, "The cosmic hapenstance that alowes my pleasent life is fine and just" why can't someone say "the cosmic hapenstance of me shooting you in the head and taking you shit is also fine and just", bassicaly.

Mainly just how easy it is to cut stress totally out of your life just by floating a large amount of cash.

I don't have to worry about my car breaking down, the roof of my house, accidentally missing a bill and incurring fees, whatever.

I imagine as you get even more money it gets even more easy; I still bargain hunt and am cost conscious. Add a couple zeros and that small amount of friction would disappear also.

The closest I've come to non-accidental death is working a waggie job that had me legitimately considering assaulting a guy for being in my way at Home Depot just because the idea of going back to work was so utterly unbearable prison or getting shot by the cops sounded better.

This might seem like an exaggeration; it is not. The only thing that saved me was school mandated anger management classes from 7th grade.

No, that was the point.

In my peasant farmer mind, generational wealth is adding 20 acers of pasture to the farm and putting a nice steel roof on the barn; not a mysterious check for 10k that shows up in the mail every month no matter what you do.

This. We aren't interested in doubling our returns if it increases risk above the no thoughts head empty level we are at now. The current level of growth and return is fine, no need to rock the boat for stary eyed yacht dreams.