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joined 2022 September 05 13:46:29 UTC


User ID: 572



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User ID: 572

No, it is the math that works regardless of the security of the individual components.

If I send an encrypted message over an unsecured wire, and someone else shows up and says "oh but what if someone interferes with the unsecured wire?" they are missing the first part of understanding.

Each E2E system has its tradeoffs, but in general they are designed to absolutely detect if the people running the system deliberately messing with your vote. Detecting accidental messing with your vote is a necessary side-effect.

Your link does not mention COVID.

a single zero day

This is not how crypto-voting systems work.

You get the series of numbers from the voting system and can run them in your own computer, or even by hand with pencil and paper, and verify that your vote was counted.

The entire point of crypto verification is that you are not relying on someone else's computer. The threat model is the other person actively trying to screw you over, so "someone loaded a zero-day onto the voting equipment" is not even relevant.

I am quite skeptical of crypto-voting systems for many reasons (particularly user education), but high-quality first-world security researchers will voluntarily throw massive amounts of resources for free at various implementations.

We can also come up with various attack scenarios and decide which ones to particularly defend against. There are lots of systems to choose from. Each individual implementation can be reviewed, tried in small mayoral elections first, and reviewed again.

If we had to do an E2E system for some reason, we could do it.

Marc Randazza does a bunch of first amendment lawyering, including for porn companies, and says this is a dumb scheme that would fail really fast.

I would love to hear recommendations for it. In my experience it is a "use once and then put away" game.

Putin might think that the West is not going to sanction him any more than it already has. And that the West will not invade/seize control of the nukes/de-nucelarize Russia because that means total war.

What is the appropriate escalation for the West for 1 nuke used against Ukraine? One nuke against Russia?

This, particularly for the "load more comments" button.

If your entire career is being a performance athlete like A-Rod, yes. Otherwise I am quite skeptical.

Tip for married life: When your wife says "I just heard about this horrible thing!" you do not say "axxshually you are wrong and misinformed."

"Risk was higher than admitted" is a thing that happens in 50% of cases, and even more often if you accept any risk or even a transient rise in the scientific data.

There is a google classroom for some homework, but not everything makes it there. And studying for tests is difficult to manage. If we are fortunate enough to know ahead of time there will be a test, asking the kid what it covers or how it will be administered just gets blank looks.

Whoa, cool.

It is comments from all threads, which is neat. But can it be restricted to comments for one thread?

I'm sick of NFTs but if you think "ha ha right-click save-as" is a useful critique you have not engaged with the argument.

Telling someone to buy a stock because you will sell is market manipulation.

Telling someone to buy a stock because it would be funny is a different beast.

I'd like the option for the first batch of comments from a big thread to be either be width-first or depth-first.

Is there a tool for doing this? I do have a database of reddit posts, mostly as an exercise for myself, but I never ran it against my whole profile.

Typing deep in a thread, each time I type the screen moves down 1 pixel.

Is there any reason why one is called the fox and the other the hedgehog?

Can you usefully search reddit comments using google? I try to find my own stuff and it is incredibly difficult unless it was the main post.

single corrupt election official

You need multiple people. To stuff a ballot box in a precinct, you would need at least an accomplice stuffing the books, which are explicitly in the control of another person.

It would not help this problem but voters often move just on a pathos of "oh yeah we should clean things up."

It seems like bad-logistics was something that Putin could have known if he had bothered to check.

It is the lid I am talking about. The ones I have seen are not a solid piece of plastic (from the underside, at least, where I need it) and are full of seams and nooks and crannies.

Maybe it could be made with a peelable liner or something.