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User ID: 572



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User ID: 572

but you'll recall that most of the dunking on Ivermectin was when people were going out and taking megadoses and getting sick

The Motte is "taking too much and getting sick."

The Bailey is "ha ha they are taking horse medicine" even when taking the human form in human doses prescribed by a human doctor. Like Joe Rogan got. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-rogan-don-lemon-cnn-ivermectin-sanjay-gupta-lying-1639240

Bari Weiss had a podcast with Dr Casey Means about Means new "Levels" diet.


(Bari Weiss does not really interview, in the sense of pushing back on her subject and making them take tough positions. I guess that is podcasting world.)

The tl:dr is to not eat anything processed at all. There is some kind of biofeedback which shows you getting better by not eating processed food. The episode's arguments about why there is no support for this range from extremely reasonable to conspiracy theory stuff.

Is there any follow-up research on how well her diet works?

(I do not want "her ideal diet is wrong, follow my ideal diet instead." I just get this sinking feeling whenever I ask questions about a specific diet that people see it as a chance to talk about their own, and that the proponents of the diet in question will say that any problems with it are from not following it closely enough.)

I want them to admit that despite having way more than enough wealth to handle 50 people, they don't want to,

The mainstream news coverage I saw, and the mainstream reddit posts I saw, said that MV was loving this and happily making room for them. EDIT I see that MV has since put them on buses and shipped them away at gunpoint.

I have known about this campaign to bus the illegals to the sanctuary cities for a long time, but my wife just learned about a few days ago with the MV story. She wanted me to be angry and I knew not to fall into the trap so I just said "it sounds like win-win-win: the immigrants volunteered to be put there, the receiving community says they want them, the 'donor' community says they cannot handle that many refugees."

Why September 9 in the headline?

But the NYT continues to make the mistake to this day. Has their hosting provider terminated them until they delete the article?

And posting PII is pretty easy to do. NYT reports the names and cities of people every day. That is PII. Did they check on each one to make sure it is okay?

"Yeah but that information was already public" you will say, sensibly, but that is the typical KF response. In many cases they are just doing open-source reporting and find the account said their real name in public at some point. (This does not cover every thread. Some people there have access to PI databases, I think.)

If a real-life terrorist is captured and put in jail, even if he is the devil on earth, someone at some point should be able to name the crime he is in jail for, and not say "well if not this rule then probably some other one, who cares."

This is the problem with "you cannot post PII." I have suggested the rule being that you cannot publish the street address with enough specificity that a rando could walk up to their door. And I think that is a pretty objective and legible rule! (A lot of person-lookup websites violate the rule right now, but maybe that is not a big loss.)

But when I suggest that rule to people who want KF off the internet, they never seem happy to accept it. Perhaps because they want the rules vague.

they could opt not to cross and they'd have a lot more friends.

Sure. I do not expect any of the many people who have had threads made about them on KF to spend a single second carrying water for them.

It is really hard for someone to look at their outgroup do something controversial and say "oh yes, that was a good idea he just did."

(I do not trust the ingroup much on this, either.)

Like all politicians, DeSantis does lots of things, some of them work and some of them do not.

was unable to perform any investigation into it for 30+ years.

As much as I am annoyed by the Democrats saying "there is no almost no fraud in the places it is easiest to look and someone would have to have shit for brains to try to commit fraud", it is the same annoyance when Republicans forget their own commissions set up to exactly find fraud and then do not find any.

It is like there is no room for nuance at all and it is all signalling.

I too was very surprised to hear Squid Game actors called attractive. The lead has traditional leading man qualities, but most of the rest border on or are downright ugly.

Which was not bad! They were all very distinctive and as a white dude watching wall-to-wall Koreans I was happy to be able to tell them all apart easily. The ugliness even lent itself to the desperation of the characters and fit the mood.

I am the kind of guy who would not cheat in a class or on a test, but I can definitely imagine all my ethics getting cooked away to nothingness being in an environment of "this is an exceptional situation, just this once, actually they expect you to do it" that were present during covid.

There is a learned behavior in people that if they deny obvious things then the other person will eventually give up and give them a partial win. It can be rather common in kids and they usually grow out of it, often becoming compulsive liars if they do not.

My theory of mind is that there is something going on in the SovCit's head where he thinks "if I just hold out long enough they will give up, but if I waver in my statements even once then everything I have fought for ever will be immediately lost." I am not sure this model is accurate but is sure is useful.

I saw "the US did not blow up the pipeline." But I do not see anyone saying "yes the US did blow up the pipeline and Russia made them do it."

Is does not matter how secure your system is if people can vote from their app at home, because you just send your hired thugs to go door-to-door to "remind" people about the vote and "let us take a look at your phone to make sure you understand what you are doing."

Banking is trackable by design and very easy to reverse.

The point of the ad seems to be getting liberals to agree that free speech & liberalism are still good ideas.

even Afghanistan, I believe, never got a mass protest reaction beyond the usual, ie. the small Communist parties

People's memories are hazy, but Afghanistan was incredibly popular at the time. The US was actually attacked on its own soil. The casualties were even greater than Pearl Harbor.

The anti-war people I knew on September 10, 2001 had reactions ranging from "well, I said the military is only for self-defense, this looks like it" to "shrug I guess we are gonna go to war."

Indecent Proposal in America

It wasn't until after Biden's assuming of office that ultra-rapid vaccination rollouts,

Because as of January 20, 2021, vaccines were still incredibly precious and our elite were fighting with each other to be first in line. It was about two months before my very elderly parents got theirs.

Now, did the media blue-checks go from "lol of course there will be no vaccine mandates, look how people are fighting to get them, stop worrying" to "lol of course there are vaccine mandates that is what it means to live in a society" in the space of a few months? Yes.

If you are saying that the reason ResetEra or RPGNet became totally insane is that evaporative cooling drove away everyone not-insane, I agree.

But I do not think you are saying that. I think you are saying "right-wing people really really want to say nigger and then when people get banned for saying that the whole left-wing march starts."

Any place useful, regardless of polarity, needs to keep out

  • fed posters

  • glowies

  • fucking idiots who are genuinely "on our side"

and barrels of ink will be spilled saying, in way more words, "our side has no bad people, they are all plants from the other side, and, man, speaking of the other side, let me tell you about them, did you see their claim that the only people posting hate on their forums are outside wreckers?"

Anyway. All that ink is irrelevant because as far as the place is concerned all three of those groups are identical and the antibodies to keep out one keeps out the others.

You reminded me of KF which I should have needed reminding of.

Thank you for the incredibly detailed reply! I do not think I will get a chance to completely digest it in one go.

Everyone does a Russel Conjugation on doxxing. "I am exposing bad actors, you are threatening people's lives." It is a quagmire trying to figure all this out. And my own position is probably inconsistent.

this means you could say a specific powermod was convicted of a domestic violence assault, or you could link to the conviction records in a talk not specifically focused on individual powermods and say that the person was a powermod

You know, I think this might work.

"Reddit has a powermod running over 200+ subreddits. * This powermod has restraining orders against them. Here is the text of the restraining order, with the names of the perp and the victim irreversibly blurred out."

And there is also a Streisand effect defense here. If I post the above and its gets deleted, that is evidence that I am actually hitting close to home, and evidence my accusations are right.

((* There should be ambiguity here, where you do not pretend to not identify the user while doing a "L Simpson, no, no, Lisa S" trick.))

Would this still allow people to expose Aimee Challenor **? Raise an alarm about a specific person about to get a position of power?

(( ** I forgot Aimee's name and looked it up as "aimmee chandler" on Google and Bing, and Google only directed me to a thread that specifically had the same misspelling I did. But Bing -- fucking Bing, otherwise incredibly bad at finding stuff -- knew what I wanted and directed me to the Wikipedia page. Someone at Google has to be turning these results off specifically.))

But my criticism is that this was about the least productive uses of the underlying weaponized autism available

I am not fully understanding your point and it is my fault. Do you mean KF was often inefficient or did a lot of crap distinct from this pure mission? I agree and I talk about how a "steelman Kiwi Farms" deserves to exist, which is different than the actual Kiwi Farms.

Police aren't going to care about someone's Twitch account,

I do not think the only value is in getting police attention. A big point of #MeToo, for all its problems, was that people could raise concerns about not-illegal-but-annoying sex pests. (This whole discussion is drowning in irony and here is some more: the KF position in the Weeb Wars was that if Vic really did something the cops should be called, and since there was no police report, that proved his accusers were lying and therefore should not dare discuss their alleged experiences at all. No wonder Josh put the Weeb Wars into its own ghetto-within-the-ghetto on KF.)

And even though #MeToo often was just a mob, I cannot figure out a way to say "you are not allowed to post your (alleged) personal experiences."

[Doxxing] is a tool that's exceptionally dangerous, even when used with the best of interests, just because there are too many nuts around.

I agree with this part. People seem perfectly happy to say "oh, it just other people using my true information to phone bomb that person's employers, not my problem" and/or "chickens are coming home to roost" or "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences" when it is one side, but suddenly remember "stochastic terrorism" when it is the other side.

How much should the behavior of third parties restrict my actions? My default was "not at all" but the internet has proven extremely good at manufacturing schizophrenics and has consistently and deliberately refused to develop antibodies against "wait should we really destroy Justine Sacco's life just because it is fun to do that?" So I am prepared to move off this ground. I just need to figure out what the new ground is.

This sorta near-schizophrenic nutjob is an extreme variant,

I read through that whole thing. (It really reminds me of Vordrak's campaign against Josh Moon and Josh's mom. I am not trying to say either is okay or not okay, just acknowledging this is all a giant spiral of meta-issues.) It takes very few people ganging up to destroy someone online. In this case, just one person! I would like to say we should adapt in other ways, like people not believing internet bullshit, but we seem to have refused to do that.

Thanks for the in-depth comment, and your old one on the subreddit.

A lot of poor people do work and are still poor,

It is extremely rare to have a full-time job and still be in poverty. The fable of an idle rich is a powerful tale, but at least in 21st century America, upper-class people work more than middle-class people who work more than lower-class people.

they can easily end up with huge bills for seeking medical care so they avoid it as much as possible

Like above, "people defer basic care until it gets more expensive" is an appealing story, and it is easy to imagine it being true. But aside from very specific exceptions, there is no measurable difference in health care outcomes from being given health care.

I'd apply that last part to human rights lawyers who frustrate deportations -- if anyone you rescued from deportation commits a crime, you are also held responsible.

Lawyers are enforcing the rules of the game.

I know the rules are bullshit and people often deliberately frustrate the setting of the rules, but before making lawyers responsible for the crimes of the people they represent I would want to try everything else first.

Half of Broward County’s election precincts reported more ballots cast than the number of voters.

I stopped reading here because I had to look this up.

This is not "there are 4000 voters in this county, but 4100 ballots were cast."

This is "212 people were logged as submitting a vote at this voting center, but 213 ballots were in the machines."

So someone goofed up, or someone stuffed a ballot. This is distributed across 293 precincts, with a total of 885 extra ballots.

'strangely,' Broward and Palm Beach County had no discrepancies or delays in the 2020 election

It sounds like Florida fixed the problems. Which is what is supposed to happen when an auditor shows problems! That is not "strange" at all!

The systems to keep the books aligned have gotten much better. The election I observed in Florida (very boring!) had numbers on each ballot so if one just "showed up" it would be recognized. Was it someone playing games or was it normal human error? Good question. The new system stops both accidentals and purposeful unaccounted ballots, so either way I am happy it is in place.

Oh, and lets not forget that Rick Scott very directly claimed the election was being stolen. He and Stacey Abrams were two years ahead of Trump on applying this tactic.

This is important to remember.

Massively flawed candidates absolutely can get close to winning if they have found ways to use back-channels to force out opposition before elections start.

The argument the anti-torture crowd are making is not "Torture is useless for all purposes."

That is the exact argument I reliably hear from them. Bringing up that some torture gets useful intelligence generates a lot of hostility and denial.

(EDIT I got called a "torture apologist" for saying that some torture gets useful intelligence by this very person, so, yep, this conversation went exactly the way I thought it would.)

The anti-torture movement has been colonized nearly completely by people opposed to Bush's GWOT and they want him to be both stupid and evil.

Most positive thing I will say about the finale:

They tried something different and a lot of people will never do that.

I do not mind She-Hulk talking to the audience. She was doing that before Deadpool. But robbing the audience of a pay-off as a joke is, well, quite unsatisfying.

They said that they were dealing with Jennifer Walter's problems in her life, but then all the problems magically went away. I was going to be happy that they were not solved in a big cinematic CGI fight, but there was nothing. There was not even an explanation for her getting her job back, how she changed into She-Hulk at the end, why Titania showed up, or why Titania is now at least on her side.

On Titania, I expected her to be on Jen's side at the end, all the way from episode 1, since no woman is ever really a bad guy in a chick flick, but the explanation is "lol so zany if this happened".