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Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

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joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC

I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.

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User ID: 873


Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC


I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.


User ID: 873

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Do you have any examples? I have not seen people arguing that people do not have natural differences in conscientiousness etc.

I agree that there are some people who treated it this way, but then why would Pai/Trump bother repealing it, if that's all it was? Why spend their political capital on this, if it doesn't make a difference?

It would be nice if pinned posts and comments were easier to distinguish visually from others. On Reddit pinned posts are green and that helps a lot; right now we only have the little pin icon next to the post and it's easy to miss.

Sorting comments by top only sorts the top level comments, replies are still in a different order

We do have data about comments per day etc. See www.themotte.org/stats, www.themotte.org/daily_chart, and www.themotte.org/weekly_chart.

Actually the daily and weekly charts aren't working right now for some reason but they normally do.

The analogous case to art being used to train a model is code being used to train a model, and that's what GitHub Copilot and OpenAI Codex are. Most software engineers like the idea.

No, like I said it’s 47% of younger Trump voters that are female.

One thing that has worked quite well for me is this service called FocusMate. How it works is you get paired with someone on the service for a video call that lasts 25 or 50 minutes. You share at the beginning what you're working on and want to accomplish by the end of the session. Then you turn off your mic and do it for the rest of the session. At the end you check in with them and share how much you were actually able to do. It sounds dumb but it works better than anything else does to get me to stop surfing Reddit/YouTube/Wikipedia and actually get something done.

It sounds like your concern is not only about work but lesiure time too. FocusMate can be used for many leisure activities too. For example, if you want to read a book, you can say you want to read X pages in the session.

If you find that you don't know what you actually want to do with your leisure time when you have to structure it like that, that might be part of your problem.

It's not Tourette's because it's a mass sociogenic illness that mimics Tourette's, according to the article. But I interpreted your comment as saying that it's a sociogenic illness either, it's kids consciously faking Tourette's to get out of work.

I went ahead and created an issue for this: https://github.com/themotte/rDrama/issues/360

I do well with older men and young(ish) women, most younger men do better with young men and older women


Actually A Quality Contribution. It was an option when reporting comments if you wanted to highlight a comment to the mods as particularly good.

I’m really not convinced anyone is consciously deciding to fake tourette’s to get out of schoolwork.

  1. Tourette’s doesn’t really get you out of schoolwork. It’s not contagious so you don’t need to be kept away from other people and it’s not a condition that goes away after a day or two of rest so there’s no reason to allow that time.

  2. Tourette’s is a permanent condition, which means deciding to fake it credibly is a lifelong commitment.

  3. It’s a difficult condition to fake. If you tell your parents you have a stomachache or a headache, they just have to take your word for it, but someone faking tourette’s has to remember to tic regularly.

Anyone who thought about it for a minute would realize, as you did, that it makes way more sense to fake an infection.

The report comment button is grayed out and clicking it doesn't do anything.


I think maybe they meant to add a count of how many children a comment has, like it does on Reddit

I think this is only on mobile, I don’t see it on desktop but I do on mobile