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Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

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joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC

I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.

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User ID: 873


Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC


I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.


User ID: 873

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I’m really not convinced anyone is consciously deciding to fake tourette’s to get out of schoolwork.

  1. Tourette’s doesn’t really get you out of schoolwork. It’s not contagious so you don’t need to be kept away from other people and it’s not a condition that goes away after a day or two of rest so there’s no reason to allow that time.

  2. Tourette’s is a permanent condition, which means deciding to fake it credibly is a lifelong commitment.

  3. It’s a difficult condition to fake. If you tell your parents you have a stomachache or a headache, they just have to take your word for it, but someone faking tourette’s has to remember to tic regularly.

Anyone who thought about it for a minute would realize, as you did, that it makes way more sense to fake an infection.

The report comment button is grayed out and clicking it doesn't do anything.


Can comment scores please be hidden for the first 24 hours like they were on Reddit? I think having scores visible immediately can change how people react to a comment (in particular, it can encourage dogpiling or 'ratio-ing' someone who has expressed an unpopular viewpoint) and I'm really worried that this has the potential to shift the tone and composition of this community over time.

Thank you. She’s not a big texter AFAICT and the most likely thing that happened was that she read this and thought about it for 30 seconds and forgot to reply because she was in the middle of something and had other more urgent messages which really isn’t that bad, but I can’t help overthinking.

If you Google "cheating scandal" right now, Google can't figure out which story you want. There's like six different things you could be looking for.

  1. Pro Poker Rocked By Alleged Cheating Scandal Where Winner Repaid $269K To Loser

  2. Chess Investigation Finds That U.S. Grandmaster ‘Likely Cheated’ More Than 100 Times

  3. Fishermen nearly won a tournament. Then weights were found in the fish.

  4. Nia Long’s Fiance Ime Udoka Suspended From the Boston Celtics Amid Cheating Scandal

  5. The Try Guys Release YouTube Video Laying Out Exact Timeline of Ned Fulmer Cheating Scandal

  6. Adam Levine Returns to the Stage After Cheating Scandal With Support From Wife Behati Prinsloo

First of all, obviously these are two different kinds of cheating. The first three are people gaining unfair advantage in competitions and the latter are men having sex with women other than their wives. But I think it's defensible to discuss these together. After all, there's a reason we use the same word for both behaviors. Both are a major ethical breach where one person gains an unfair advantage at something by breaching an agreement.

(If we broaden the scope to "ethics-related controversy" we can throw in the recent chaos on Twitch over gambling and an alleged sexual assault coverup to this list.)

Is it schizophrenic to suggest that maybe it isn't a coincidence that this is happening at the same time? It kind of sounds insane, obviously it's a coincidence. But I don't know, sometimes it just feels like there's something "in the water" culturally and there are suddenly similar things happening in many places at once. An example of this is how sexual harassment/assault/etc. accusations tend to come in waves against many people all around the same time. Another example is just about everything that happened in June 2020. But in those cases I think the explanation is that a political movement that had been gaining steam for a long time is behind the phenomenon and the fact that the media is paying attention to it fuels more activism in a positive feedback loop. In this case there's no political movement and it's not clear how e.g. Magnus Carlsen withdrawing from a tournament over suspected would make it more likely for a fishing tournament organizer to decide to cut open some suspiciously heavy fish in the same sense that Harvey Weinstein getting canceled for rape makes more women share stories of sexual assault in Hollywood or one statue getting torn down leads to activists to try to tear more down.

Maybe this is actually normal, and there are always this many cheating scandals going on? If so, what were the ones from before? I heard of all of these stories, and I didn't hear about any from 2022 before September. Maybe this is a media phenomenon where cheating scandals are getting more attention now because there are no other major stories to take up the oxygen? If there were any cheating scandals coming out in, say, the month after Russia invaded Ukraine, or the beginning of the Covid pandemic, or the weeks before a presidential election, they probably wouldn't get much attention because there's just more important things to talk about. But none of that is happening now, so the media is free to focus on the Try Guys and it bubbles up to my awareness in a way it wouldn't otherwise. Maybe there's somehow a cultural energy towards exposing cheating, and for some reason people in many domains are turning their attention to it.

Or maybe I'm being crazy and it's a coincidence. I don't know. I'd be curious to read what other people think of all this.

If you lose the advertisers, you lose the site, and then there's no free speech at all for anyone on Twitter... I think he's trying to do the most pro-speech things that are practically possible.

Thanks for the reply. In-person wasn’t really a practical option; we meet too rarely and only in group settings.

I do well with older men and young(ish) women, most younger men do better with young men and older women


I think maybe they meant to add a count of how many children a comment has, like it does on Reddit

I think this is only on mobile, I don’t see it on desktop but I do on mobile

It's kind of hilarious reading all the Mottizens in this thread explain their interpretations of the term that are way more intelligent and charitable than the truth. It just means "women are a meme, lol".

My opinion is that at some point it becomes kind of silly to keep using terms coined in blog posts that are almost a decade old now and which have never gained widespread usage elsewhere without ever explaining what they mean or where they came from. At this point you have to expect that many of the people here were not aware of Slate Star Codex or LessWrong circa 2013. Part of my hope is that providing explanations and links to the LW/SSC origins of this community it will encourage newcomers to read more of the "foundational texts" and assimilate better rather than causing a culture shift over time away from the things that made this community great.

I agree with the problem of enabling trolls but this is a tradeoff and honestly I'm confident in our ability to identify someone namedropping shibboleths while trolling.

Although it didn't occur to me when I posted this that it would likely be one of the most visible posts on the subreddit for a while. I'm open to taking it down temporarily (or permanently if that seems to be the community consensus) or moving it to a less visible place.

Thanks for your reply. For what it’s worth, my experience is not consistent with the theory that “tier 2” social events have higher ratios of women than “tier 1” social events. I’ve been to private parties that are almost entirely men.

I don’t think I would ever get a female roommate… Apparently for you it went very well, but it definitely has the potential to go badly, including in ways that at first appeared to be going very well.

It's not Tourette's because it's a mass sociogenic illness that mimics Tourette's, according to the article. But I interpreted your comment as saying that it's a sociogenic illness either, it's kids consciously faking Tourette's to get out of work.

I went ahead and created an issue for this: https://github.com/themotte/rDrama/issues/360

Actually A Quality Contribution. It was an option when reporting comments if you wanted to highlight a comment to the mods as particularly good.

But manipulating impoverished people seeking a better future and treating them as nothing more than chattel to score political points and ‘own the libs’ absolutely turns my stomach.

Manipulating impoverished people seeking a better future and treating them as chattel to score political points is what the 'libs' have been doing for decades. That's how we got into this mess.

I don't want anyone to be mad, I want them to stop being 'altruistic' with other people's resources.

Like who?

I’d be more comfortable contributing money if I was confident it would be spent responsibly. Some kind of regular financial report or other kind of transparency would go a long way towards that.

Probably, yeah

The Republican party is not the same thing as conservatism. In the 70s, 80s, and 90s, there were lots of conservative Democrats in elected office; now there are basically none. I agree that conservatives were in a better position in 2017 than they are in 2023 or were in 2009, but it’s certainly not an all-time high watermark for conservatism.

We do have data about comments per day etc. See www.themotte.org/stats, www.themotte.org/daily_chart, and www.themotte.org/weekly_chart.

Actually the daily and weekly charts aren't working right now for some reason but they normally do.

The analogous case to art being used to train a model is code being used to train a model, and that's what GitHub Copilot and OpenAI Codex are. Most software engineers like the idea.