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Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

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joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC

I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.

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User ID: 873


Wow, imagine if this situation was reversed

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 17:23:50 UTC


I sometimes write about whatever I find interesting. Software Engineer by day. Rationalist-adjacent, I guess.


User ID: 873

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No, like I said it’s 47% of younger Trump voters that are female.

One thing that has worked quite well for me is this service called FocusMate. How it works is you get paired with someone on the service for a video call that lasts 25 or 50 minutes. You share at the beginning what you're working on and want to accomplish by the end of the session. Then you turn off your mic and do it for the rest of the session. At the end you check in with them and share how much you were actually able to do. It sounds dumb but it works better than anything else does to get me to stop surfing Reddit/YouTube/Wikipedia and actually get something done.

It sounds like your concern is not only about work but lesiure time too. FocusMate can be used for many leisure activities too. For example, if you want to read a book, you can say you want to read X pages in the session.

If you find that you don't know what you actually want to do with your leisure time when you have to structure it like that, that might be part of your problem.

What's the limiting principle for this? Lots of people can be upset or offended by all sorts of things.

What if I find it offensive and upsetting when people censor words instead of spelling them out?

Thanks for the kind response. This helped me feel less bad about it.

Unemployed for a while before I start my next job. I’m staying with family and I’ve ruled out significant travel because I want to spend time with them. But I won’t be glued to them 24/7 so I have a lot of free time. How should I spend it? More importantly, how do I hold myself to whatever I decide to do instead of watching YouTube all day?

Do you have any examples? I have not seen people arguing that people do not have natural differences in conscientiousness etc.

I agree that there are some people who treated it this way, but then why would Pai/Trump bother repealing it, if that's all it was? Why spend their political capital on this, if it doesn't make a difference?

It would be nice if pinned posts and comments were easier to distinguish visually from others. On Reddit pinned posts are green and that helps a lot; right now we only have the little pin icon next to the post and it's easy to miss.

Sorting comments by top only sorts the top level comments, replies are still in a different order

I really hope calling women the "meme sex" doesn't become a thing here... It doesn't feel like the sort of thing you would do if you were trying to "write like everyone is reading and you want them to be included in the discussion."

It looks like a developer finally got around to hiding scores for 24 hours on this site (Thanks, FatherInire). I'm curious if people thought that the scores being shown immediately changed how they interacted with or saw the forum. For me it made things feel a lot more confrontational and higher-stakes, I'm glad we're hiding scores again. Immediately visible scores encourages dog-piling and "ratio-ing" in my opinion which goes against the goal of this forum.

A difference between Gawker and Alex Jones is that Gawker is a company and Alex Jones is an individual. What that means is that Gawker can file for bankruptcy as a company and leave much the personal wealth of the individuals involved out of it. The individual who published Hogan's sex tape, A. J. Daulerio, did not have his life ruined and pretty much carried on as usual; He went on to found a website and newsletter called The Small Bow. The individual who founded Gawker, Nick Denton, was "only" on the hook for $10M personally (this sounds like a lot but remember it's 1% of what Alex Jones was fined for) and is apparently running a venture called Dialog Engineers.

How often do you spend time socially with somebody 1-1 who is not a family member or someone you’re dating? What do you do, and how do you initiate the interaction?

I realized that I basically never do this since I graduated college, and wondering what other people’s experiences are.

How did partnered Mottizens meet their partners? I appreciate all responses but more detail is more interesting, e.g. “we sat next to each other in our second year chemical engineering course and bonded by venting about our terrible professor” is more interesting than “college.”

As The_Nybbler pointed out, there is also a vaccine mandate for foreigners entering the US and Germany has mask a mandate on public transit, so there are mandates that apply to the "general population" too.

Isn't that to be expected, though

I mean, yeah, that was kind of my point back in January.

Thanks for the feedback. Re: The first bullet, those sorts of “dates that aren’t dates” are how I used to approach things and my experience was that it’s a good way to make friends. So I started trying to be more direct.

I haven’t heard this before. Do you have any link about this?

We forked their codebase; they’re talking about us because they think that’s interesting.

I wouldn’t watch any of these media franchises even if they were good and nonwoke. But even though their casting decisions don’t matter at all per se, they aren’t happening in a vacuum. The media considers it racist minority erasure if a white actor is cast for a nonwhite character. But if a nonwhite actor is cast for a white role and you complain about it, you’re a horrible racist too. This is a racist double standard. We are being conditioned to accept a racist double standard. I refuse to accept that, even for something that doesn’t matter per se. Because a society that embraces racist double standards in ways that don’t really matter will embrace them in ways that do matter, too.

This seems plausible, but can you provide any evidence for this claim?

Is there any technical constraint making us stick to 10k characters for comments like on Reddit? I think the way we use this community means that long comments are really common and are actually the sort of thing we want to encourage. I think 15k or 20k might be better if it's just a config change. Especially since I don't think we have the functionality to lock the top-level comment so people can only reply to the full comment the way we used to.

(I just ran up against the 10k limit for a comment I posted in the CWR and had to trim it.)

Has anyone brought up the banner image yet? It just looks some weird stock photograph unrelated the Motte and makes the site feel incomplete. I would rather not have it at all.

Any attempt to project the current political-cultural divide further back than maybe like 1950 at the very earliest always seems like a tortured version of Whig history to me. The idea that the Protestant Reformation was somehow the same movement as the modern movement that supports same-sex marriage and gender theory as core values is so absurd that I'm not even sure how to respond.