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The protestors would not have been able to enter the Capitol had they not had the numbers, the motivation, and the willingness to get violent.

See here's a key point of disagreement. On Jan 6 Pelosi and the DC mayor refused national guard support. Then Capital Police security was running at half their usual numbers, "due to covid messures". Then they started getting agressive with the protestors at the front. Then the line broke because Capital Police fired tear gas upwind and gassed their own lines.

If security had been run in a normal fashion then no one would have entered the capital.

The Southern elites were of the same race and class as the Northern elites, so the Northern elites didn't feel comfortable holding a grudge against them.

It's much easier to hate the poor white people who didn't actually own slaves.

Have you tried intermittent fasting? Limit yourself to just the catered lunch meal for the day.

If you want an easy grift with CS skills you need to stay away from anything self actualizing like video game development. Your best bet is to try to find a local company that needs a legacy system maintained.

Anything that seems cool or develops hot skills will have devs pounding at the door. Propping up an older business critical system where young devs don't want to learn the stack is a steady income for a solo dev.

Finding local companies who need your help is the major issue.

Part of the issue is that Shakespeare is public domain so anyone can do whatever they want with it.

Tolkien products are all licensed. These race swapped cards mean that fans will never get a card game with a book accurate Aragorn.

Additionally activists tend to see these swaps as permanent and will demand black Aragorn in all future adaptations.

The recording industry managed to spread the idea that non-professionals singing is lame and embarassing. So gathering around the campfire or a piano and singing as a group is pretty unusual for adults, at least in the US & CAN.

So there's not much of an opportunity for people to spread grassroots parodies.

What Abbott is doing is a little different. He and a few other Governors are challenging the rule change in court and telling their states not to make any changes while the lawsuits are on going.

Keep in mind that this is a re-interpretation of existing laws, not any new law. So the Executive Branch is on shakier ground.

The SCOTUS is re-examining Chevron deference and is about to make a ruling. So the Governors are on pretty strong legal ground to delay things until that ruling comes down and they've had their day in court under whatever the new standards are.

So really it's much less brazen than what blue states have been doing, where they've been ignoring specific that have been upheld as valid. Also there was that situation in 2020 where Antifa kept trying to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland and the city / state refused to defend it.

"I'll repeal Obamacare and give everyone MUCH BETTER healthcare!"

This is always framed as a swipe at Trump, but it really shows how incompetent the establishment GOP is. They have hundreds, if not thousands, of people working for think tanks, policy assistants, lobbyists, etc who were supposed to be crafting a Republican alternative to Obamacare. They had multiple votes to repeal Obamacare before Trump was a political player.

It turns out they had no plan. Apparently they were just cashing paycheques and playing Candy Crush.

John McCain repeatedly voted to repeal Obamacare, campaigned in 2016 on repealing Obamacare, then cast the deciding vote to save Obamacare. He was hailed as a hero by the press for opposing Trump, but he knew that there was no plan to replace Obamacare for all of those votes and during his campaign.

Trump just assumed someone in GOP healthcare policy had done their job in the past six years.

Legislation is the job of the legislative branch. The President should have input, but he shouldn't be expected to go into more depth than broad strokes about ideas he supports and opposes.

Right, clearly the right solution is to used watered down Scientology to audit away his body thetans.

but fundamentally I’ve never seen Ukraine as having a peace deal on the table which I don’t think Musks entirely gets.

Can you expand on what you mean by this?

how could a single vaccine...

That part isn't really surprising at all. The theory is that the spike protein itself is what's extremely toxic in covid, and it's going to cause a variety of illnesses once you inject people with MRNA to generate massive amounts of spike protein.

The Irish left wing open borders position alway confused me. Isn't being upset about British immigration 300 years ago their whole thing?

Realistically you wouldn't need Castro DNA. We know enough about Trudeau and Castro ancestry.

Given the breakup of Justin's marriage, the best way to proceed would be to recruit an attractive young woman to collect DNA. You could get sequencing done and upload the results to Ancestry.com and 23andMe.

It'd be pretty obvious who the real father is by looking at regions and relatives.

The problem goes back to Griggs vs Duke Power and related employment law cases.

Universities are the only ones who can do respected credentialization because any system will inevitably have a racially disparate result and universities are the only institution that judges respect too much to destroy for producing a "racist" result.

Any other system you try to set up is living on borrowed time until the judiciary decides to whack it.

This was also "Notorious RBG's" argument

In her case I think the truth is she expected Hilary to win and wanted the first woman President to appoint her replacement. It'd have made for a better story.

The counter argument is that jamming up Senate proceedings is Mitch McConnell's defining political skill.

Does anyone have thoughts on the Halo show? I know the fans are outraged, but I've been enjoying it.

I generally enjoy serials, space ships, space marines, and bad aliens being shot. So it's a pretty easy sell.

The writing could be better. They kind of botched the flood reveal.

The budget limits show. The first five episodes were shot in Ontario, they switched to Budapest for covid reasons for the rest of S1. You can definitely tell that they were shooting some outdoor combat scenes in stone and gravel quarries.

But they made practical spartan suits and warthogs, which is fun.

It seems fans were expecting Band of Brothers meets Lord of the Rings in space. Which was never going to happen.

I'm a moderate believer in the electric universe theory, to the degree that I think it can explain a lot of strange celestial phenomena. eg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Los_Angeles

Combine those with the fact that it's hard for people to judge the size of things in the sky without knowing what it is. The limit of stereoscopic vison is about 215m. After that your brain just making an educated guess about the size.

  • The primary software for forums was phpBB, and it was/is awful.
  • Reddit started as [del.ico.us](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicious_(website)) with upvotes and comments
  • Early on it broke every news story. It was an incredibly addictive source of info
  • The early users found out about the site primarily through it's announcement on Paul Graham's essay section, so the early users were bright techies who liked to read
  • Subreddits were added later, they grew out of it's natural development

Consolidating the ecosystem wasn't a goal early on. It was just a source for good links that grew steadily.

If you weren't there it's hard for you to understand how slow and awful phpBB was. Old reddit's use of JS to update the DOM was the top of the tech at the time.

Digg was founded at about the same time as Reddit and had a more Slashdot inspired interface. It's design came off as more professional and it was seen as the larger website. Although Spez said the daily hits were about the same or larger on Reddit.

Digg had a terrible v4 redesign in 2010 that caused much anger. Users fled to Reddit and Digg never recovered.

The appearance of smartphones also played a role. Reddit added a json api early so there were apps on every platform. Even without them Reddit's minimalist design made it easier to build in phone support. I never actually tired, but those phpBB forums look like they'd be very hard to use on mobile. The UI doesn't look like it'd be useable on small screens without major work.

I think Moldbug nailed it with his analysis. Researchers want to work on the most important problems in their fields. In viral research it's deadly airborne diseases. There's a shortage of deadly pandemic viruses to study, so they create them. That way they have something to write papers on.

People joke about Yudkowskian airstrikes on data centers; would airstrikes on labs be similarly warranted?

So I'm just going to state this is just theorizing as if I was writing a speculative fiction story. In real life murder is bad.

But it doesn't make sense to do air strikes against labs, there's a great risk of releasing a pathogen.

The weak point is the researchers. There are relatively few of them and they don't live high security lifestyles. They travel to international conferences.

A terrorist group with widespread support dedicated to killing viral researchers would probably be very effective. People would avoid the profession, avoid publishing under their own names, and the research labs would need to move away from cities to more secure locations.

In practice I think a group dedicated to harassment and social shunning would probably be very effective without the need for violence.

I'd recommend "The New Right" by Michael Malice, "Ship of Fools" by Tucker Carlson, and "The Case for Trump" by Victor Davis Hanson if you want to understand them.

One of the major issues is that the bureaucratic technocrat class has devoted most of their energy into setting up systems to prevent them from every having to face any serious consequences.

Pete Buttigieg is a great example. His Secretary of Transportation appointment was supposed to be an easy resume builder on his path to his Presidential run. He's been cocking it up, but everyone knows it won't hurt his political ambitions.

California should be the crown jewel example for bureaucratic Dems. But wherever competent management is needed you can see total failure. Electricity has been a disaster for over 20 years. The high speed rail project started planning in 1996 and has been a total failure throughout every step. Water planning is a disaster. Forest management to reduce fires is absent. The homelessness camps are entirely caused by mismanagement.

I could go on and on.

But to make it worse, DC is filled with people who have open contempt for the residents of "flyover states". They devote all of their energy to social signalling and fail at their actual jobs.

SF voted to ban homeless tents on streets years ago, a judge stepped in and forced them to allow it.

These sort of things aren't decided democratically in California. The bill will fail but then a left wing group will get a friendly judge to mandate it's major points.

Disney's PR team is very very good at manipulating entertainment reporters and online forums. They no how to kick up a mob to attack a competing movie.

Reviewing films is actually quite hard. You get to watch them once and you need to come out with some kind of take based on your notes. You need to do this with multiple movies. Often they are watched without much of a break.

So there's plenty of room for a friendly PR person to offer some notes about other studios movies that are easy to string into an article.

My take is that Disney is upset about TSOF embarrassing the new Indiana Jones movie and in response they are kicking up a culture war storm. A lot of reporters are joining in the gang pile because it's fun and easy.

Beyond that, a lot of people in DC at places like the State Department see the cartels as useful. The CIA has most likely been co-ordinating & manipulating them quite a bit over the years.

Movies that paint the cartels as scary badasses who are just trying to make money getting cocaine to consenting adults are OK.

Movies that point to child exploitation or fentanyl deaths in the US make the CIA look bad by association, so they are attacked.

It's common in theatre for roles to be seen as belonging to a specific group due to modern adaptation trends. Mercutio must always be gay. Esmeralda was a white girl raised by gypsies in the book, but in modern productions she must always be a person of color. There were a bunch of angry articles written a while back after a college production of Hunchback cast a white girl as Esmeralda.

After Samuel L Jackson got cast as Nick Fury they made the comic book version black. But no one is actually upset about that one. Comic fans view it as an opportunity to create even more distance from the David Hasselhoff Nick Fury movie.

If Peter Jackson had gone with a black Aragorn then that would be seen as the default going forward. I'll admit it's not really the case here since MTG cards will never be seen as a definitive adaptation.

If the life action Little Mermaid had been a big success there would have been a lot of pressure to make the animated version black as well going forward.