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Evidently so, if current policies are ineffective. But short of applying direct force, this is a problem virtually every developed and semi-developed country on Earth doesn't have a solid proposal for. If people's own choices can't reliably produce an outcome, and coercion can't reliably produce an outcome, all that remains is to institute more crushing and draconian penalties.

So the mullahs are weenies, so your plan for creating perfect trad society is more prisons, more torture and more executions. Your proposed solution is you and few hundred thousands of Revolutionary Guards (how many of them would be wiling to obey?) waging full scale war against the whole population (while Iran is indeed surrounded by enemies willing to exploit the opportunity).

Good luck with your plan.

And the same incidentally could be said of many western countries, where suicide rates are up, there's a great sense of apathy in the population

LOL. People willing to do this are anything but apathetic. Especially when they know they will not get slap on the wrist like BLM, when they know they can be shot or tortured to death. The Iranian government wishes the people were "apathetic".

Herbivore "function" in nature is the same as of other lifeforms - survive, escape being eaten and reproduce.

Anyway, if the Pentagon is using Oryx data then so much the worse for the Pentagon.

Yes, both sides of this farce are simian, to use elite human capital expression. US and whole NATO are unable to supply Ukraine with such basic stuff as artillery shells - after 20 months. For comparison, in the time of world wars, 20 days would be enough to begin mass production of ammunition, starting from empty field.

In reality, the Russians have more missiles, more artillery, more heavy weapons and airpower and thus enjoy favourable kill-loss ratios.

There are people, on both sides, who are calculating the human losses using open sources (official announcements, obituaries, memorials, new graves), but this is far trickier than counting burned out vehicles.

Is Elon smart? Let us check what people behind Oryx list think about it.

Elon is smart but doesn't know when to shut up.

(original Oryx is giving up, this Czech guy is now the boss of this project)

Well, is he right? Is it smart to pick so many fights at once, not only with ADL over free speech, but also with Pentagon and the deep state over Ukraine?

Pinging @Eetan, might as well.

Thanks for ping.

The question was prompted by this thread, and particularly this reply. If we argue the point, we're preaching. If we don't argue the point, there's no valid arguments.

This past thread was about preaching - compulsive, but counterproductive preaching at the wrong time and place.

TL;DR: Jewish Republican representative was so annoyed by simple expression of Christian faith that he unleashed Xer storm at fellow Republican and pro-life activist.

In related news, podcaster Daryl Cooper was so annoyed by rabbi lambasting Christianity, that he replied with attack on Judaism, especially Jewish faith in Messiah.

He hadn't noticed that rabbi with webpage full of rainbow flags would not be rabbi who every day awaits literal coming of literal Messiah and even less he noticed that many of his fans and subscribers are Jews who believe in literal Messiah and literal rebuilding of literal third Temple.

As this poster said, he was returning fire, except at the wrong adress, at his allies instead at his enemies.

*Rationalist Materialism made a great many significant promises. Among them, that it could bridge the is-ought problem, that it could build stable, functional societies, and that it could secure objective truth better than its predecessors. It has failed at these three promises, and at many besides.

Well, it depends what you mean by Rational Materialism (RM).

If you count RM beginning at the Enlightenment, then your baseline is Europe around year 1700.

And it is very low baseline. Compared to it, our societies far more stable, functional and are securing objective truth by several orders of magnitude. RM succeeded beyond any expectations.

It does when they're young. Never bothered me in the slightest.

Good for you.

Traditionally, misgendering - calling man a woman or girl - was considered very seriously and treated as mortal insult.

Concern about proper gender etiquette is not something invented by LGBTQ+ activists.

Yinon plan never existed, but it is working as intended.

I presume that number one requirement NSA is looking for is complete political reliability, not even trace of any expressed doubt of current party line (and any previous party lines during applicant's lifetimes), plus no compromised or suspect persons among their family, friends and acquitances. One Snowden was enough.

Twitter uses word "Amerikaner" for the group this thread is talking about - people descended from North-West European settlers in North America.

It is awkward, Germanic sounding name, but no one found anything better so far.

According to proponents, Amerikaners are separate nation with their own unique culture, nation colonized, oppressed and exploited, nation that is still unaware that it exists.

Some serious national revival movement is needed to save it.

Time to stop shitposting and start writing stirring poetry and plays, compose music and paint imposing works of art (or train AI to do it, we are not in 19th century any more).

If "Seize the means of production to free yourself" is Marxism and "Chop off your dick to free yourself" is also Marxism, what is not Marxism?

Why cannot be "Go to church to free yourself" also Marxism?

But that applies even more to the Hitler-did-nothing-wrong Nazis — really, how many of the far-right are endangering themselves to spread the gospel of (neo-)Nazism, versus the ones who are in it because they think it‘s edgy, or because they have some vague grievance towards progressive politics and it was the easiest thing to latch on to? The lack of mind-reading goes both ways.

Even anonymous edgy neonazi posting can be dangerous thing. If you are doxxed as someone whose hobby is to shitpost as "Werwolf1488", your life is fucked (while not much will happen to "RedGuard1917", except friends laughing at him behind his back).

And that raises another point — isn‘t it pretty telling that people can get to say shit like “Mao is just misunderstood” and “the Great Leap Forward was the US’s fault for starving China” without getting overwhelming pushback (like someone would if they tried to justify the Holocaust, say) and making them reconsider?

Yes, it is pretty that communism is so completely dead that it can be treated as old unfunny joke and nothing else.

No thank you. But your presence here is very helpful in illustrating just how easily people go from pretending jews don't exist in the negative to praising them for things they didn't even do in the positive. Maybe take a moment to think just how little bad a person could say of jews if all they ever did was good.

In the normie world yes, but this forum was never afraid of calling (((them))) in the slightest.

My point was, even if we accept that Jews and Jews alone are to blame for what are they most often blamed by people who are not fond of (((them))), inventing mass murdering totalitarian doctrines of communism and monotheism, their total tally (for people who insist on making such "tallies" of whole nations and ethnic groups) is highly positive.

Your argument fell flat because your original example of Jewish misdeed that started this exchange, stopping Japanese runaway population growth is something that would be seen by any reasonable person as good thing.

Every exponentional growth has to end some day (unless your vision of paradise is sphere of Japanese flesh expanding at the speed of light).

Even if of all the good things they do only half is true. As a cursory glance at any of the history of the topics you raised can show.

So, achievements I listed in my post are stolen from gentiles or complete fake? Tell me more.

Secondly, that doesn’t hold nearly as well when I hear people say that Mao was “misunderstood”, mm? I think that goes beyond “harmless pastime”.

Well, TPTB are not worried of world workers revolution, are not worried at all that people with hammer and sickle in their twitter handle are going to seize the means of production and expropriate the expropriators.

Communism in the West was not always perceived as harmless, but it is now.

I have never seen anyone in real life defend Hitler, like, ever. Not even outside of the West where it’s less of a taboo.

Of course - if you cheer for Hitler you are spitting on everything Western culture sees as sacred, you are the true counterculture and true rebel, and such rebellion has consequences few people are willing to pay.

Waving red flags with hammer and sickle can make you feel like rebel, but everyone knows it is harmless pastime.

Particularly seeing as that genius, confined to the realm of the game, doesn't contribute anything tangible to the world. Assuming the fungibility of IQ, Magnus and others are an immense lost opportunity.

How many full time professional chess players are there in the world? If it is more than low five figures, i would be surprised (and large part of them are weird people who would not fit in professional scientific or engineering world, even if chess never existed).

If you want to be angry at waste of high IQ potential, better targets for your rage are things like this.

The ways I can think of to make people happy and comfortable are to

is just to listen to them (or pretend to) and eagerly agree with everything they say. Most people are enamored of their own voices and are never tired of talking all the time if they can.


"Yes, KAREN"

"No, KAREN! This is horrible! How could STACY do this to her best friend? Tell me what happened next!"

Post to find out!

OP is not interested, should someone else step in? To make an alt called Voice_of_Angels, Sound_of_Trumpets or something similarly devout, and start posting newest discoveries of intelligent design research and creation science?

Yes, these disciplines are still around.

Bodies of Kent Hovind and Adnan Oktar are rotting in prison, but their spirit marches on.

Nothing else could make people who are too young to remember the great atheist-christian internet war understand why new atheism happened, where arrogant asshole atheists of the noughties came from.

Actually it was 25 years. The decline of the Soviet Union started with Brezhnev - Khruschev had the revolutionary idea for communist that economic of a country and some form of free enterprise and free culture are important.

If his reforms were allowed to continue who knows how much different the world would have been today

Big K had indeed many revolutionary ideas, all of them stupid.

Starting with denouncing his precedessor who was for thirty year worshipped as living god, undermining whole party and state legitimacy just to win some stupid personal power struggle.

The most hardcore tankies are 100% right about him.

Chinese did it better, they kept big M in the mausoleum, kept his statues and portraits everywhere while doing 180 degrees turn from his policy.

Otherwise, none of his reform had anything with "free enterprise" and "free culture."

Not hunt for abstract art, not renewal of religious persecution, not abolition of machine tractor stations, not destruction of workers cooperatives, not destruction of peasant's private plots, not the maximally demented corn idea.

Set aside this thing, equivalent of waving BB gun at heavily armed and armored cops and saying "Boo, pigs!"

May he be reborn thousand of thousands times as pig on factory farm.

All Soviet deportations of nations are well documented in archives.

Modern organized bureaucratic state runs on paper, you simply cannot move millions of people without generating lots of paperwork.

edit: link

Feature, not a bug if you are a lawyer. Otherwise, I do not see any benefit for anyone.

A lot, as otherwise they wouldn't have their city.

Hundreds of towns and cities were founded all over former USSR during Stalin's time.

Should statues of the big moustache man be built in each of them?

Well FDR couldn't because he was best buddies with Stalin. But the Germans by late 1944 weren't stupid. They knew they were losing. It was FDR's demand for unconditional surrender that kept them fighting. That was what glued them to Hitler. That and the Morgenthau plan was grist for Goebells' mills. He could fairly reasonably say that it was a war of annihilation, that any German who opposed Hitler in this darkest hour was betraying the fatherland. And so they fought on. The Germans were sending out peace feelers to the UK in 1940, they were trying to negotiate the whole war and especially towards the end.

Main goal of unconditional surrender policy was to avoid the botched end of WWI, avoid situation where the enemy will try for the third time. Allies were interested in victory, not negotiation and were beyond caring about German feelings.

It was successful, Germany hadn't waged any wars for 70+ years and isn't going to in the foreseable future.

The US didn't read the situation in 1944-5. They could've allied with Hitler against the Russians, or negotiated with German generals for a post-Hitler Germany.

LOL. Aside of political impossibility, why would you want to do it? Why keep around the Nazis (who were anything but "reliable allies"), when you can rebuild the country from point zero as you wish.

Again, you cannot deny it was succesful. West Germany was far more useful to US/NATO than any Nazi or "reformed Nazi" state would even going to be.

I hadn't considered this angle, at first, but once it's been pointed out to me, I can't shake it. It's the most plausible argument I've heard of for why Sam would steal the woman's luggage, given that all others make no sense.

Yes, even without the sexual angle, it looks like typical amateur theft for sport, for thrill of the hunt. Many such cases, his refusal to give up his "trophy" is telling.

For this person, theft is obviously not result of poverty, and it is not side gig (even most basic skills of professional thieves are lacking).

Thorough search of Brinton's properties (including ground penetrating radar) is strongly recommended.

It may work the other way around too. Like Churchill has said once, «...the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews.» This is an unsubstantiated, qualitative judgement of a savvy well-connected operator, that no counting of raw beans could check – how do we know if Litvinoff truly was more powerful than Tchitcherin?

Well, we now know how it ended, we have the benefits of knowing that ZOG even at its strongest stands no chance against COG.

Lesson of history is: if you have a (((problem))) in your house, call the Caucasians

Why would it not be OK for a person to tag themselves as being a believer in a continued existence of white people and future for their children who also likes Adolf Hitler and David Lane?

Because Adolf Hitler was the greatest enemy of white people in all history, anyone who cares about "continued existence of white people" should condemn him ten times stronger than mainstream normie history does.

So, my question following that would be: Why? Why the disparate application of rules? The mods will say something along the lines of 'too much heat' or something else. And my question would be, for who? Who can't handle WotanWolf1488 talking about the housing crisis in Belgium? Who are these users perusing this webspace that need to be protected from '1488'?

Because one nazi attracts another, and mods do not want this site to become nazi sewer, more than enough of such places on the internets.