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It is accepted now that America before Columbus was no pristine wilderness, but densely populated and higly developed land. "High counters" are more vindicated every day.

More evidence that being hit by epidemic with 95% death rate is not good for civilization and progress. As Gregory Cochran pointed, it was just matter of dumb luck that nothing worse that syphilis (and possibly typhus) came back to Old World (and early syphilis was very bad).

Obviously, we need to fund science of virology much more generously and speed up gain of function research to be safe!

For maximally cynical, conspiratory and blackpilling take, seek, as usual Rolo Slavski.

Gonzalo Lira Was Abandoned to His Death

There was an e-debate on Rumble yesterday with Nick Fuentes on one side and a Jew teamed up with Christian Zionist Gavin McInnes on the other side. Gavin's reaction to the news that it is common for Jews to hate Christianity more than Islam was hilarious. Pretty funny Gavin's own debate partner admitted to preferring Islam to the Christian Zionist's religion.

This is fully mainstream Jewish position and always had been.

The present legal status of Christianity is presented in this chapter. Maimonides views Christianity together with Islam. For Maimonides, Christianity and Islam are related to Judaism. Maimonides's practical view of Christianity was usually assumed to be negative and he regarded Christianity as a form of proscribed polytheism, even for gentiles. In his code of Jewish law, Mishneh Torah, Maimonides basically restated his judgment about the idolatrous status of Christianity without repeating the reasons he gave in his earlier works. As a theologian, he took regularly strong exemption to Christian Trinitarianism. Maimonides ranked Islam superior than Christianity on theological grounds. For him, Christianity is the prime example of the error of such anthropomorphism in its original doctrine of the Incarnation and in its associated doctrine of the Trinity.


But there's a deeper level, some Jews properly understand Christianity as Judaism for Gentiles (and Islam too, for that matter). Christianity is the only reason Judaism exists today, owing to the station and mythological power that the Christian religion concedes to the Jewish people by accepting the Torah and Covenant as divine truth.

Does not conclude. Jews survived for centuries in pagan Roman Empire (once they stopped revolting) and for millenia in India. One can easily imagine that in alternate timeline where monetheism never caught on in Roman empire, Jews will be still there.

And now some news from Ukraine: Gonzalo Lira is dead.

More details about his demise in Ukrainian prison.

You probably heard about him. Former pickup artist guru who turned into journalist/propagandist lambasting Ukraine and Zelensky - from Ukraine in war time. Whatever you think about him and his opinions, this tooks serious guts (and GL was well aware of the risks).

English Wikipedia finds him not enough notable and deleted him at 4th attempt, but, strangely enough, simple English Wikipedia keeps his article.

Now, he is notable enough to be noticed by Tucker Carlson and notable enough make it to Twitter worldwide trends (as for now), notable enough to be added as another reason for Red tribe to oppose supporting Ukraine.

Not smart move from Ukrainian government. You gained a little bit of sadistic revenge and even smaller bit of intimidation of people inside Ukraine (who already know well what will happen to them if they open their mouth too much). You lost rather bigger piece of credibility with people whose support you desperately need.

RIP Coach Red Pill. Whatever you were in your life, now you are symbol and martyr.

To say the least, the Jewish attitudes towards Christianity are complex and vary.

The Jewish attitudes towards Christianity are not complex - Jews, even the most secularized and assimilated ones with no interest in Jewish religion, see Christianity as enemy and conversion to Christianity as the ultimate treason.

People peddling "Judo-Christian values" Prager University style are speaking for gentile audience, Jews see them universally as, at best, hacks and fraudsters.

This is not surprising, no one should expect old religion having good feeling towards newer successor religion that claims the old religion is false and obsolete, Christians were historically never too fond of Islam either (nor were Muslims friendly towards Baháʼí faith)

Surprising are the completely unrequited warm feelings American Christians feel towards Jews.

What's wrong with giving creationists more power?

That we are in 2024, not 2004 and this Dubya era cause of teaching creation science/intelligent design is as defeated as any political cause can be? Read wish lists of most radical conservative wishful thinking, you will not find there any notice of this thing.

And as for BAP - he is troll and shitposter, who does not have any actual political demands and proposals here and now (what could these be? compulsory fitness training to make the nation more muscular? this would be massively unpopular, most of all among the conservative base).

Real reason why even moderate centrist people who hate wokeness and DSA types and who would appreciate less immigrants and more law and order balk at voting R is, outside of raw classist disgust of rednecks and their unsightly pickup trucks, in most of the cases, abortion. They fear giving right-to-lifers-from-conception even morsel of more power.

Does anyone have a link to a sincere presentation of the case for him being a federal agent? Googling it literally only shows references to a “debunked far-right conspiracy theory” but not one genuine presentation of it from a right-leaning source

Check https://revolver.news/

Meet Ray Epps

Meet Ray Epps, Part 2

He must be taken as a prime example of why introvert smart guys

??? Karlin is extrovert extraordinaire, of the hustler/preacher subtype. Introvert would not chose life of digital nomad, introvert would not relocate to the other side of the world on a whim, introvert would definitely not volunteer to evangelize his (exteme and unpopular) political ideology (or ideologies).

Karlin was always transhumanist, he supported Russia because he believed it is beginning of new supertechnological supercivilization. Once it was obvious that Russia is not aspiring Atomic Space Empire, but another Eastern European shithole, he dropped it like hot potato.

It was never about any Russian historical legacy or care of actual Russian people (remember how he was gloating how elderly vatniks and sovoks from the villages refused to be vaxed and died of COVID.)

As someone with UK passport, US green card and big stash of crypto, AK was one of these people who genuinely could be what they want to be and he picked "Russian" identity for a while.

Now AK is safely out of Russia, he is back to his previous self.

For someone like AK, it was never anything than game.

Imagine new, long awaited and bigly hyped game comes out. You download it and start playing.

You start playing as Orc, because orcs are cool.

First you notice that orcs and whole orc land are hideously ugly. Then you find that gameplay is unbalanced and story line makes no sense at all. Finally, when you turn things and start winning, and the stupid orcs start fighting each other once again, you give up and begin new game.

Start again as Elf. At the beginning, you pick your gender from 72 options and eagerly start playing. It couldn't be worse than Orc game!

Another digression about copyright law.

You may know about it, but it needs repeating that architect of modern extortionary mafia cartel intellectual property business was no one else than one Robert Maxwell.

He was known also for other things than advancing scientific knowledge, you may have heard about him.


As Maxwell had predicted, competition didn’t drive down prices. Between 1975 and 1985, the average price of a journal doubled. The New York Times reported that in 1984 it cost $2,500 to subscribe to the journal Brain Research; in 1988, it cost more than $5,000. That same year, Harvard Library overran its research journal budget by half a million dollars.

Scientists occasionally questioned the fairness of this hugely profitable business to which they supplied their work for free, but it was university librarians who first realised the trap in the market Maxwell had created. The librarians used university funds to buy journals on behalf of scientists. Maxwell was well aware of this. “Scientists are not as price-conscious as other professionals, mainly because they are not spending their own money,” he told his publication Global Business in a 1988 interview. And since there was no way to swap one journal for another, cheaper one, the result was, Maxwell continued, “a perpetual financing machine”. Librarians were locked into a series of thousands of tiny monopolies. There were now more than a million scientific articles being published a year, and they had to buy all of them at whatever price the publishers wanted.

Ok, my apology for being too confrontational. As you may noticed, I am not Pinochet's greatest fan.

Good luck in your hunt for Pinochet's missing books.

My explanation why are they missing from libgen is not because they are censored, but because no one bothered to upload them there.

And my prediction is, once the books are found, they will turn to be boring wooden ghostwritten propaganda, no brilliant insights or important secrets.

On libgen you can find works by George Lincoln Rockwell, Francis Parker Yockey, David Ernest Duke, William Luther Pierce, Matthew Hale, Revilo Pendleton Oliver and rest of the White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi crew. Far more controversial books than anything Pinochet might have to say.

BTW, is there any documented case of libgen censoring content and deleting uploaded books (except pictorial child porn ofc)?

edit: links corrected again

Big Bang

Theory of expansion of universe was formulated by Catholic priest and met, at first, with very strong opposition from "rational materialists" who saw it being too similar to biblical story of creation.

"Big Bang" name itself was coined as derogatory nickname.

Nevertheless, rational people, whether materialists or idealists, accepted it because the evidence is overwhelming.

But are white progressives genuinely white ethnically in the same way?

So blond and blue eyed lifelong Democratic voter who hates Trump and despises the flyover rednecks, who never fired a gun and would rather die than be seen driving a pickup truck is not "white". So "whiteness", as you see it, does not have any correspondence with actual skin color.

Then, why call your ethnic identity "white"? If it is not only about skin color, but about values and beliefs, then what would you do when large part of "white" people actively reject these values and beliefs?

Just drop the race thing completely and say: We are ancient Redneck nation, we want end of our oppression and persecution, we want freedom for our occupied Redneck lands, we want our national self determination.

There are various historical episodes of a people under a foreign occupation that mistreated their own where a percentage of their own people supported the regime.

There are even more historical episodes when "nation" wanted to force into ranks of "their people" masses who had zero interest to be part of this club. Just one example, like you claim to speak for all "whites" Russian nationalists always claimed to speak for all Slavs, even when these Slavs strongly disagreed. Hadn't ended well.

As someone with a very high view of the Eucharist, I now want to kill everyone involved with this

I am afraid that this ship sailed long ago (it was early 19th century sailboat).

The last time when death for blasphemers and abusers of Body of Christ was seriously tried in Western civilization was during the Bourbon Restoration in France, and it was not tried very hard.


The Anti-Sacrilege Act (1825–1830) was a French law against blasphemy and sacrilege passed in April 1825 under King Charles X. The death penalty provision of the law was never applied, but a man named François Bourquin was sentenced to perpetual forced labour for sacrilegial burglary;[1] the law was later revoked at the beginning of the July Monarchy under King Louis-Philippe.

I think the Orthodox church by far comes the closest, but still not 100% that they have it all. Then again as I said I'm pretty ignorant at this point

Closest to Roman Imperial church of 4th century? Yeah.

Closest to first Christians? (always nonviolent, always rejecting all Earthly authority, always preaching and evangelizing, always persecuted, always awaiting end of the world, always willing to suffer and die for their faith)

Go look somewhere else.

edit: link

You mean time when KKK was still a thing, time when American Nazi Party was founded (and defended by ACLU), time when third party pro-segregation candidate won 13% of vote?

His memoirs

"anarchist" who sees long dead penny ante dictator as divine being? Why not, point of real free speech is the opportunity to hear all voices!

Or any of the dozens of works he published.

If it proves anything, it proves that Pinochet memes are just garbage memes and no one really gives a fuck about El Presidente.

Any shit tier Japanese hentai manga is pirated and put online with fan made English (and Russian and Chinese and Korean) translation in few days after publication, for free, only from pure fannish devotion.

The Marxists had extensive online library of their classics as long as Internet was a thing.

The archive was created in 1990 by a person — known only by their Internet tag, Zodiac — who started archiving Marxist texts by transcribing the works of Marx and Engels into E-text, starting with the Communist Manifesto. In 1993 the accumulated text was posted on a gopher site at csf.colorado.edu. Volunteers joined and helped spread and mirror the main archive.

Where are Pinochet's fans? Why aren't they preserving and spreading gospel of their guru? Either they do not exist, or they are completely useless.

Even Pinochet himself didn't GAF. He could order his collected works to be translated to major world languages and distributed world wide to enlighten all mankind.

ALBANIA did it. No excuse for Chile.

Anyway, in age of internet, all this complaining that "banned books" are not printed by anyone is as obsolete as steam locomotive.

Do you think there is some obscure but important book that should be available to the world?

Put it on libgen.

You personally.

In the worst case, potato phone copy made in library.

Yes, many libraries today do allow photography. And even if they do not, perk of being anarchist is that you do not have to ask for permission.

It is not hard, there are people with nothing than little money and university library card who are doing it in their free time, these people made libgen into what it is.

Information does not want to be free.

Autistic obssessives want information to be free.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

edit: links, links, links linked up properly

One possible compromise would be to offer a sort of Amish Rumspringa where teens are allowed a lot of freedom to run around and find themselves, combined with a strong welfare state that pays for childcare and also free higher ed.

Even better compromise would be burn to the ground the scam called "higher ed" and liquidate academics as a class.

The Plagiarism War Has Begun: Claudine Gay was taken down by a politically motivated investigation. Would the same approach work for any academic?

Good question, only way to find out is to try.

Time to sharpen the scalping knives and get to work.

I have nothing against maoist tactics. When highpopalorum gloats about how easily it will be to starve and Sarin gas red states, I'm just jealous I can't come up with an equally plausible response against the coastal cities.

When SHTF for real, you just have to be ready to get to North Dakota first and seize the presents waiting there. Speed is all you need.

Technically, that's a website :P

Website with large library of pro final exit material. According to OP, PDFs do count as books :P

Some big music YouTuber made a video on it, and there's a Kiwi Farms thread refuting several blatant lies in said video. Shame that the thread hasn't spread much, but that's likely owed to the YTer's influence and generally positive reputation and KF's generally negative reputation.

This thread?

Sanctioned Suicide - "Kill yourself" but unironically with sodium nitrite. Higher death count than the Farms. Targeted by parents, legislators, and journalists looking to alter Section 230.

The people who were Christian the longest would be various tiny middle eastern ethnicities. I think the largest and best continuity are the Maronites, who’ve been an endogamous Christian group since well before the Islamic conquests and who are doing quite well by the standards of ‘minority group living in a shithole country ruled by terrorists’. Ditto for Palestinian Christians(Arab Christians actually outcompete Jews in the Israeli education system) and copts.

And these people are typical Middle Easterners, not "pro-social" at all outside their family and clan.

The longest continually Christian ruled territory is probably northern Italy, although plausibly some other part of the carolingian empire(maybe the Ile de Paris) has it beat. And northern Italy, unlike the south, has outcomes similar to germany.

Why you exclude Central (with Rome) and Southern Italy? Excepting small and short lived emirate of Bari it was in solid Christian hands since Constantine.

‘Christianity is mildly eugenic, but not enough to overcome most confounders’ fits the data we have. There’s plausible explanations; monogamy, reduction of cousin marriage, monasteries as a dumping ground for autists. I wouldn’t say there’s strong evidence but it seems to lean in that direction.

Your picture of Christian history seems too rosy. Autists and other mentally ill were seen as possessed by devil and treated accordingly. Monasteries were, for most of Christian history exclusive institutions, serving as dumping ground for excess unmarried sons and daughters of aristocracy (mostly daughters), and were tiny, not enough to influence general genetic composition of population.

So what caused European specific high IQ genetic development? More plausible is theory of Peter Frost it was work from home.

More technically, cottage industry and distributed manufacturing.

In other civilizations, succesful craftsmen (presumably with high IQ and conscientiousness scores) moved to cities where they thrived and prospered until they died of disease. In Europe, guild system specific in European civilization prevented it, and distributed manufacturing evolved as workaround.

Under this system, craftsmen stayed in their villages, worked with material brought to them by merchant and sold him the finished goods. It was miserable existence combining drawbacks of city and country, life at complete mercy of the trader.

Still, succesful craftsmen had large families, who, unlike children born in plague pits that were premodern cities, survived. This way, by series of historical accidents, high IQ and conscientiousness genes spread in the population. Until end of guild system and development of capitalism put end to this process.

Yes, at least on this issue, Elon Musk is full of shit.

Anything to do with communism winds up being heavily censored whenever it comes to mentions of Jewish representation in the party.

Maybe some conspiratory rants how all Communism was nothing than Jewish 666d clever chess move.

As for Jewish role in the revolution and early Soviet History, Yuri Slezkine and Mikhail Zygar wrote about it extensively and are as respectable mainstream academic authors as you can be.

Zygar is also the first person who opened (at least in the West) the Old Believer question. Yes, the non-Jewish Russian Bolsheviks way disproportionately originated from this small and persecuted religious group.

Mikhail Zygar: The Empire Must Die

His book actually opens and has a significant focus on the literary world of Russia, starting with the excommunication of Tolstoy for his Christian Anarchist Millenarianism and his over support for the Socialist Revolutionaries’ peasant platform. From there we get into his late friendship of Gorky, who donates most of his book money and family fortune to the Russian Social Democratic Party while cucking the theatre director Konstantin Stanislavsky of theatre kid fame. Gorky and his new girlfriend, Maria Andreyevna make acquaintances with the millionaire actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya and one of the richest industrialists in Russia, Savva Morozov and his nephew Nikolai Schmidt. These last three were the largest domestic contributors specifically to the Bolshevik party in the underground phase, and they all have connection to one another in a very specific minority religious sect that were renowned for being niggardly merchants.

That’s right, the Old Believers. Now, the Old Believer Question had been in the back of my mind as a lost factor in the Russian Revolution, especially since when I started to dig, I found quite a bit of crossover in the “disaffected sub elite” strata of Moscovite and Petersburg society. But no historian names the Raskol quite as explicitly as Zygar has done in his map of money and connections specifically to the underground Bolsheviks. While there were self financing activities in the Caucasus on the Party’s part, and still other contributors, Zygar makes the case that the unimportant lesser branch of social democracy got its greates pre March 1917 mindfalls from profligate Old Believers who had made up the “native” merchant burger artificially maintained ethno-religious group, which was so novel a take I found it worth writing these series of reviews to get to it.

What this really just reminds me of is that we really are, de facto, still living in the greatest time of free speech and free exchange of ideas ever.

Greatest time of free speech in history? In US, it was the sixties/seventies. Anything went at the time.

Porn of any kind? Go ahead.

Racism, fascism, antisemitism and bigotry in general? All fine.

Anti government and anti military propaganda, up to open incitement to desertion and mutiny in wartime? No problem.

Stolen top secret documents? No internet yet, you have to print them in newspaper to get them to the public. Nothing will happen to you.

Weirdly enough some of the critiquing of the translation by the book was done by one of the New Atheist minor figures, Richard Carrier. Once you get into the weeds these things really do become a small world.

Critiquing not only the translation, but the whole thing as completely fradulent.

Hitler’s Table Talk: The Definitive Account

By the conclusion, you start to get the clear picture, as did Nilsson, that a lot of what went wrong had to do with what one single con artist—the unrepentant Swiss Nazi banker François Genoud—did to manipulate decades of historians into doing his bidding by replicating and validating his own myths and fabrications. A single man behind it all; mostly invisible to the public, as his involvement was barely if ever even mentioned in historical treatments and third-party publications of the Table Talk, and thus all his devices and manipulations went unnoticed until Nilsson uncovered them all. I was among the first to signal this might be the case, as it was my article in GSR that exposed the first evidence of Genoud being the actual fraud behind it, when I uncovered how he doctored his own French translation, and that the English translation was based on that—for reasons I then did not know and could not explain; Nilsson uncovers the hidden truth: Genoud had forced by secret contract everyone involved in producing the English edition—publishers, translators, and its editor and endorser, the renowned Hitler historian Hugh Trevor-Roper—to only use his French as their base text. Nilsson explores various reasons why Genoud did that, though certainty may never be ours, as his motives Genoud took with him to the grave…along with the original manuscript, apparently—no version of which survives (apart from a few pages recovered by the U.S. Army after the war, which I was also for some reason the first to publicly reference beyond merely mentioning they exist; it appears Nilsson may have also located three other notes from it copied from Genoud’s archive that have still never been published, p. 241). In fact, apart from those few sheets (and a mere handful of some photocopied pages reproduced in various places), no person still living has even seen the original notes forming the Table Talk. So really getting to the bottom of things here may be forever impossible now.

I was thinking more first hand accounts.

Memoirs of actual torturers and executioners? No idea if there are any.

Memoirs of Soviet leaders? Only uncensored one I can recall is Molotov's published in 1993.

Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics

Not banned at all, available on Amazon.

Well, the editorial abridgement of English version could be considered as ban, if you are paranoid enough...


These abstracts were taken from the English version, which is an abridged form of the Russian version. The English version has 437 pages, while the Russian version is 735 pages. No explaination nor notice is given for why the English version has been so thoroughly abridged.

You mean revisionist works? Large number in post-Soviet sphere, in Western world most prominent is Grover Furr whose prodigious output shows how Stalin did absolutely nothing wrong.

His books are available on Amazon and generally more obscure than banned, because few people today really care one way or another.


