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As much as I respect Eliezer, it's highly unfortunate that he ended up such a prominent spokesperson for the AInotkilleveryoneism movement.

The sad truth is that the public is easily swayed by status indicators, such that presenting as a chubby, nominally uncredentialed man in a fedora is already tilting the balance against him.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) the normie public do not get to decide any big questions of our time.

Did "the public" asked for invasion of Iraq and indefinite Great War on Terror worldwide?

Did "the public" asked for bailout after bailout after bailout?

Did "the public" asked for all the things, ranging from just plain scam and graft to totally nonsensical theatre of absurdity, done to "save the earth" and "stop climate change"?

Did "the public" asked for "trans rights"?

Did "the public" asked for unprecedented quarantine measures to stop new scary virus?

Did "the public" asked for support of Ukraine against Russia?

etc, etc, etc...

The elites decide these questions, the people are "swayed" afterwards to agree.

Eliezer is not persuasive enough?

Kamala will be.

JarJar presented the perspective that eugenic thinking is threatening to Jews, "because Auschwitz." That is a direct reading of his post.

If so, it is very recent attitude, originating in 1960's and 70's, not in 1940's.

Until then, eugenics was seen as uncontroversial progressive and scientific (including by Jews) and militarism, agressive war were seen as the major drawbacks of Nazism.

Nazis were not seen as "pinnacle of modernity", but obscurantist remnant of the primitive past, wanting to retvrn to the Germanic Dark Forest of ancient times.


John Glad, retired director of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, wrote an important book in 2011, Jewish Eugenics documenting the Jewish love-hate relationship with eugenics.

The most striking revelation is that, contrary to the current impression, Jews largely approved of eugenics until the end of the 1960s. (The most effective opponents tended to be Catholics, such as G.K Chesterton, author of 1922’s Eugenics and Other Evils.) Glad quotes endless Jewish spokesmen from the first seven decades of the 20th century to the effect that Jews had been practicing eugenic marriages for 3,000 years. The medical profession, which was largely secular and progressive, was enthusiastic about eugenics, and there was little evidence that the sizable number of Jewish doctors objected.


Using many hundreds of quotes from contemporary publications dating back to the 19th century, Glad traces the broad enthusiasm for eugenics among Jewish leaders, both progressive and conservative, assimilationist and Zionist, up through the 1960s. Then, following the rise of 1960s radicalism, Israel’s triumph in the 1967 Six-Day War, the UN’s 1975 vote to condemn Zionism as racism, and the subsequent Holocaust memorial movement, there emerged a new historical orthodoxy. Jewish intellectuals such as Gould systematically demonized eugenics as heavily responsible for the Nazis and much else that wasn't good for the Jews.

According to Glad, the first books linking the Holocaust to the eugenics movement did not appear until the 1970s. Yet, by 2004, at least 131 such books had been published, most of them "shrill."

One of my all time favourite writeups and one of the most blackpilling things I have ever read.

K-pop origin as result of succesful government project, as example of cultural engineering that actually worked as intended, as proof that central planner can build out of nothing not only roads, railroads, power plants and steel mills but also popular culture that is actually attractive to people worldwide, is something even more disturbing, either extremely blackpilling or extremely whitepilling.

Ukrainians ought to be thankful that the Russian state despised such people and their attempts at revolutionizing the military-industrial complex, so they merely coped, reading even more fiction (sometimes about popadantsy).

On one tentacle, in rare cases when science fiction geeks were asked for advice in RL political and military matters, the results were rather underwhelming.

On the other tentacle, it is hard to imagine Russian war effort being run worse.

On the gripping tentacle, it is always possible to do worse. Geeks are human beings who will steal like any other human beings when given the opportunity, in addition to pursuing their brilliant scientific plans.

How do you keep track of what you've read online? How do you manage your personal research? Do you have a system? Do you have collections, and keep notes?

Old school massive bookmark tree.

Reds' aversion to HBD is a little harder to figure out.

It is very easy to figure out.

Red tribe defines itself as pro capitalist, and primary popular argument for capitalism is: "In capitalist society all are equal. The rich are succesful because they WORKED HARD, the poor are losers because they are worthless lazy scum. Stop whining and pull yourself by your bootstraps!"

(no one except nerds cares about economic calculation and efficient allocation of capital)

Acceptance of HBD torpedoes and sinks this talking point.

Now there are only two ways out:

a/ The winners are superior because they were BORN superior. Bow to your evolution given masters, peasant, and be grateful they let you live in their world.

(this means outright repudiation of last 250+ years of Western history in general and whole American national myth in particular, few people want to open this can of worms)

b/ The winners are superior due to their undeserved lucky strike, it would not be unjust to ask them to share some of their wealth with the less lucky.

(and this is even less acceptable to Red Tribe)

So while a conservative from 1963 might have been comfortable with HBD

Conservative from 1963 could be comfortable with raw white supremacy, but would find all modern HBD science with its bell curves and IQ tables even more disturbing.

See this classic racist writing of the time.

The central question that emerges-and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalogue of the rights of American citizens, born Equal - is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes - the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race.

Impeccably polite, but pure and hardcore racism so far.

But, why? What makes, according to Buckley, "White community" the "advanced race"?

Nothing about "blood", nothing about "birth", nothing about genes, nothing about IQ.

It is not easy, and it is unpleasant, to adduce statistics evidencing the median cultural superiority of White over Negro

It is mere "cultural superiority". While lazy negroes were eating watermelons, Southern whites were studying and learning hard.

So long as it is merely asserting the right to impose superior mores for whatever period it takes to effect a genuine cultural equality between the races, and so long as it does so by humane and charitable means, the South is in step with civilization, as is the Congress that permits it to function.

Yes, even to conservative racist in chief of the time, white supremacy is not something permanent and desirable for its own sake, but mere temporary expedient, a method of teaching and educating the black folks until they become as cultured and civilized as whites, especially southern whites.

When racism had such defenders, it is no surprise it ended on the trash dump of history.

I blame Christianity

Why? When Christians gained power, they never ever tried to create world of free anarchist communes.

They built world of feudal kingdoms based on "divine right" "noble blood" and strict hereditary hierarchy and kept it this way for 1500 years.

But when it comes to the extinction risk doomer hypothesis, proponents are unlikely to get their wish.

Remember year 2019?

Would you at the time think it plausible that historically unprecedented quarantine measures would be suddenly imposed all over the world, and the the great masses of people would be scared enough and obedient enough to go with it?

Compared to this, AI crusade of Yud and Roko's dreams would be nothing.

What would be demanded from average Norm N. Normie citizen, except to wave the flag, support the troops and do his duty to say something and do something when he suspects someone is hiding high capacity assault computer?

But there was a real new and unknown virus on the loose, you could say, and AI danger is purely theoretical.

So far. It could take only modest catastrophe caused by AI - or something that could be blamed on AI - to let the whole thing rolling.

Venkat Rao has done some vague mumblings about how AI and crypto are 'two sides of the same coin,' and I'm curious to see where he goes with it. I like to think there is a sort of synergy between the two technologies that goes deeper than "AI creates fake stuff" vs "crypto tells us what stuff is real or fake".

No, more like: if we want to stop rogue AI, we must stop crypto by any means necessary.

All of this puts the non-Jewish White percent at 28.5%, counting the Turkish and Arab names as White (and ignoring the probably ~2% Native American that Joe slipped in there). And so, among White House staffers, Whites are quite under-represented and Jews are enormously over-represented.

This is problematic


Do you feel "represented" by White Christian White House staffers?

Do you feel that Biden's WCWHS are "your people", do you think that they see you as "one of them", do you think that they are protecting your interests, do you think that they look at you with more kindness and gentleness than their Jewish colleagues?

All racial terms are fuzzy, Israel manages to define an ethnic Jew in a way that works in practice.

Except it does not, there is no more contentious issue in Israel than "who is a Jew", and it is getting hotter every day.

On one side are people who want to expand already expansive Law of Return(for various reasons), and on the other side are ... people who feel about Gentiles as you feel about Jews.

Ask them.

Again, do you think that White Christian White House staffers would defend your interests and would see you as their "ally"?

So, if Joe Biden fired all Jews and replaced them with good Catholics, as good Catholics as himself and his family, your culture would be protected and you would be happy?

You in 1923:

These Jewish bolsheviks are horrible, this life is unbearable.

If only they were fired and replaced with Christians, if some good Christian man was in charge of the Party, someone who was raised by pious Christian mother, perhaps even someone who studied in Christian school, things would be so much better!

But I guess to some people it makes sense somehow?

It makes sense in tribal/clannish society, where tribes/clans stick together and help each other (in other words, a default setting for mankind.)

In this world, if you go to royal court, kneel before courtier, kiss the hem of his robe and humbly present your petition (with appropriate bribe) it makes a big difference whether the courtier is of the same tribe as you - difference whether your petition is passed further and maybe even reaches the king, or whether it goes straight into garbage dump.

As you said, we are not in this world, "White Christians" are not a tribe. If someone greeted White Christian White House staffers: "Hello, my white brothers in Christ!", their answer would be not "Welcome, brother!", but "ARREST THIS RACIST!"

Update of previous culture war post in May 1 thread.

The contentious marker was removed without any ceremony and all dwindled into nothingness.

Maybe other more cinematic events, like New York Subway Thunderdome fight, stole the limelight, maybe the whole thing was just too obscure to turn into major culture war battlefield.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is still dead and so are most of causes she dedicated her life for. Causes like communism, that moved hundreds of millions and turned the Earth asunder, are now just forgotten or reduced to cosplay attire.

As will happen to all of us, as will happen to every cause we hold dear.

Twitter uses word "Amerikaner" for the group this thread is talking about - people descended from North-West European settlers in North America.

It is awkward, Germanic sounding name, but no one found anything better so far.

According to proponents, Amerikaners are separate nation with their own unique culture, nation colonized, oppressed and exploited, nation that is still unaware that it exists.

Some serious national revival movement is needed to save it.

Time to stop shitposting and start writing stirring poetry and plays, compose music and paint imposing works of art (or train AI to do it, we are not in 19th century any more).

Do you think it’s important to tell the Jews that their nation and peoplehood is not real? This would reduce their in-group practices considerably. What do you think would be their response if you told them that Jews are not a culture or people or identity?

Do you think it is important to tell White Christian White House staffers that they belong to real and separate White Christian nation, that you are their fellow White Christian, that they should help you instead of calling cops to arrest you for racist hate speech?

Related discussion of news that the Chinese are refusing to have children.

Why? Maybe because modern family life, especially modern Asian family life is nothing than endless pain and misery with no light spots and no happy end in sight?

Maybe when you tell people: "You spent half of your life as prisoner, now you have to spend the rest as prison guard", they will start doubting the whole idea?

Maybe the way to make people breed more is to find a way how to make family life more enjoyable and happier?

Or you can double down on "The Chairman Orders You To Breed For The Party And The Race!", this will certainly work this time.

Frankly I'd prefer a chad-hominem argument like 'we shouldn't take advice from a man who can't even lose weight - fix your waistline before saving the world'.

So you are saying that if Brad Pitt and other handsome and good looking Hollywood celebrities told you that AI will kill you soon unless you give up your GPU, you will salute, say "Yes, sir!" and immediately smash your high capacity assault computer with hammer?

You do not have to worry, it could happen soon.

Big culture war battle from the antediluvian year of 2019.

New Gillette ad shows father helping transgender son to shave

Ah yes, hate. The one thing which brings us all together, allows us to ignore details and focus on what really matters.

Unironically yes. For all of evolutionary history, the most pressing matter for our ancestors was the other tribe from the other side on the river crossing the river to smash their skulls with big clubs.

See that "moral equivalents of war", struggles against inanimate threats always turns to struggle against other humans.

You cannot smash virus with your fist, but you can smash these bastards not wearing masks! It is their fault!

It was not part of their blood

It came to them very late

With long arrears to make good,

When the English began to hate.

The famous poem was not about hating people of color as it is interpreted today, it was about hating the Huns.

(of course, "Saxons" and "Teutons" were at the time seen as two different races, as distinct as angels are distinct from devils, and world's history was seen as tale of their eternal struggle)

I pray that the Jews one day “defy their peer group and free their mind”, as you put it. Do you do the same?

Your prayers were answered long ago.

(except for Orthodox Jews, but these are not the kind of Jews this thread is about, not many black hats in the White House)

Assimilation is killing the Jewish people

Jews have always been at the forefront of progressive ideas. This has made for a creative and dynamic people. Unfortunately, it has also led to increasing rates of assimilation and intermarriage.

According to the Pew Research Study of 2020, only 34 percent of U.S. Jews said that it was very important to them that their grandchildren be Jewish. With “cancel culture” leading the way and “wokism” as the new religion, the rate of assimilation and intermarriage in the United States is on its way up.

According to the Pew study, among American Jews who wed between 2010 and 2020, 61 percent intermarried. Among the non-Orthodox and non-affiliated, it was 72 percent. 98 percent of Orthodox Jews said that they were married to Jews.

Sixty percent of European Jewry has been lost to assimilation since WW II. In Poland, the figure stands at 70 percent. In the former Soviet Union, it reaches 90 percent. These are shocking statistics.

Israel is also far from immune, with a 38 percent jump in intermarriage from 2011 to 2018. Recent work by Dr. Netanel Fisher showed that there are 85,000 intermarried couples in Israel. The majority are Jewish men married to non-Jewish women from the former Soviet Union. A total of 7 percent of marriages in Israel are mixed.

not soon but within 40 years, given birth rates.

What is future of Jews in medium an long term, ofc assuming the current trends continue and we are not paperclipped by Omnius?

In the Middle East, Great Israel from Nile to Euphrate ran according to old time Biblical laws, with beautiful temple in Jerusalem covered in blood of sheep and goats all the time. Country as important as Saudi Arabia or Iran are today.

Outside the Middle East, there are many ultra Orthodox communities as influential as Amish and Mennonites are today, plus lots of people with some Hebraic tchotchkes inherited from great-grandparents stashed in the attic.

Conspiracy theorists complaining about Jews will be still there, but these complaints would be seen as absurd and quaint as complaints about freemasons are seen today.

It's surely nice to get a win once in a while, but don't order the champagne just yet.

It is important precedent, remember that very idea of right wing boycott was seen as joke, and rightly so.

Now it is important to do not give up, do not be bought and appeased by patriotic veteran beer, it is important to continue until Anheuser-Busch is driven to bankruptcy.

It is not about some shitty beer, it is about making an example and sending a message.

It stands to reason that if there weren't any Jews, then there would be much less in the way of pornography and casual sex generally.

So true.

This is why there was no pornography in ancient world before it was influenced by Jews.

This is why pornography was unknown in Christian countries of old where only handful of Jews lived, for example 18th century France and Britain.

This is why there is no pornography today in countries where never were any Jews, countries that strongly rejected Jewish ideas like monotheism and communism, for example Japan.