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User ID: 1175



5 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 13 13:37:36 UTC







User ID: 1175

Not original to me, to clarify.

Savita Halappanavar's death

Such an obvious one, don't know how I forgot it.

Ugh, I can't watch more than five seconds because I know where it's going.

I don't think the average woke person or leftist would be that put off learning that Che Guevara was an incompetent loser. But learning that he said something (GASP!) racist...

Everyone tears down the other team's idols. What sets wokeness apart from other ideologies is that they apply this approach to everyone. Freddie deBoer said one of the defining aspects of social justice politics is the belief that "almost everyone you encounter in contemporary society is a bad person". Credit where credit is due, that blog "your fave is problematic" is relentless: in no way do celebrities get a pass from them merely by having the appropriate skin tone or mouthing the right shibboleths. When hardcore woke people say "everything is problematic", they mean it.

Woah, what happened to the formatting there?

I wanted to put in a horizontal line to separate the body of the post from the footnotes. If you neglect to put a paragraph break between the preceding paragraph and the four hyphens, it treats the entire paragraph as a header.


If you sign up to a mailing list, and then the company distributes the contents of that mailing list to a third party without your consent, I think that would be in direct violation of GDPR.

"dysfunctionally low levels of Machiavellianism" made me laugh out loud, thanks a lot.

1951, apparently, so it strictly speaking predates the sexual revolution.

I live in Ireland and still get my fair share of slagging. A few years ago I could hardly leave the house without someone pointing at me and saying "hey look lads, Ed Sheeran's on tour!" but that dropped off after I lost weight.

The term "incel" is generally hurled at three categories of men:

  1. Men who are sexually frustrated (the literal meaning of the term), who may resent women as a consequence
  2. Men who are not sexually frustrated, but harbour lingering resentment towards women owing to past periods in their life in which they were
  3. Men whose political opinions depart from progressive/woke orthodoxy in key ways, specifically with regard to gender politics

I know because I fit into the third category (certainly not the first, and I would like to think not the second), and have had the "incel" epithet hurled at me dozens of times.

Now, obviously it's ridiculous to assume that any man who departs from woke/progressive orthodoxy is either sexually frustrated or harbours a lingering resentment towards women as a group. I don't think I hold the opinions that I do because of resentment towards women. But I'm also not going to deny the existence of men who fit in category 2: they exist, I've interacted with them, I've spoken to them in person.

And what's more, even if these men only arrived at their opinions because of their lingering resentment towards women as a group, that doesn't in and of itself mean that their opinions are wrong, or their grievances lacking in merit - that would be a textbook example of Bulverism. Bob's underlying psychological motivation for believing in X has no bearing on whether or not X is true. I'm not required to deny the existence of resentful misogynistic men in order to make the case for why e.g. female underrepresentation in STEM is not the moral outrage many feminists seem to think it is.

Spin it back the other way around: it could be literally 100% true that Alice is only a socialist because she feels resentful of how unsuccessful she is, and that in and of itself wouldn't tell us anything about whether or not socialism is a preferable economic system to capitalism.

Load off my mind.

And is it really possible for an intelligent human to both understand a book like Crime and Punishment and read it and be emotionally indifferent to it?

Why not? There are lots of stories which I understand perfectly well but which leave me cold.

Thanks for the tip, it's not mentioned anywhere on the Wikipedia page.

What a triumph The Prestige is.

That and Memento are probably the only films of his I'd put in the W column without major qualifications.

I don't know why you can't just take their word for it. In any other profession, when someone says "I got into this line of work because I'm good at it and it pays well", we generally take that at face value (surely no one believes that every doctor went to medical school because they "want to help people" - the ones volunteering for MSF, sure, but not a dermatologist in the Hamptons). Why, as a culture, are we married to this romantic ideal of the tortured artist, slitting his wrists over the typewriter in pursuit of his muse? Why do I have to believe that the artist sacrificed something of himself in order to produce his masterwork? My opinion of how entertaining a film Dirty Harry is isn't changed by the knowledge that Don Siegel only directed it for the money, and I don't see that my opinion should have changed.

Agreed on both counts.

let me know if anything actually happens

Unanimously approved.

I worked as a cyclist for Deliveroo for three months. By the end of it I knew practically every back alley in the city centre, and would just glance at the address on the app, not needing to consult Google Maps to find my way. I don't know what the equivalent food delivery service is in your city, but a lot of these services are pretty chill about letting you pick your own hours. Even if you worked one shift a week you'd probably see a big improvement in your navigation skills.

the stronger one gets the backlash because they are the ones committing the attrocities.

I find the use of the definite article here fascinating.

"Please Just Fucking Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand". Didn't realise that @roystgnr linked to this article in their comment, making my link redundant.

which Zack's spent a lot of time disagreeing with

As someone who expended a lot of words taking a public figure to task over his perceived hypocrisy/cognitive dissonance on the trans issue, it will not surprise you that I found this post very absorbing. It's so weird how this specific issue seems to break so many people's brains, even (especially?) people who built their reputations on being no-nonsense straight-shooters who don't care whose toes they step on in pursuit of Truth. As soon as the word "gender" is mentioned, they look at their feet and start mumbling about "why do you care anyway it doesn't affect you".

Zack hypothesises that the overrepresentation of trans women in the rat-adjacent sphere is Rationalism's shield against accusations of being insufficiently progressive - if they were to start saying things that run the risk of driving trans women away, the accusations would be substantially harder to defend against. I must admit this sounds grimly plausible to me, but it doesn't explain why Freddie deBoer has the same reaction to this issue.

I mean, the leg amputated in the 1990s I quoted above.

Sorry, I missed that.

I'm not claiming it has no relationship to trans activism, just that "The Anglophone medical establishment appears to be fully ideologically captured" isn't a justified conclusion from this particular amputation and a single paper connecting BID to transgender people.

Fair point.

I will caution you that if you buy a hard copy of Lost Girls, do not read it on the bus. People will assume that you're reading child pornography, and with good reason.