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Lacks all conviction

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joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC

Fruck is just this guy, you know?

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User ID: 889


Lacks all conviction

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC


Fruck is just this guy, you know?


User ID: 889

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Not on its own certainly, but that's why it's also called lovebombing - the sensation of love is so constant and so overwhelming that you forget about how miserable you felt before it (the term comes from abusive relationships, I'm not implying every leftist is miserable if not for the affection of their peers).


Do the Amish use the internet now?

Well everyone in South Africa and Malaysia is. Is that because they don't know what a market dominant minority is? Because to be honest I'm not exactly clear on that myself.

Yeah, but by saying those things should be cured you are implying (not deliberately) that being deaf or autistic is lesser than. People who argue those things have usually made being deaf or autistic part of their identity, they have communities they have built their lives around that would cease to exist without their disability - and (this is a bit harsh but I can't find other words atm) those communities make their disability a strength, something special and unique to them that the rest of the world can't share. Learning that your child will never be a part of your world - worse, will become yet another normal who looks down on you for it - would be soul crushing. I'm not saying you are wrong, I don't think you are, but I do wish there was another way.

Edit: clarity

Hey, great job with the site! One request though - can you please make it easier to click upvote instead of the ellipsis? Move the ellipsis to the left a few mil or something? It's not a huge deal, but it is a little annoying.

Also re the vault, earlier in the thread you were saying it needs reviewing and coding, and is currently on the back burner while you sort out the main site. Which is totally understandable and for the best. But I bet there are a lot of motters who could and would be happy to do the reviewing - maybe you could ask one of your mods to take command of it now and get people who couldn't or don't want to help with coding the main site to start reviewing posts in the vault?

I don't think that was the argument grendel was making, and it wasn't the argument I was making. I was just explaining why they take it so hard, and why I don't view them as morally abhorrent for taking that position - even though, absent their situation, I probably would.

Why do you assume nobody else gets this? I know a lot of people who like rick and morty and our biggest argument is whether they are satirising depression or narcissism. I don't know anyone who thinks rick is a role model, the closest are friends who wish they were like detoxed rick or morty or who fear they would become like rick if they were omnipotent.

As for this being the final proof this country has lost its way, or we are overrun with stupid, no. This isn't even new. Did you know that people used to throw things at and spit on actors who played villains on tv? They'd organise letter writing campaigns to the network to get them fired because the character they played was too mean. Some of the actors playing bad men and women in old soap operas got death threats daily. A guy shot Reagan to impress Jodie Foster's character in Taxi Driver. Those people have always existed and they always will.

You may have the wrong impression of this forum. Argue like you are talking to another person, like you are sitting down and having a conversation about it. Don't just namedrop a fallacy. I rambled quite a bit and I demand the same. Especially when you are missing the point - I don't care if it is an appeal to tradition, half the planet has less than 100 iq. Have you ever seen a juggalo gathering? Or a tailgate at a kid rock concert? Or at almost any concert or event? Rick and morty fans aren't even a drop in the ocean. People have been stupid forever, so unless you are suggesting looking up to rick is stupider than any of that?

Also you didn't address my anecdotal fallacy.

Why would you use the current demographics of the industry as evidence about the past demographics of the industry when the topic is the changing demographics of the industry?

The post you were replying to was about the past demographics of the industry. Are you claiming that Sci fi has never been dominated by white men?

Also "tired", particularly without any evidence behind it or even an explanation of what you think specifically is tired, is consensus building. And data from after the entryism is not revealed consumer preference, so I would appreciate it if you could define those terms so I know what you mean.

Did you forget the link? Although truth be told, while I would like to join a steam group with you guys, it would require the sacrifice of my anonymity :/

Should we make some media recommendations in this thread, or would it be better to have a "The Motte recommends" media thread? Tradition pushes me to use this thread, but I thought it might be neat since we have our own place now if there was a thread dedicated to media recommendations, since it would give new users an insight into us, plus it would also be handy for anyone looking for previously recommended titles without having to go through all the Friday fun threads. What does everyone think?

I bet they benefit more now than they used to. I will never forget the first time I worked with a Mormon - I was working for my dad one summer and we had a new guy working with us - he was friendly, polite and a hard worker, but my dad wouldn't give him the time of day because he was Mormon, and my dad thought that meant he would refuse to serve in the army if asked. It was baffling to me back then and it's baffling to me now.

You are going along when you use the term anti-racist. I am sure someone used the term anti-racist before Kendi's book, but it is almost inextricably linked with him now. Calling Tolkien anti-racist is an attempt to legitimise the term, as someone else mentioned - he was simply not racist.

And when you use the term anti-racist when you mean not racist you are also legitimising Kendi's world view, because you are presenting a dichotomy of racist vs anti-racist, when the real dichotomy is racist vs not racist, with the vast majority of anti-racist advocates falling into the first category.

Edit: sorry, replied to the wrong post.

Several people reading your op have interpreted it as "government is like cartel, cartel bad, ergo government bad", but that's the anarchist argument, not the libertarian one right? I thought the libertarian argument was "government is like cartel, so we should try to limit its reach" which I am surprised is so polarising. I think in trying to put forward the strongest possible version of your position you may have made it harder for others to distinguish between libertarian and anarchist.

I know, that's part of the reason I accidentally originally posted this in reply to you - I found your last argument compelling, but figured he was just caught up in telling the government to fuck off - because that can also be very compelling.

Do you mean you don't care, you'll watch it anyway, or you don't care even to watch? Because if you mean the first option, they will use your silence as proof you agree with them. But if you mean the second, I agree.

So there's another good reason to focus on art as expression - you won't have a problem with ai art.

Jokes aside, I think you have been duped, or are duping. The critics of ai art are not concerned about society, they are concerned about themselves. We have had this argument before, and it invariably comes down to insecurity about the future. It is no different here. And we know it is no different because depending on how you look at it Vaush and other ai critics have had at least 5 years - if not a hundred - where they knew this was coming and did nothing about it. It wasn't a problem until it threatened their livelihoods, or the livelihood of someone they love, because it is only a problem because it threatens their livelihoods.

So funny enough I try to avoid doing this to myself with, e.g. books, TV shows, and video games.

How do you avoid it? Watching different stuff, not watching anything/doing something else, or another way?

You fast forward through scenes? Aren't you worried you will miss something? Especially in a show with characters with multifaceted motivations.

Generally when I find myself wanting to fast forward through a scene (to the point that I actually consider doing it) I take it as a sign I am not enjoying the show enough to continue investing my time in it.

Sure you can, but are you in the moment? Or are you just rationalising it as that afterwards?

Yep, same - why do we even have dual zone climate control if we're not going to use it?

It was even beneficial once - my girlfriend and I had rented a car for a trip and it had dzcc. Instantly she put her side on 26° and I put mine on 20°. After a couple of hours we switched seats, and she asked how I could stand it so cold? And I was just about to ask her how she could have it so hot, I was sweating after only a few minutes! And so when we got home we set the air conditioning to 23°, a temperature neither of us found uncomfortable.

But fortunately, things can't possibly get any worse now.

Speaking of music, is there an app that does radio edits (muting naughty words) on the fly? Express Yourself by nwa is one of my favourite songs and I want to put it on my shop radio, but the thought of manually muting all the nsfw words is very off-putting. (I also have about 20 other songs I would like to play but for the swearing.)