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User ID: 370



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User ID: 370

Ok I swear I don't just get up every morning and ask, "How can I be schizo today?"

But in one day I saw the following two things:


Among the masses of migrants flowing across the southern border each day, a whole line of Chinese nationals, military aged men, automatically standing at "parade rest" as one reply pointed out.

And this:


Senator Dick Durbin making a speech in favor of allowing illegal immigrants into the military.

My schizo sense is tingling and saying that Nefarious Forces are Intentionally using the Power of Money to plan Bad Things for America.

Or, since this space has norms in favor of speaking plainly and against Darkly Hinting, let me put it more directly:

Is China bribing American politicians to allow Chinese soldiers to become American soldiers to conquer the USA via military coup?

In a weird way this really is about communism vs capitalism, radical vs liberal, left vs center.

My understanding is the recent ancestors of the present Israelis bought the land from willing sellers fair and square, whose tenants were evicted when the new buyers wanted to move in. From a liberal standpoint, we see one new consensual transaction being conducted and one formerly consensual transaction being canceled when no longer consensual. Completely legit and just.

That this happened to result in a large enough number of people in a short enough time getting evicted and not knowing what to do with themselves and becoming ghettoized in shantytowns (prior to the initial civil wars in that region), is exactly the sort of thing that leftists say is wrong with liberalism.

The fundamental leftist argument is that purely voluntary transactions can force some people into conditions sufficiently intolerable that it constitutes a real injustice, even if all contracts are upheld and everything is consensual.

So you have on one hand: "we purchased the land in Mandatory Palestine fair and square, we toiled and saved and spent hard earned money on it, and moved in, and now people want to kill us"

And on the other hand: "100 years ago we were spread out over this whole land, we had a system going, we had our own society. Now we are impoverished, crammed into this little ghetto while you rub your possession of our land in our face."

In the first case: voluntary, uncoerced transactions between consenting parties, aka liberalism

In the second case: those purely voluntary transactions result in injustice, aka leftism

That's why the left is pro-Palestinian. Pointing out how Muslims are anti-LGBTQ or whatever falls on deaf ears because it's not really about that with them.

What do you guys think are the chances this becomes WW3? ngl I'm starting to get a little worried

Ok but what about Mr. Poopybutthole?

His point was more group-based. Basically asking if you would happily partake in a group knowing half of the people in the group disliked you. He made the comparison of asking if a black person would feel comfortable moving to a neighborhood where every home was decked out in MAGA gear. Then when he got flack he asked people giving him flack if they lived in a black neighborhood. He also repeatedly stresses that, as you mentioned, his point entirely does not apply to your relationship with individuals.

So basically that was his angle. My personal verdict is "he has a point and is not a racist", not sure how I feel about his choice of means to make this point.

Can you recommend a video or two to start out with?

What's the best way to get a cardio workout at home without equipment and without pissing off the downstairs neighbors?

I'm taking 200 mg capsules 15 mins before making a cup of strong coffee

Somewhat possible, definitely true for when I go out but when I'm at home (which is most of the time) I am extremely good at just pulling out the laptop when I get the impulse, even started taking the laptop into the bathroom with me with a tiny table to set it on.

Would agree there is definitely less overall screen time than before.

Oh yeah I was talking about a localStorage approach. Unless the show/hide logic is done server-side and hidden comments aren't loaded. If the logic is all client-side then depending on the architecture (and JS framework) it could be a few lines of code and a 15 minute job.

Trumpists of The Motte, what do you think of Harmeet Dhillon and her challenge for the RNC chair?

I find it strange that this isn't talked about much in Trump circles. I don't know much about Dhillon but she defends Trump and worked on Kari Lake's election challenge, so it sounds like she's on the team. Trumpists complain all the time about the uselessness of the Republican party, seems like winning the top spot would be massive. Long-term, maybe even better than getting Trump in office or Lake in office. Transforming the two party system so that one of the parties is an America First party.

But I don't know much about her beyond this so maybe Trump circles are right to not be talking about or seeming much to care about this, for reasons I don't understand.

What do you think?

Is it possible yet to determine paternity using photos and AI?

Yeah honestly the politics that turns me off is the aggressive stuff, I may actually enjoy a bunch of people who think the adults are in charge and there's no major foreseeable reason to worry. Thanks for the tip

How do y'all suppose Israel was so blindsided? An operation of thousands of people and Mossad etc had no clue it was coming? Smells a bit off

I see this perception changing among my peers. The H1b, Green card and general immigration annoyances are finally getting to people. The increased anxiety every time you leave the country and the stamping process has being to wear on them.

Ridiculous that it has to be this way when the whole immigration problem in America is illegal crossings on the southern border, not skilled talent doing awesome stuff here. Like way to just completely miss the point (I am saying this not to you but to those who determine US immigration policy)

Cool, thanks

Usually major stuff he was at least in the room for, often (but not always) exuding authoritative energy

If chicken is pink does that always mean it's dangerously undercooked? That's what I was taught as a kid, wondering if that was a hypersafetyism

No idea, I just know I have a personal 100% n=2 now of removing PWM from my life totally fixing eye strain issues.

The concept is also widespread enough that monitor manufacturers use phrases like "flicker free" or "flicker safe" to advertise that they don't use PWM.

The Dude

Wouldn't a simple permalink-to-boolean mapping do the trick?

EDIT: Or just an array of permalinks actually

I wouldn't be so sure, IIRC there was another case where drugs seemed obvious but a court found it was murder

Religions have clergy and laity. It's the clergy's job to study theology and know what's True, and it's the laity's job to trust the clergy and follow their lead. This archetypal form is so baked into human social programming that you're gonna be hard pressed to supplant it. So secular replacements for religion are bound to follow it.

"Boooring, muh everything's a religion." Rationalism doesn't try to be a religion, you say? Well I'm sure the clergy understands that but tell that to the laity. No actually the laity believe that too and recite it. But at the end of the day they follow the archetypal form. They will call themselves Rationalists but they have jobs and hobbies and lives (as is right and proper for laity of any religion—this is not a dunk) and so they will trust the EYs and the Scotts and the other clergy to do the actual work. The actual thinking. The actual application of Bayesian reasoning. Etc. For their part they simply have faith that they have found the True epistemology and that they follow the lead of trustworthy workers of Truth.

Does listening count? Currently listening to Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem, Darryl Cooper's ~25 hour long podcast on the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict. About 5 hours to go. It's really good. It does sometimes feel like it gets bogged down in detail but if you like detail then that might be a bonus. And it certainly answers the "what is these people's deal anyway" question for both sides of the conflict. Probably biggest highlight for this space is at one point he mentions Scott's essay Meditations on Moloch.

I have no idea where these insane SWE salaries reported by everybody are, outside of a few specific cities. Never seen it anywhere near me, if it's here there must be some secret to finding it that I'm not aware of.