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User ID: 370



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User ID: 370

The alt-right, with its emphasis on race and replacement, is fringe and represents a small fraction of Republicans.

The anti-Trump "moderate" Republicans poll poorly in primaries, and Trump's approval rating remains sky high among Republicans.

What do the above two assertions say?

They say two things.

  1. Trump is not alt-right, never was.

  2. There is a massive swath of Trump-loving voters who are off the radar of the media by being neither fashy-racist nor anti-Trump "moderates".

[Jerry Seinfeld voice] Who are these people?

I'll tell you who they are. They are the Rush Limbaugh crowd. Or wherever they are now. I grew up with them, they are my people. I listened to Rush in his final year, and listened to his callers, and the vibe of his following (which was massive) was the same as I remember it. On median: They are hardcore Trump supporters. Yet they find the emphasis on race of both the left and the fringe right distasteful. In fact they itch for national unity and an end to civil strife and they saw in Trump the best hope for unity. The whole idea of Trump being divisive they saw as media propaganda, e.g. to them Trump's stance against illegal immigration is in fact about illegal immigration and not secretly about "brown people". In their eyes Trump had the back of anybody with a Social Security card. They think Hitler was, in fact, evil af and love to relate their parents' or grandparents' stories about kicking his ass.

They have an essentially Reaganite attitude toward American politics. They see taxation as fundamentally a seizure of the productive elements of society and while they see it necessary they think it should always be done with great solemnity and respect for the taxed, whose sweat fuels all government projects. They saw Trump as the obvious candidate for anybody into Reaganite politics and are beyond infuriated that the left's propaganda painted them as Hitlerian for wanting the obvious best candidate for policy positions that had nothing to do with race.

Etc etc.

I don't know where this crowd is at now. But if anybody deserves to be called "silent majority" (if only among Republicans) it's them. Not that they were silent on Rush's show, "ignored" may be a better term for them, ignored by media and its focus on the battle between crazy fascist racists and the nice wholesome Cheney family.

I really think there's a massive, massive amount of these people and yet I don't hear these particular opinions being expressed basically anywhere.

Weird question. When I was in 4th grade, in the early 90s, we did a multi-day segment on AIDS, where they just went and scared the shit out of us.

So in my 20s any time I did something remotely risky, I'd freak out and go to the doctor. And they'd always ask if I was gay. And when I said no they seemed like they stopped taking seriously the possibility that I contracted it.

And looking back on it it finally just hit me. Was the whole program I went through in 4th grade a massive psyop aimed to stop gays from being stigmatized?

If so I feel honestly betrayed. It feels extremely wrong to use children in that way, even if the end seems like a good one.

I was in college and, at least there anyway, the "we deserved it" talk was immediate, I almost want to say same day. It certainly was not the universal or even the majority opinion but it was sizable and loud.

I wouldn't be so sure, IIRC there was another case where drugs seemed obvious but a court found it was murder

If there is anything even resembling a good point in Osama's essay, it will have to be re-litigated in the minds of the young. There is no way around this. You've [speaking to what I presume to be the modal reader here, not necessarily you specifically] done this yourself, you've gone through phases of reading, with the excitement of the forbidden and of "waking up", extremely contrarian takes on established history.

Dangerous times, obviously, if the kids decide to throw all their chips in with Team Osama. But my guess is this is a phase, like reading Mein Kampf or Communist Manifesto and thinking at first "hmm, ok, I'm following the reasoning." The kids' enthusiasm will probably be tempered by their own meta-contrarians in due time. The circle of life.

It's darkly funny that we are going to get to see an empirical test of the power over narrative-shaping that the Jews have been accused of having by the far right.

Appreciate the sanity check everyone, my apologies for polluting this space

Ok I swear I don't just get up every morning and ask, "How can I be schizo today?"

But in one day I saw the following two things:


Among the masses of migrants flowing across the southern border each day, a whole line of Chinese nationals, military aged men, automatically standing at "parade rest" as one reply pointed out.

And this:


Senator Dick Durbin making a speech in favor of allowing illegal immigrants into the military.

My schizo sense is tingling and saying that Nefarious Forces are Intentionally using the Power of Money to plan Bad Things for America.

Or, since this space has norms in favor of speaking plainly and against Darkly Hinting, let me put it more directly:

Is China bribing American politicians to allow Chinese soldiers to become American soldiers to conquer the USA via military coup?

Maybe a cringe question but is there a place on the Internet that's like whitepills for nerds?

Like /r/wholesomememes is way too normie (and often even openly political, like "my side of this issue won, yay wholesomeness")

And I don't know what /r/whitepill, /r/whitepills/, and /r/thewhitepill were supposed to be but they're all private lmao

Basically just want a place where people worried about some form of doom (whether from WW3, internal takeover of USA, AI, what have you) share well reasoned arguments against doom and why WAGMI

Because my mind is so so biased toward doom, I think it would be healthy to spend a little time in such a place.

Religions have clergy and laity. It's the clergy's job to study theology and know what's True, and it's the laity's job to trust the clergy and follow their lead. This archetypal form is so baked into human social programming that you're gonna be hard pressed to supplant it. So secular replacements for religion are bound to follow it.

"Boooring, muh everything's a religion." Rationalism doesn't try to be a religion, you say? Well I'm sure the clergy understands that but tell that to the laity. No actually the laity believe that too and recite it. But at the end of the day they follow the archetypal form. They will call themselves Rationalists but they have jobs and hobbies and lives (as is right and proper for laity of any religion—this is not a dunk) and so they will trust the EYs and the Scotts and the other clergy to do the actual work. The actual thinking. The actual application of Bayesian reasoning. Etc. For their part they simply have faith that they have found the True epistemology and that they follow the lead of trustworthy workers of Truth.

Was having pretty insane eye strain issues that bled into a sort of chronic fatigue situated in my head that made me want to do nothing but lie down after my WFH programming job was done for the day. All post-work hobbies and even weekend hobbies were kind of a drag because I had this head thing going on. Tried all kinds of things like keeping the night filter on my work computer at all times, which maybe helped a little. Was worried I might have to get into another line of work.

Then I serendipitously discovered that of all the screens I own, precisely one of them uses pulse width modulation for dimming, and that's my iPhone 13 Mini. Years ago I had some problems with a PWM device and ended up getting rid of it. Was very surprised to see it on an iPhone. Last week I resolved to not ever look at my phone except for necessities like texting (and I don't hold long text conversations). So basically barely ever looking at my phone.

After a week the issue is almost completely resolved. It's ridiculous how well that worked.

So far I have no plans to get a new phone either because I kind of like being forced to look at my phone less. Win/win.

Reddit has some info on this here in case anybody else is dealing with something similar: https://old.reddit.com/r/PWM_Sensitive/

Yea the pretense of the incitement principle is what offends me here, he should lean into arbitrary caprice and just say "Okay fine, no direct incitements to violence OR posting swastikas."

what does deathwatch mean idgi

Trumpists of The Motte, what do you think of Harmeet Dhillon and her challenge for the RNC chair?

I find it strange that this isn't talked about much in Trump circles. I don't know much about Dhillon but she defends Trump and worked on Kari Lake's election challenge, so it sounds like she's on the team. Trumpists complain all the time about the uselessness of the Republican party, seems like winning the top spot would be massive. Long-term, maybe even better than getting Trump in office or Lake in office. Transforming the two party system so that one of the parties is an America First party.

But I don't know much about her beyond this so maybe Trump circles are right to not be talking about or seeming much to care about this, for reasons I don't understand.

What do you think?

Ok but what about Mr. Poopybutthole?

A couple guys on Twitter have entered into a million dollar bet on whether the dollar will hyperinflate within 90 days.

Civilization will adapt and those who have a need to identify high-potential children will find ways to do so. It's a shame to throw away what used to be a pretty useful nationwide institutionalized way to do this, be we'll find other ways.

Found this the other day (actually in a tweet by @ymeskhout), it's a game where you play as a paperclip maximizer. Apparently it's from like 2017 or something but I only just heard of it.

Anyway, good way to blow like 5 hours.


'banned' as in I kinda wish something would coerce me in this way because the thought of this being my vocation for the rest of my life is starting to feel pretty bleak. Really my post could have been reworded as something like "What are some options for a middle aged IT person who wants to change careers?" and just have people throw out ideas of "what I can be when I grow up" that aren't too ridiculous to choose as a middle aged man.

Like I know what I don't want but I don't know what I do.

Is there a straightforward path for a humble 40yo frontend web dev to learn machine learning and gain a massive career upgrade? Like can I just brush up on my linear algebra, learn some machine learning concepts, and get hired somewhere? Or is it gonna be a bit harder than that?

I have a different experience with kratom, it hit me like an opioid high and over time turned me into an asshole when I wasn't getting it, this lasted about 2 years and then I had to admit it was a problem and quit.

The rumored upcoming diesel shortage - big deal or nah?

Seconded. Lots of places can be tightened up. At the very least the space between username and comment, and between comment and like/dislike, can be reduced 50% or more probably. Space between comments too. Paragraph spacing within comments can probably be tightened a little bit too.

Apparently he has a lot of experience with Jeffrey Epstein. Like a lot a lot.

Suppose you are a 40 year old software engineer making 120k/year, and you somehow magically get banned for life from practicing the profession. You have decent savings to live off of for a bit and to supplement a smaller income for a while. What would you do? If you're so inclined, be specific and like narrate out a life plan.