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Eh, there was the mosque in Christchurch, NZ. That didn't have a cop out front, did it?

Perhaps this relates to the "axial revolution," where people began to conceive of history as something that progresses instead of repeating in cycles? Maybe also ideas of reincarnation and the afterlife, from Ancient Greece to Ancient India.

I think "character/person hypnotized into sex" is more prevalent in illustrated form rather than in live-action. More live-action stuff is probably the preserve of seriously niche and weird fetishes like sissy hypno (one of the genres where, as Aqouta and Prima mention, the viewer is the one that's supposed to be getting mind-controlled).

I think there are some games on the store that are straight-up uncensored, no patch needed.

The US brought the state-of-the-art stingers that negated Russian aviation

And even then, don't people say that the Mujahideen simply traded the Stingers for simpler, cheaper weaponry?

I guess Pixiv couldn't just carve out Texas? Granted, I guess that's a lot harder if you're a company based in Japan, whereas Mindgeek is in the West.

Besides, they're patient and rich enough to not genocide people as you can tell by what's going on in Xinyang.

...Is this sarcasm?

Honestly, I imagine what might happen then is that the tribes just rent out the land until they feel like they have enough money to justify clearing out the land, and maybe even going a step further and building something new on it like that one tribe in Vancouver(?).

Team Fortress 2? It did have some particular glitches and exploits, but they were patched in a reasonable time, IIRC.

What do you make of this, then? That this is happening at all in Iran probably says something. I'm with Lizzardspawn in that I'm under the impression that the theocracy, while enjoying considerable support, only barely has a hold on the nation, and that the populace is a little too liberal and well-educated to remain under its thumb for eternity.