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2. Bootstrap the rest of the fucking omnipotence.

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joined 2022 September 05 00:44:49 UTC


User ID: 314


2. Bootstrap the rest of the fucking omnipotence.

2 followers   follows 10 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:44:49 UTC


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User ID: 314

When that is the primary lens through which you view things, you end up adopting this incredibly airy-fairy idea that you can shape society into anything you want and IF ONLY you could get enough people on board we could live on Heaven On Earth. Most "artsy people" really don't tend to develop very complex thinking about societies and why they operate the way they do, and it doesn't matter how much history or anthropology or evolutionary theory or whatever they learn, most of them in practice tend to remain stuck in this mindset.

This is a critical part of whatever the full answer is here. Progressive art is unbound by the need to work, hold up to logical scrutiny, or make literally any sense at all. It's pure aesthetics. Dig into the lyrics of the average punk song, or celebratory ghetto anthem, or vaguely progressive pop hit and they are fucking retarded, Gringott's with it's fixed precious metals exchange ratios stamping on the human sense-making organ forever. It's a vibe and a glib line and never ever having to worry if the underlying mechanics will function on any level.

My understudy at work is a guy who is closing in on the end of his Guard term and expresses a lot of "Haha, just kidding" ideation about leaving his wife to live in a cave and play League of Legends.

It is mildly concerning, because replacing him will be a hassle and almost certainly come up short.

That's partly why I don't appreciate a bunch of childless guys telling me and other women that there's a fertility crisis and it's all our fault, men - the innocent little lambs - have nothing to do with it. So yeah, I damn well am going to say "Okay, if you're out there judging women for 'riding the cock carousel', what have you done to address the problem? Are you a husband and father? If not, why not?"

Tone policing aside, this is definitely a valid point. As they sometimes note on PCM, "Everybody want a trad wife, nobody wanna be a trad guy." I get the sense that there are a lot of dudes who want to seethe about prisoner's dillemas online, and they're not actually wrong! But seething does nothing to fix the problem; you need large numbers of people, men and women both to actively and enthusiastically choose to cooperate. Unfuck yourself first, modern man.

For this reason it seems totally plausible to me that there's an early filter in QB development, where kids trying to play QB for the first time are going to be outcompeted for practice snaps by kids whose parents could pay for them to start playing football earlier or to attend football camps. Or who just had parents who could coach them up enough that they could win the initial practice snaps and improve.

You need to be a QB all the way through, like, from grade school. And at that level, the QB is always a coach's kid, and I don't even blame them for that. My son is a strong contender for smartest, quickest-thinking kid on the field and has a hell of an arm... but I don't know shit about the position, and don't have the time or capacity to volunteer. So it makes perfect sense that that demanding position goes to a kid who can get an extra 10 hours a week of coaching from their dad on top of normal practice and game time. And then you need to get that kid into a high school where he'll get 2 (preferably 3) years of time as a starting QB under a strong coach just to have a shot at playing in college.

It assumes a level of race-to-the-bottom racial spoils which I find overblown.

Are there good examples of multi-ethnic democracies where this has resoundingly not occurred?

If you care about having kids, having descendents, etc, then having just one leaves you vulnerable to black swan events. You can spend 22 years pushing all your resources into getting your kid into Harvard Law, and then lose your entire genetic line to a car crash.

But I think a lot of the consernation is about the general vibe/aesthetic of people who like kids vs people who don't want them. One of my good friends is determinedly child free, and I generally like and respect him alot. But a part of me is still condescendingly rolling my eyes every time he and his long-time girlfriend bounce to Orlando to spend another weekend getting drunk at Epcot. But I'm sure he's doing the same to me every time I have to go home early on a Friday night because the boy has a travel basketball game at 9AM.

That is completely antithetical to my experience. They think IQ is the measure of how smart someone is, so they think it obviously factors into success in education... even if that's not necessarily the be-all-end-all of general life success (book smarts versus practical smarts). They have never heard of g, and have also never heard of progressive cope lines around the topic.

I strongly suspect that this is a "blue tribe midwit" phenomenon. I would also bet that most of those people think IQ is a fake statistic made up by racists in general, and that most of them would cite the "regatta" example as proof. That idea is much rarer among the people who don't even pretend they read the NYT. "Parents pass down traits like brawn and brains" is the sort of folk wisdom that everyone has... except for the people who've had that scooped out and replaced with something else.

I don’t think that any environment so woke as to require such measures would let that slide the way you think. They would detect the whiff of mistake theory, and punish it as defection.

2Cimafara being not an actual conscious human being, but a literal NPC who simply manipulates and regurgitates the symbols presented to her in a semi randomized manner would certainly explain a great deal about our past interactions over the years, but I don't think that's all we are.

I think this is a level of what we are. A few weeks back I had a weird, slow-roll cold that gave me some intermittent spots of extreme brain fog. While I was at work. Helping customers. There were a few points where I just declined the option to beg off and go home, and instead called "Lizardbrain take the wheel!" and just went through entire conversations on autopilot and muscle memory and what felt like the neural equivalent of muscle memory. It was a bit sobering to realize how much of what I do can be handled by non-conscious processes. I suspect there are people who are basically in that state all the time.

The confusion comes from the fact that the word mostly gets used by far-leftists to refer to people like Hilary Clinton, which gives everyone else the impression that the term means something like "deep Democrats who want to regulate everything to death". I basically never see it used for people like Reagan or Thatcher except in exactly this scenario of explaining what neoliberal really means.

I've succumbed to Defiance of the Fall, which is not as compelling as DCC, but has the powerful advantages of 8+ completed books and an addictive pace. Earlier this week, the 8th Thousand Li book came out, and I tore through that in a day.

Depends on if we're talking anarcho-tyranny where the laws are only applied on the pro-social, or genuine commitment to police abolition. If it's the latter, I made a post on TheSchism about that a while back:

There is no progressive utopia where the man who rapes my tween daughter gets rehabilitated with kind, gentle counseling, because I would have hunted him down and Blood Eagled him on livestream. Oh no, I've been sentenced to kind, gentle counseling. I decline to acknowledge my wrongdoing by attending. Are you going to send the social workers to not arrest me?

In the real world, I would not do so because I fear and respect the government's monopoly on retribution. Even if I were enraged by the outcome of the trial, I would have to weigh vengeance against the consequences for violating that monopoly.

A world with no police and no prisons is not one free of brutality. It's not even free of brutality against criminals! It would instead be a world where thieves are savagely beaten by enthusiastically vicious mall cops, rapists are castrated, and there is a vigorous subculture focused on videos of pedophiles being tortured to death.

Do you have anosmia? Royal Farms reek like the worst blend of gasoline and fried chicken.

I'm not sure what teachers you're talking about that are complaining about mastery learning. I've also never heard of it being used in a school.

I sometimes browse /teachers for the cruel schadenfreude. Being required to keep seperate IEPs for every kid and instruct them at their exact level of mastery (and how this is basically an insane and impossible demand on time and attention and multitasking) is a very common complaint. Their descriptions seem like a very close match for the description of Mastery Learning in the wiki link you provided.

The stuff /teachers constantly complains about sounds exactly like mastery learning. PBL sounds delightfully impossible to measure. Why are these supposed to be good?

I remember sitting in elementary school reading classes, where kids would be randomly picked to read some passage out of a book, and it was painfully obvious which of my fellow students could only read by sounding out syllables based on the spelling of words; they had absolutely no idea what the semantic content of what they just read actually was.

And what do you think happens when whole-word kids encounter a novelty?

Sure it does. Obedience implies submission, which is not swag.

and professing love to a girl far away would be done by letter.

Does McSweeney's accept random submissions? I have an idea for a 19th century style letter to a girl that is just 500 words vividly and unashamedly describing my cock.

What swaggy beat cop is gonna take orders from some old-ass captain?

I really dislike this sort of pseudo-principled argument for directional dishonesty. Under this justification, why ought not the other side retort that slavery was a net deadweight loss, and that ADoS ought be grateful they ended up here at all, because the alternatives are death or Africa?

Don't elevators often have cameras, too?

Wheel of Time did that, to an extent. The psuedo-Asian Borderlanders did have vaguely Asian appearances, but the Japanese and American Indian inspired Aiel are all blonde and redheaded white people and the Sea Folk are black.

But at that point the "risk" to either party is actually quite symmetrical - some degree of potential unpleasant social experience, either embarrassment or having to awkwardly turn someone down. If we want a situation where men have to face public embarrassment in the form of a public rejection, and women have to endure the annoyance of publicly embarrassing men, well, I might agree to those conditions, but I'm probably not going to think the women are equal.

The problem every time these threads get spawned is that the aggrieved men complain only about the disadvantage they perceive (namely, that they can't get laid as easily as they'd like while the women they desire get to pick and choose and aren't punished for it), and won't acknowledge the real risks (not just "feeling bad" or "offended that an ugly guy approached me") that women have to contend with. A lot of them will react to "heterosexual men have the obligation to learn to read the room" the way feminists react to "women should learn to have situational awareness and exercise good judgment in choosing partners" - both get really pissed off at being "victim blamed" for being told that some negative consequences are actually avoidable.

One potential issue here: what is the rate of violence women are intuitively expecting vs the rate at which nerdy tech dudes actually lash out? I would expect a very large discrepancy between "ancestral environment" or "feminist paranoid take" versus "low T nerd convention".