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User ID: 1512



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User ID: 1512

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Yes, during some of the action scenes I was reminded of gangsta rap (specifically Wu-tang clan ain't nothing to f' with) - youthful bravado and violence accompanied by a long list of shoutouts.

Though I dunno if I'd want my ancestor to be known as "guy who didn't do much then got killed instantly by Hector". No doubt there was some valor in just having been there.

In which country are you more likely to actually be arrested (or at least have the police show up) for posting in contradiction of state mandated beliefs? I actually don't know the answer. I do hear about it more often from the UK but that doesn't prove much for multiple reasons.

In Australia it's potential illegal to even question someone's claim of Aboriginality.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eatock_v_Bolt

If the class is mandatory, asking him that risks him retaliating against you if he gets offended.

Did they become more ethnically homogeneous and develop higher inborn disposition for intelligence over the course of that time?

Basically yes! Many things happened since 1AD to impact northern European genetics, including the church ban on cousin marriage (leading to less clannishness), harsher punishments for violent behaviour, and the accidental pressure for high IQ in Jews due to usury laws.

“I hope this revelation serves as an ontological shock sociologically and provides a generally uniting issue for nations of the world to re-assess their priorities,” Grusch said."

This makes it sound like he's doing a one-man pro-bono psyop to try to unite humanity or something.


RIP Nigerians. But good point about bubbles vs mainstream.

He gambled with his customer's funds without asking or telling them, which is big time fraud.

Remote work is good if you're experienced and don't need a lot of hand-holding.

I've only watched a few of these but for me it was primarily a way to vicariously relive the excitement of seeing or playing something awesome for the first time. Probably a parasocial element too, like streaming.

That cat already seems well out of the bag with widespread postal voting.

It's a left-wing/socialist paper I think.

Tried it on Gamepass but didn't really like it. Feels like 50% of the game is loading screens, menus, and inventory management, and the other 50% is pretty bland combat.

jpost.com seems reasonably good for the Israeli POV.

Correction: the Sudanese crime rate is more like seven times the native population, not 50+.

Thanks, looks like I misremembered the actual number or muddled it with something else.

For gaming get the best GPU you can afford[1], 16GB RAM, and a decent SSD. You can skimp on the CPU a bit as long as you get a 6-core at least.

[1] check benchmarks, focusing on raster performance. I wouldn't worry about ray tracing at this budget level.

In other Musk-Twitter news, these tweets give the impression that Musk is quickly backing off any idea of actual free speech in favour of kowtowing to the usual left wing orgs. I guess we'll see how tokenistic vs. serious this is.

Just finished The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, a classic novel about an overly reserved* English butler and his tsundere housekeeper failing to fall in love in the 20s and 30s. Also appeasement. Well written and overall enjoyable. Since the story plays out as a kind of soft tragedy I was surprised that the very ending is cute and a bit optimistic.

*bordering on autistic in the 4chan sense of the word.

The Less Wrong sequence on Fake Beliefs goes into detail on this topic (the focus is more on religious belief but I think it's basically the same concept).

I think something like your last paragraph is the most likely story - heavy secrecy and over-compartmentalisation around aerospace secrets that has lead to a persistent UFO rumour mill that's now being amplified by true believers within the DoD itself (Elizondo, Grusch, etc).

Finished Anathem by Neal Stephenson, my first Stephenson read since dropping out halfway through the Baroque cycle. Set in another world suspiciously analogous to our own except that most intellectuals live in cloistered atheist monasteries, with a gimmick where different subgroups only communicate with the outside world every 1/10/100/1000 years. Conceptually it's basically (concept spoilers) Asimov's Foundation meets Egan's Quarantine, but with actual character development.

The book combines fun world-building at the start with gripping thriller action towards the end, enough that I got through the 900+ pages in a week despite a sagging middle devoted to lectures on a tired mix of real and fake/pop science (quantum computers don't work like that!).

Published in 2008 it already feels a bit dated, especially the parts expressing a Bush-era fear and disdain of ~Protestant fundamentalists. Still I really enjoyed it overall and unlike Stephenson's earlier works it even features a proper denouement.

If you liked Jonathan Strange I can recommend Piranesi by the same author - also good but much shorter and tighter (though on the downside, from my point of view, the homoeroticism moves from subtext to text).

If it takes 1 minute with AI instead of 20 minutes manually, that seems significant enough to affect volume.

I've gotten into the habit of temporarily leaving the room or shifting to another conversation if people start talking about the kind of stuff that gets me heated.

There is some - years ago there was a scandal where there was a spate of Indian students being assaulted on suburban trains - but not sure it's any worse than other Anglo countries.