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joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


User ID: 448



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


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User ID: 448

Stop being such a baby for one.

On the individual level, absolutely.


I could be because people are poorer in real terms than they used to be.

The inflation that already happened is still here and inflation remains elevated. More than that interest rates are way up which vastly increases people's housing cost (which usually amounts to their primary expense). People have gotten raises but they don't compensate for inflation or the consequences of interest rate hikes.

All taken together people are poorer, more uncertain about the future and a lot of things just feel scary.

It detracts from what we should be learning about re: WWII, like the enormous sacrifices of white Christian American men

World War II casualties by nation, ranked from highest to lowest:

Soviet Union - 26,000,000

China - 15,000,000

Germany - 5,533,000

Poland - 5,820,000

Japan - 2,830,000

Yugoslavia - 1,700,000

Romania - 1,600,000

France - 600,000

Hungary - 580,000

United States - 405,000

Italy - 410,000

United Kingdom - 383,700

Canada - 42,000

Australia - 39,700

Netherlands - 301,000

Greece - 520,000

Czechoslovakia - 345,000

Belgium - 88,000

Norway - 12,000

New Zealand - 11,900

As a percent of the population, America is not even in the top 20.

Starting a company is both correlated with bankruptcy and business success.

See my message to you.

A way of thinking about this is that radical life extension already exists, it's called having children and being part of a tribe.

I think you're comparing apples and oranges a bit.

In cities where people shop by foot shops are not placed randomly but in close proximity to public transit, so what happens is that you shop much more frequently as part of another activity, such as going to and from work, which means you shop way less each time and that you won't have very heavy bags to carry.

This of course means that turning a car focused city into a "15 minute city" requires far more fundamental changes than just adding shops and this might not be viable or even thought of by the proponents, which is likely to make changes in that direction just make things worse.

I agree that Leftist politics doesn't depend on ignorance of HBD at all. The cornerstone is inequality, not racial spoils.

I imagine very large parts of the left would be very happy if we could get away from the toxic racial spoils stuff and just focus on inequality and helping the unfortunate, regardless of race.

Radical inate equality rhetoric helps the right, not the left since it's so obviously untrue and leads to giving resources to the privileged members of favoured groups instead of the actually unprivileged. It also helps justify inequality in general.

It is very easy to source ethical meat and not very expensive either. Treating it as some kind of unfeasible or cumbersome solution is so strange to me. If we want to reduce suffering then surely that must be an easier ask than asking people to eschew meat entirely.

But that's kind of the point isn't it? The vegans don't really want to reduce animal suffering, they want to be on a moral crusade. Veganism isn't an intellectually principled moral stance, it's a religious one.

Sweden? The TFR was pushed up above 2.1 in the 80-90s after some reforms.

The swing up started too early to just be due to the boomers and our baby boom was kind of tiny.

There might be other explanations as well such as people who delayed childbirth finally got around to it (maybe due to better conditions?), which then didn't translate to sustained higher rates as the fertility then went down again.

Yeah, what should be taxed is obviously childlessness.

Ignoring the discussion about IP, you're not copying here. You're literally stealing.

Sweden isn't known for any of those things though. Swedes are known to be stand-offish and not helping strangers, or even acquaintances!

Your point still stands to some extent but your example doesn't really describe any Nordic nation and especially not Sweden.

Quit the charade of "hard realism", you're just manufacturing reasons to wallow in unproductive self-pity.

Your doomerism is an escapist fantasy, steering you away from confronting what's genuinely achievable and taking actions in that direction. It's as delusional as thinking you'll get a hot girlfriend by simply getting a bunch of money, and even less productive.

Abandoning your sick spouse should completely disqualify you from voting if anything.

Considering Mohammed it would make some sense... And what is Ramadan if not massive religooooon sesh?

I'd argue the same goes for the high quality posters as well, at the very least in terms of engagment.

The quality is just down overall, regardless of topic. Perhaps there are less offensive drive by posters but who cares?

Just looked up the drama and that is some of the most pathetic and deranged incel shit I've ever heard in my life. LMAO

But goes the other way too and you can't be endlessly naive of who is using a phrase and what the implications of it actually are. Criticism of Israel gets poisoned by Hamas and other genocidal movements as much as by Zionists which means you have to actually be fairly specific about what you mean.

What's so fucking hard about finding meaning in a world where meaning seems pointless and nothing matters? Do you even hear yourself?

There is meaning all around though. This sounds a lot like projection to me.

Frankly in this post you're a caricature. You're discussing masculinity as if it's something self-evident, related to lifting heavier and heavier iron bars. (of all things...)

That is very clearly a metaphor...

Relative pitch is just knowing what the interval between tones are. This doesn't require some grand effort to learn. Sight-reading/sight-singing isn't some rare skill.

What you said about absolute pitch might as well apply to relative pitch.

  • white collar crime / ‘non violent crime’ can almost always be punished with alternatives to prison like asset seizure, wage garnishing, industry bans and so on.

If you define this are most offenders, sure. If you define it as most white collar crime in amount of money or amount of people affected then no. These people are very good at hiding assets and using patsies. Some people are just committed to building their life around being anti-social, whether that is through violence or white collar stuff,and punishments don't deter them but locking them away can prevent them from hurting others and society at large.

The first half of the first paragraph is good but then you're straight back to escapism.

If a one paragraph goal is what you can muster then focus on that. Don't engage with the doomerist escapism. Take a step back and look at your behaviour here, you're having a crisis and that is fine, but this kind of thinking is neither realistic nor productive.

Don't focus on the goal if you can't imagine it, focus on the small steps that will take you in the right direction.