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joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


User ID: 448



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 05:03:30 UTC


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User ID: 448

This isn't a uniquely female phenomenon, consider men who'll do, say and believe almost anything to get sex or to advance their careers.

The difference I believe is that women are a bit more malleable, have less genuine deeply held beliefs and their goal (securing, maintaining and developing longterm relationships) is more long term (and focused on a single other person) than the male one so their behaviour has a greater chance to affect their beliefs.

Of course, all these things applies to both genders in varying degrees depending on the individual.

Holmes is a aberration and not worth focusing a ton of energy on, I don't care what's being done with her, it doesn't matter.

I'm talking about organised white collar crime. People who build their careers embezzling money from corporations and states and (illegally) hide money for the rich. These people don't just work as accountants man whose licence you can take away and they stop.

Perhaps you think of these people as just organised crime but most of them literally only engage in white collar crime or indirectly as enablers for the literal mob to engage in white collar crime (which is far more lucrative than the drug trade). The policies you prescribe are well studied and understood as ineffective for those who reoffend.

That is the point, they keep posing a threat. Industry bans, wage garnishing and asset siezures most often don't do anything to stop reoffenders.

I'm not going to do that this deep in a thread no-one is going to read. I'm done.

I would not marry someone that wants to use condoms.

You are exaggerating. It still goes into hallucination loops all the time when using reflection and the improvement between 3.5 and 4 is barely noticeable in practice. What has gotten better is the polish on the initial output and avoiding subquestions that causes it to hallucinate, when pressed it still does, it doesn't tell you that it doesn't know. It often tells you that something is hard to tell for certain in general but not which parts it are uncertain of, which just makes the statement a useless disclaimer.

The reduction of hallucination is a mirage. Perhaps it is similar to how a human would act on a test where it doesn't remember the answer, you focus on the parts of the answer that you are sure of and hope the teacher doesn't notice. Except the model actually does know the answer, and it doesn't hesitate to hallucinate when pressed. It also rather confidently restates information it knows to be wrong rather than make a lower confidence prediction of what is probably right.

Look, I want this to work, it doesn't yet. It'll probably work better in the future and not focusing on just using larger training sets is probably a good idea imo.

No, he assumes that Jews are his ingroup. Progressives treat trans-people as their ingroup, that doesn't mean they're trans.

I think there should be a report option for "inflammatory" claims without sufficient supporting evidence.

There is a growing issue of conspiracy and agenda driving posts and there should be some way to push back against this other than getting into endless discussions with insane people.

This could be anything from discussions around covid, the war, the cathedral or "the Jews", Trump etc. There are things to say about all these subjects (both agreeing and disagreeing with the mainstream narrative) but that doesn't mean that inflammatory posts without evidence don't degrade the quality of discussion and scares of reasonable contributors. This is even more of a concern when the pipeline for getting new users is so limited since the transition off-site.

If someone wants to make a well-reasoned and supported argument for contraintuitive positions on these subjects then I'm all ears, and I expect most of the rest of the forum. I don't even mind the rightward drift of the forum that much despite being politically leftwing, its interesting to read posts by conservatives, i don't get that much anywhere else. What isn't interesting is reading aggressive, poorly supported and often barely coherent conspiracy tinged ramblings.

I meant in the context of trying to appease someone. You can't have them thinking you're trying to handle them.

I mean, we could also very marginally raise taxes and perhaps debt levels.

It is less than half the adjusted rate of the rich white parts of America...

How do you see both happening? When you're in striking range with the knife you're inside the striking range of the bat.

I don't know about that, I liked showing off that I was engaged. You still don't need to get a second ring.

If it isn't something serious I'd just apologise for the fight and if she has any shame she'll do the same. If she doesn't then you might have a problem but if you haven't fought before it's probably worth just taking the L and moving on, regardless of who's right.

They circumcised you when you went in for appendicitis, without your consent?

Any reason they have to be stretchy? Couldn't they just be loose fitting like a big t-shirt+ shorts or a robe/kaftan?

Sorry for being unclear.

Well, I can't say for sure but it followed, with some lag, a series of extensive reforms in regards to parental leave, equality in the work place, state funded day care and so on, that at least seemed to boost female labour force participation.

It didn't follow immediately after these reforms, to the extent I'm aware, but something did boost Swedish tfr compared to nearby comparable countries.

It should be said that it also somewhat coincided with an economic boom and it's end somewhat coincided with the severe recession that followed. The general boom in the 80s happened in other comparable places as well though and they didn't experience nearly as big a fertility premium, and after the recession ended Swedish fertility largely rebounded to a sustained higher level at ~1.9, which of course is below replacement but still decent and sustainable in the medium term.

All this happened well before any large scale migration of higher fertility groups (that actually aren't that fertile once they get here it turns out).

Lastly, I don't think further efforts to boost equality will have much impact on fertility, I think other issues are far more important.

That's not what I said and I don't see a contradiction.

You don't need to be a scientist to understand the principles of how the model works.

I believe you're confusing the protagonist for the antagonist.

That assumes the repair is logged or discovered. Perhaps shoddy black market repairs is or has been an issue in Poland?

Obviously this doesn't apply when there the maintainance contract gets transferred like here.

IMO the massive decline in fertility is a direct result of the sexual revolution. There were other causes like urbanization but the sudden drop in the 1970s is staggering.

Are you for real?

This is just incomprehensible to me. I'll admit that I grew up sheltered and nerdy, but still: none of my friends were having sex or really even close to having sex in middle school. Maybe the 90s were better after all?

Maybe this is difference between Sweden and the US but when I grew up in the 90s in a completely white, affluent suburb my estimation was that some 20-25% had sex before the end of middle school, with women having slightly more sex (due to being able to find marginally older partners). Another 30-40% had sex some time during high school (weighted towards the end) and the remaining 40-50% during university.

The survey reports that 60% of teenagers report using a condom during their last sexual encounter. Is that not kinda low given teenage pregnancy rates? I am a prude in real life who dislikes salacious talk, so I haven't talked about condom usage with my friends. So I don't really have a strong intuition here.

Who the hell uses condoms for anything but one night stands? You might as well not have sex at that point.

Stop being such a baby for one.