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Profoundly retarded people are arguably less intelligent than squid, which at least have the ability to survive on their own , but I don't think anyone would argue that they have the same moral worth.

I would. I think all such people should be euthanized. They aren't really people. They're worthless sacks of flesh that just happen to have human DNA

Then he should have said that instead of "all"

I think you're using a different definition of "can pick red" than the people you are talking to

Dieting isn't fun so they choose the easy option. It's not impossible for them to eat less. If you put a gun to their head they'd do it but they just don't want it bad enough to go through the discomfort

you edited your post

Federal is the key word there. Most weed offenders are at the state level

Well yes, the base rate is important but you don't just look at the base rate and then stop your analysis. what /u/gillitrut is saying is that in order to properly judge this case we need to look at the actual facts on the ground too.

Yeah that version sounds much more like standard nepotism. I was thinking specifically about the version where a spousal hire is offered as an incentive to a new recruit.

If you were familiar with the interview process at Jane Street you would know that you were wrong.

How would you feel in a hypothetical universe where COVID has a 10% death rate the vaccines actually were perfect at stopping transmission? Because in that universe I would 100% support all of the hate directed towards the unvaccinated and more. That's why I think it's tricky to say things should be beyond reproach.

As someone who owns zero land that sounds excellent

I have no idea what you could possibly mean. True statements have probability 1, that's axiomatic.

Does the relationship between problem solving speed and g scale infinitely

Probably not infinitely, but it probably scales farther than the current tests are pushing it. I remember when i took the SAT I thought they gave you way too much time on the math section. I finished every question and double checked all my answers in less than half the time allotted so i just put my head down at that point.

It's still lower than a good chunk of the people here. It's not like a 1400 then was harder to get than a 1600 now

It took me a second to realize you weren't talking about black lives mattee

Given that some people will choose blue, and you know nothing else about how people will decide, the EV of blue is higher.

This is wrong. See the comment chain between me and /u/roystgnr for the actual math. The EV depends upon both the expected proportion of people who will pick blue and the variance of that estimate but there are definitely situations where you expect there to be a nonzero number of people picking blue and the EV of red is higher even in the altruistic case where you value your own life no higher than that of a random person

The funniest part is that if we look at the actual talent levels in purely physics the white husband might actually be the better one in this scenario. Affirmative action reaches truly obscene proportions at the top level like stanford physics professors (this makes sense, the father right you go on the bell curve the more a 1 SD difference in means affects the availability ratio)

Self control is a perfectly good solution to fatness. It won't solve the obesity epidemic because people refuse to apply it, not because it doesn't work

Its only the most common position because most people have never really confronted the evidence. The average person on the street doesn't even know that races have different average IQs or if they do they think they disappear by accounting for simple cofounders

It doesn't sound like you're responding to my point at all. You're just adding another difference on top

Did the Netherlands condemn apartheid? They're definitely coethnics

I've accounted for this. If the current residents are enjoying so much benefit from the farmland that it's actually more efficient to leave it undeveloped then there will be a price at which scenario #2 can be cleared

Harvard is notorious for this, iirc only about cca 20-30% of its admissions are there on merit, the rest are legacies or diversity admissions.

I don't think this is true. I just looked it up and only 14% of Harvard is legacy admits. And about the same are black. The rest should be merit admits

Where are you getting 75% from? The minimum overlap of 64% and 78% is 42%