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Profoundly retarded people are arguably less intelligent than squid, which at least have the ability to survive on their own , but I don't think anyone would argue that they have the same moral worth.

I would. I think all such people should be euthanized. They aren't really people. They're worthless sacks of flesh that just happen to have human DNA

As someone who owns zero land that sounds excellent

Self control is a perfectly good solution to fatness. It won't solve the obesity epidemic because people refuse to apply it, not because it doesn't work

All measures compatible with legal equality and freedom of the individual.

Forcing a woman to carry a child to term so the father can adopt it isn't freedom

They're not saying who it is that was arrested because he's black

There is only one solution. The truth. I know you're afraid of it but there is no other way. And honestly I've found that embracing the truth gets you a lot less hate than you might think, especially in personal contexts, I'd still be wary in certain professional contexts. But through chats with friends I've found that most people are a lot more receptive to HBD arguments than you might think, so long as you explain it right. Most normies have genuinely never heard anyone who isn't genuinely hateful suggest that blacks might have lower IQs so start off slow. Emphasize that what we observe is overlapping Bell curves with different means and make sure to note that you are not saying "every one from this race is dumb". Talk about twin studies. If you're white and not Jewish talk about Asian and Jewish over preformance to make you sound less biased.

You're really reaching to add things to the situation that aren't present in the initial scenario

Being poor, uneducated and not independent is typically a sign of either laziness or low intelligence. Is that considered poor moral character?

How would you feel in a hypothetical universe where COVID has a 10% death rate the vaccines actually were perfect at stopping transmission? Because in that universe I would 100% support all of the hate directed towards the unvaccinated and more. That's why I think it's tricky to say things should be beyond reproach.

It doesn't sound like you're responding to my point at all. You're just adding another difference on top

I've accounted for this. If the current residents are enjoying so much benefit from the farmland that it's actually more efficient to leave it undeveloped then there will be a price at which scenario #2 can be cleared

If you were familiar with the interview process at Jane Street you would know that you were wrong.

employment at Jane Street suggest he is probably at least 90-95th percentile

That's conservative. Jane Street doesn't hire 90th percentile interns. They work pretty hard to ensure all their interns are 99+ in quantitative skills

Then he should have said that instead of "all"

Well yes, the base rate is important but you don't just look at the base rate and then stop your analysis. what /u/gillitrut is saying is that in order to properly judge this case we need to look at the actual facts on the ground too.

This is a good thing. It means that I, as a consumer of labor in the USA, can get the same product at a cheaper price.

Protectionism in trade, which is what your argument amounts to, tends to benefit the few at the expense of the many and are negative sum over all. If skilled mechanics come to the USA from Central and South America mechanics in the USA will be econimically worse off but everyone who needs their car fixed will be economically better off

Sooner or later, every reader will cotton on to the fact that whenever the MSM report on a violent crime commited by a white native man, his skin colour will be mentioned prominently (either in the headline or the lede); ergo, if you see an article about a violent crime which doesn't mention the assailant's skin colour or nationality, the only reasonable assumption is that he is black or Arab or Eastern European (optionally Muslim)

Sadly i don't think this will ever happen. Remember, the bottom fraction in terms of intelligence has trouble figuring out that theyv would probably be hungry right now if they hadn't eaten breakfast this morning. They certainly aren't going to intuit chains of reasoning like this.

That girl whose date-me-doc or coffee-meets-bagel profile talks about how she is looking for a serious relationship is definitely, DEFINITELY fucking randos on the side.

the definitely here makes this statement false. Many women have hook ups on the side while claiming to only want a serious relationship but the percent is not 100. Furthermore as guy hooking up with such women it is easy to overestimate the percent as you are quickly filtering out those who don't.

By the logic in your last sentence a lot of things not typically considered violence would fit the definition. Let's say you have surgery to destroy a tumor. The tumor is "something" and the surgery is a behavior that destroys it, is that violence? if you say yes your definition is broken, thats not how people use the term

The market is much better at finding efficient uses than your speculation.

The Nazis did many bad things but that doesn't mean everything they did was bad. If your only argument against a policy is that the Nazis did it too you might need to rethink drinking water and breathing

I share an online space with some friends and some acquaintances for general purpose discussion

If someone showed as little respect for me as everyone in your anecdote showed for you I would not consider them a friend.

Buying tickets from a scalper who stood in line for you is economically equivalent to paying the scalper to stand in line for you.

, so doing the objective calculation would probably make it a net negative for most women to initiate divorce

Most women don't divorce. If 40% of marriages end in divorce and 80% of these are initiated by women that means 68% of women don't initiate divorce