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I would be more inclined to care about this if the victims weren't so overwhelming unsympathetic. If someone bankrupts themselves through their own ignorance after being told how they're wrong 100 times how can you really feel bad for them. Just on a gut instinct level nothing is more unappealing to me than the combination of ignorance and confidence and the folks over at /r/superstonk have both in spades.

  • But positions that were .5% of your fund become 50% of your fund when they go up 100%.

You're going to want to check your math on this. I think you mean 100x not 100%

There is only one solution. The truth. I know you're afraid of it but there is no other way. And honestly I've found that embracing the truth gets you a lot less hate than you might think, especially in personal contexts, I'd still be wary in certain professional contexts. But through chats with friends I've found that most people are a lot more receptive to HBD arguments than you might think, so long as you explain it right. Most normies have genuinely never heard anyone who isn't genuinely hateful suggest that blacks might have lower IQs so start off slow. Emphasize that what we observe is overlapping Bell curves with different means and make sure to note that you are not saying "every one from this race is dumb". Talk about twin studies. If you're white and not Jewish talk about Asian and Jewish over preformance to make you sound less biased.

I don't think this is true at all. No one is happy to pick streamers over real friends or onlyfans girls over actual sexual partners. Everyone knows they are a poor substitute at best.

Ok maybe they exist but they're rare. I don't think we have an issue of these "hyperoptimized" alternatives being seen as generally preferable. The real appeal is that they are so low effort not that they are super optimized.

Do you actually not believe height is an advantage in basketball. That's ridiculous. As is using free throws as your measure of talent.

It's definitely more than filtering out people below 5'6". The NBA league average height is 6'6" that's 9" taller than the average American man. And only about 20% of men are below 5'6". Filtering them out is not raising the average by 9". Height is pretty much a pure advantage in basketball all other things being equal.

In the USA in 2022 the vast majority of skin color based discrimination occurs under the guise of so called "affirmative action" programs. These programs pretend to be anti racist but at their core they are just racial discrimination against whites and Asians. So the question becomes, "what is the most effective way to fight affirmative action" and I think the answer is just spreading awareness of the extent of discrimination that goes on, especially in elite universities. Affirmative action already polls as quite unpopular but I find that in my own social circle many less online people are shocked to see the extent of discrimination that is going on. In public school I was fed lies about affirmative action, I was told it never meant picking a less qualified candidate it only meant considering the underrepresented candidate thoroughly or using race as a tie breaker for equally qualified candidates. A quick look at admission statistics disproves these lies quickly. Another pervasive lie is the idea that AA helps underprivileged students but at elite universities the main beneficiaries are wealthy blacks, not kids from the ghetto. I think if this knowledge was more widespread public support would collapse even further and hopefully the supreme court would be pressured to make a strong ruling.

Well if you start with false assumptions you can literally prove anything. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_explosion

That said, obsessing over genes or IQ differences or whatever is always sus. It’s a thoroughly uninteresting topic, unless when used to provide flimsy justifications for racist practices.

You can call it "uninteresting" all you like but it's actually very important. It is necessary to bring up genetic differences in IQ because there is a large group of people who like to go around claiming that any differences in representation are necessarily the result of discrimination. The only way to argue against this claim is to have a solid understanding of genetic differences.

Because the company wants to hire only the most qualified people and in technical fields those people are very rarely black. It's the same same reason NFL teams don't have many Asian players.

When you start including words like "all" in your predictions you're setting yourself up for trouble.

If this prediction was a bet it would be a 100-leg parlay, even one exception invalidates it. That's not the kind of thing you can be 90% confident about.

Then he should have said that instead of "all"

You're preaching to the choir here. I agree completely, I think this assertion often goes unchallenged because the most obvious alternative explanation (genetics) is so taboo.

I agree that painting is trash but it's not like anything by Pollock (one of the listed great white males) is any better

It is assuming a 5"4 girl can beat up half a dozen 7" monster men without breaking a sweat.

I think this is perfectly realistic. A few good kicks/stomps should easily take care of the ankle high monster men

Acknowledging the reality of HBD is important because if we don't acknowledge it we will end up with policies which are premised upon it being false (disparate impact doctrine for discrimination and affirmative action are the big ones, general distrust in IQ as you mention is another) and these policies are highly inefficient and unfair.

I don't want a world where people go "I know about HBD so I'm going to throw all the applications from black people away". I want a world where people go "I know about HBD so if after considering all the applications in a race blind manner I end up with 2% blacks in a highly technical field I won't be surprised or consider that problematic". And I'm not alone in this. Basically everyone I see talking about HBD feels the same. The first position is a strawman.

Mathematical inequality is orthogonal to discrimination

I wouldn't say that it's orthogonal, it's just not parallel. I mean, discrimination is a possible cause of inequality it's just not the only possible cause. I'd say they're at maybe a 30 degree angle

If you know about HBD then it wouldn't it be self defeating to examine applications in a race blind way?

No because race is a very very rough predictor of aptitude and bosses screening applicants have access to much stronger predictors. If I want high mathematical ability in my candidates I could just select only Asian candidates as they tend to score better on measures of mathematical aptitude, or I could ignore race and screen based on something like SAT math scores or scores on a math test I make applicants complete. The second approach is vastly better at accurately screening for candidates with high mathematical ability.

Fentanyl is a symptom of the drug wars. If people could buy pure oxycodone pills from reputable companies at the drug store no one would be buying counterfeit fentanyl pills from the cartels

HBD is not the claim that environment has no effect on IQ. A 50% environment, 50% genetics model to explain IQ variation is a pro HBD position

As with any taxes ever, the cost is passed onto the consumer. If its not a pos tax, it will be passed onto the customers.

Standard econ 101 arguments show that the cost of the tax will be split between the consumer and producer depending upon the elasticities of supply and demand. Demand for sugar is not perfectly inelastic so some of the tax burden will be shouldered by the producer.

Maybe this applies to some people but not all of us. I consider myself a YIMBY and I support your right to do all of those on your own land. Principled libertarians are not a myth

As someone who owns zero land that sounds excellent

loaf of milk or a jar of bread

You must go to a different grocery store than me