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the one actively attempting to enter the de facto designated area intends to harass the people in the area

I'd say it's not. The protestors have no right to have a defacto designated area. You can't "harass" by interfering with something that someone doesn't have a right to in the first place. If you enter a bank while someone's robbing it you aren't intending to harass the bank robbers.

People who are not weird Internet guys think action and inaction have different moral valences.

The "connection" is that someone saw the news and thought "That's an idea. Terrorism!"

Functionally though what is the difference between paying a company to do x or fining a company of it doesn't do x?

Paying it is limited by budget. Unfunded mandates aren't. This prevents many abuses.

In other words your solution removes the advantage of government force against entities that are less powerful than a government but more powerful than a normal individual.

"Government force against entities" assumes that the entity did something, and that the government force is being used to stop it. On the contrary; the entity didn't do anything, but the government imposed an obligation on them.

I also suspect that even someone who intentionally chose a car based on it having airbags and seatbelts would be incompetent at deciding which cars had better airbags and seatbelts and which cars had worse airbags and seatbelts.

There's no such thing as "technically isn't a picture of Mohammad" that magically makes a Muslim think it's okay.

It's a hypothetical.

Also, if you really need a real-world example, Muslims are forbidden from charging interest, but have figured out ways to have non-interest interest. Demands that the US switch over to using it, even if it was as good as real interest and even if voluntarily, would be seen as absurd.

Why shouldn't I generally be allowed to conceal myself, as long as I'm not doing anything wrong?

Because we tried that and it didn't work. These laws were often meant as anti-KKK.

People literally say "I am planting this bomb to fight for the oppressed". They don't say "I am planting this bomb to get cool uniforms". There's a big difference in how direct the connection is, even if both of them can be classified as increases in Bayseian probability.

The question was about moral responsibility for having to defend themselves.

Your trans scenario would have to be something like "trans people have done things which anger cis people, such as demanding to be in the wrong bathrooms. If an angry person then attacks the trans people and gets hurt when the trans people defend themselves, the trans people are morally responsible for that". Under those circumstances, I'd agree that the trans people were defending their existence and aren't responsible.

In real life, "they just don't want trans people to exist" never means "trans people are not at fault for hurting someone in self-defense".

Lab-grown meat strikes me as like deciding that it's evil to draw pictures of Mohammed, but if you use a special light refraction method, you can have something that looks sort of like Mohammed but doesn't count as a picture for religious purposes, so Muslims lobby for use of this method and dozens of scientists spend millions of dollars figuring out how to get people to accept this method instead of normal photography.

A funny thing though is that on the right, this emotion has long been mixed with something that is very different: an extremely powerful and (mostly) closeted, emotional-sexual complex with overtones of father issues. The anti-egalitarian right has a strong streak of closeted mostly-homosexual eroticism that revolves around dominance/submission.

People see homoeroticism in things like this for the same reason they see it in pretty much every anime, TV show, and movie under the sun that appeals to the right crowd. Can you prove that Harry Potter isn't secretly in love with Draco Malfoy?

Ok, so California required default passwords four years ago. Your nightmare world has already arrived. We've already crossed over the epsilon threshold.

I don't think you know what "epsilon" means. "epsilon" means a small amount, often in a context where a bigger amount is possible. Making one regulation isn't going to cross over the epsilon threshhold, but it can be one step towards having lots of regulations which do.

decisions they (the Israeli people and their forefathers in general, and Netanyahu in particular) made before were what got them in this situation to begin with.

Decisions such as being Jewish and alive at the same time?

In all of these cases, there's the same belief that the Americans being mind-controlled lack their own agency and that an utterly trivial investment on the part of foreign actors can create a completely inorganic belief system within the United States.

They can change the relative size and influence of existing movements even if they can't create movements from scratch.

Or your image processor GIMP.

That would mean that he's a Jew who supports Israel. If you want to claim he's a "Zionist", you're going to have to explain how you distinguish between that and a Zionist.

"Zionist" isn't a swear word meaning "anyone who wants Israel to exist".

By this reasoning, it's pointless to even read a fiction book, since you could imagine things that might have been in the book, and the book is imaginary itself.

It may be the whisper network distorting the idea that computer operators were female.

This dovetails with @naraburn's post about the Pokemon Go avatar changes being designed, apparently, to challenge conventional beauty standards- especially the sub-question in that thread regarding a conspiracy to promote ugliness. That conspiracy exists, in its declaration that there is no Noble Physiognomy, and our attractions are just manipulated by White Supremacy.

"Conspiracy to promote ugliness" in that context is mostly about women, so it doesn't apply here.

That's what I thought too, at least the carbonite reference. It looks as though he's embedded in some substance.

The primary reason that people who are vegan/vegetarian (for non-religious reasons, and even plenty of those) condemn the consumption of meat is because their heart aches at the idea of eating cute little animals, with souls,

The primary reason why people don't like pictures of Mohammed is because their heart aches at the idea, except for religious reasons.

I am agnostic on lab-grown meat. If it tastes good, is cheap, and is of comparable healthiness to legacy meat, I will eat it.

I'm sure that if non-picture pictures of Mohammed were good enough, non-Muslims would be agnostic about using them. It's not as if non-Muslims think that pictures have to be real pictures, as long as they look fine and serve their function. Same as for the meat.

The Law of Undignified Failure as described there seems to sound more like the Law that Not Everyone's Boo Lights are the Same.

The fact that someone is doing things with negative emotional valence to you and that you are therefore scared should be irrelevant. Military weapons are supposed to kill people; marketing them for their ability to kill people is not undignified unless you have preexisting negative attitudes towards the military.

Define powerful. Not going to instantly get fired for supporting Trump? Sure. Having influence, though? That's much harder.

In general I'd prefer to see high quality, well written posts that address the substantive thesis of the parent post, instead of posts that nitpick on a single sentence.

The more people do that, the more it gets gamed by throwing in single sentences of objectionable material. So it's unsustainable.