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This dovetails with @naraburn's post about the Pokemon Go avatar changes being designed, apparently, to challenge conventional beauty standards- especially the sub-question in that thread regarding a conspiracy to promote ugliness. That conspiracy exists, in its declaration that there is no Noble Physiognomy, and our attractions are just manipulated by White Supremacy.

"Conspiracy to promote ugliness" in that context is mostly about women, so it doesn't apply here.

Is this original to themotte or is it quoted from somewhere?

I don't know, does he think that Israel is a death cult against Hamas's existence?

People here have pegged me as a HBD supporter, but actually I think a lot of HBD is exaggerated or worse. A prime example is HBD supporters claiming that African countries have such low IQ that by Western standards most of them would be mentally retarded. That's a violation of common sense and shows that something's obviously wrong with the HBD idea. The only explanation I've seen is "well, retarded people do poorly for reasons other than IQ" which is also a violation of common sense.

As for immigration, I'd say "regardless of any arguments about regression to the mean, nobody in the West is giving race-based preferential immigration to Asians. If they're not going to do that, then they don't have the excuse 'we don't want smart black people to immigrate because regression to the mean'."

In general I'd prefer to see high quality, well written posts that address the substantive thesis of the parent post, instead of posts that nitpick on a single sentence.

The more people do that, the more it gets gamed by throwing in single sentences of objectionable material. So it's unsustainable.

The typical holocaust denier has far less interest at stake than, say, the typical online Israeli or Zionist.

Yet the typical online Zionist posts about other things than just Zionism.

That would mean that he's a Jew who supports Israel. If you want to claim he's a "Zionist", you're going to have to explain how you distinguish between that and a Zionist.

"Zionist" isn't a swear word meaning "anyone who wants Israel to exist".

It may be the whisper network distorting the idea that computer operators were female.

The Law of Undignified Failure as described there seems to sound more like the Law that Not Everyone's Boo Lights are the Same.

The fact that someone is doing things with negative emotional valence to you and that you are therefore scared should be irrelevant. Military weapons are supposed to kill people; marketing them for their ability to kill people is not undignified unless you have preexisting negative attitudes towards the military.

When they say they were driven like a slave that's metaphorical. It isn't actually the same thing as being driven like a real slave.

Spending a lot of recent time with higher class Africans, any benefit of the doubt that they are civilizationally capable faded.

I don't think this conclusion can be justified unless "they" is defined more narrowly than it would normally be defined in this context. I'd suggest that higher class Africans are selected for ability to retain power, which is not competency at ruling to benefit the people.

The implication of "towering over the rest of the world is great" is that it's based on a principle. Any such principle that doesn't outright say "and no Jews" or equivalent would approve of Jews doing the same.

Technically the Japanese were POC, but Asians have a weird place in the oppression stack.

Because slavery is done for the interests of the slaveowner and at least in theory, authoritarian parents are acting for the long term benefit of the children. And even callous authoritarian parents are not going to be as callous as slaveowners.

I'm pretty sure that the West wouldn't give Asians preferences over whites in immigration whether the West was anti-HBD or not. Exactly who the immigration benefits is far more important than any sincere concerns about how smart the immigrants are. For that matter, you don't even need HBD to say that current immigrants should be Asian because they're higher IQ, and nobody supports that, either.

If I'm being really tasteless about this, are we sure he's not going to move on to one of the adopted with Soon-Yi kids as soon as she's old enough, given his track record?

No, because

accepting that Allen and Farrow were not co-habiting and that he was not meaningfully parenting Soon-Yi in any way

that wouldn't be an analogous situation.

"I was only following orders" is something we as a society have learned through hard experience is no excuse. People may not relieve themselves of responsibility for doing bad things on the grounds that someone else hired them to do the bad thing; and even if they're hiring you to do it to themselves, it's your responsibility to refuse if they are not of sound mind when they hired you. You don't have the option to say "judging them to be of unsound mind is none of my business"--it informs the propriety of your own actions, for which you bear responsibility, which makes it your business.

Someone who wants porn about X is not the same as someone who wants X.

the one actively attempting to enter the de facto designated area intends to harass the people in the area

I'd say it's not. The protestors have no right to have a defacto designated area. You can't "harass" by interfering with something that someone doesn't have a right to in the first place. If you enter a bank while someone's robbing it you aren't intending to harass the bank robbers.

People who are not weird Internet guys think action and inaction have different moral valences.

most adults who go on hormones are happy about that,

Going on hormones and then believing that hormones are bad for you seems like it would be unlikely because of the sunk cost fallacy.

But non-binary is (by your side's standards).

Or your image processor GIMP.

By this reasoning, it's pointless to even read a fiction book, since you could imagine things that might have been in the book, and the book is imaginary itself.

A more charitable interpretation is that Muslims who don't support Hamas are rare enough that they shouldn't be taken into account when forming policy.

Nobody short of the lizardman constant means "literally no such thing" when they say "no such thing" and it's not some kind of science or math problem.