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User ID: 1912



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User ID: 1912

All of the science shows that children with two parents have significantly better life outcomes

Is this true after controlling for money and intelligence?

These aren’t problems with familial DNA any more than they are problems for a number of existing technologies decades older. Has the fingerprint database led to this issue? Has the normal CODIS led to this problem?

My parents’ condo was broken into. A DNA database already exists. Despite this, the totalitarian police state had no interest in swabbing the doorknob for touch DNA and running it. I really see no evidence this will lead to any of the problems you enumerate. All these same arguments could be applied equally to use of fingerprints (which are surely even more prone to false positives). Why didn’t fingerprints destroy society?

I honestly feel like “anti-authoritarian” is just a personality type or inclination like “contrarian”. And anti-authoritarians in this thread just seem dispositionally opposed to the gov’t acquiring any new tool or capability, just on principle even if they can’t articulate any harm that would come from it. Consistency should dictate opposition to the use of fingerprints as well, but given their use is over 100 years old, and no dystopia resulted they are given a pass.

Familial DNA is already being used. I see the benefits of decades-old cold cases being solved, but where are the costs? Has their been a marked increase in wrongful convictions attributable to the technology?

There are probabilities concerning two separate questions that are being talked about here.

  1. Is the coin fair?

  2. What is the likelihood the next flip will be heads/tails?

If a Bayesian starts with no reason for a prior belief the coin is biased in a particular direction then their prior probability for the next flip being heads will be 50% (given that any uncertainty the coin is biased to heads is equally balanced by the possibility it is biased to tails)

But their prior belief the coin is fair may be at 90%.

If you flip 1000 times and it comes up 500 heads and 500 tails, then perhaps your belief the next flip is heads is still at 50%, but your belief the coin is fair has gone up to 99.9%

You didn’t explain the actual harm of either of those things. Say it slips past theft to vandalism, why would solving vandalism with familial DNA be bad? You keep hinting without spelling out any actual harm.

The same goes for the “fishing” part. Why does it suddenly become bad if there are a million tattoo shops?What is the actual harm, and what evidence is better or less error-prone than familial DNA? Every critic here is dodging this question

This won’t be popular here, but I honestly support heavyhanded censorship of toxicity on social media even if it is used as a fig leaf to specifically target my own political beliefs, as long as it actually also removes hateful comments.

  • -13

Why do leftists seethe at the mere existence of a tiny irrelevant forum where people might be saying things they don’t like? We had to move off Reddit, eventually the userbase will dwindle and disappear and we have no larger cultural influence.

Those quotes say nothing more than “I’m right but people won’t listen to me.” Just because something is dressed up as “The Parable of the X and the Y” or is quoting someone from 2000 years ago doesn’t really make it fundamentally different from just leaving it at “I’m right you’re wrong”

Oh don’t be cute, you know exactly what makes him a freak. Any reasonable definition of freak would include this guy. He is undeniably an extreme, bleeding edge outlier on the spectrum of gender/sex weirdness. You may love that, but it doesn’t change his outlierness. Just be honest please

thoughts and prayers for those wireheaded by the kafkaesque stochastic egregore

Ooops, better not share that pic you took out in public for 24 hours. It might reveal someone's live location.

It is clearly not going to be used to ban people posting recent photos, unless you happen to be a stalker. Stop it with these goofy histrionics.

Basic elements of reality also include your internet search history, your penis length, your medical history, your number of sexual partners and recordings of you sleeping. If I can’t see all of that The Internet Is Officially Over.

motherhood today is very stressful

It has literally never been easier

Yes, I believe that most claimed allergies are fake. Just based on personal experience, I know one person that claims an allergy to mushrooms which I guarantee is just an aversion to their taste/texture, I know another two that claim allergies to “artificial food coloring” which is surely just some form of chemophobia and I know another with vaguely defined “gluten sensitivity”. Tellingly none of them have strongly definite externally observable reactions to the allergen.

These are always boring semantic debates. If I set out to beat you until you love me, and after an hour of beating I give up because you still hate me, leaving you a bloody unconscious mess on the ground while I’ve scraped my knuckles who has lost? Who won? I failed to achieve my goal, it’s true. But I was hardly scratched while you are near death. Even harder to say I lost and you won. Perhaps my goal and plan to achieve it was foolish and impossible, but at the same time I demonstrated my ability to beat the shit out of you without even breaking a sweat. Win and lose in situations like this are just silly labels like we are keeping score.

There is a reason why we have insanity defenses and the like, sometimes people are not responsible for their own actions

How could they not be responsible? Did someone forcibly take control of her body? Why should I care whether a mental illness was at work? A mental illness is part of you, it is inseparable from you. If her mental illness did it, she did it, there is no difference. If someone murders me and they were mentally ill, does it make me any less dead than if they were mentally healthy?

In some sense any murderer is self-evidently mentally unwell. Murder isn’t a normal response to anything (outside of things like self defense shich isn’t considered murder). So why does it matter if their particular form of mental abnormality has or doesn’t have a specific label? They are a danger to their fellow citizens all the same.

The photos only prove that many starved and many died. Look at photos of Andersonville prisoners from the American Civil War, they look the same. That doesn’t mean necessarily that there were gas chambers or a deliberate extermination program.

Saying that Alexandros didn’t recognize his own arguments as presented by Scott is a bit like saying “The glove didn’t fit when we asked OJ to try it on”

Trump voting hard red state pipe fitters, electricians, etc) to flip shit because they didn't want to be forced to have more kids than they already had or get trapped into child support, and they voted accordingly. Another who'd gone from lib to DeSantis fan over COVID lockdowns and anti-woke stuff swung back to the Democrats over it. I can't emphasize this enough; people I know who use the N word as an adjective on a daily basis for household objects and even bird species + believe in Q-anon stuff were incensed and pulled the lever to give the pro-choice side a landslide victory when abortion rights came up to a vote.

This is hard to believe that they would react so strongly to largely symbolic bans coming from a party that has been saying this is precisely what they want to do for decades. It would be like suddenly losing it and flipping republican because Democrats decide to give blacks some effectively symbolic reparations checks for $100 or something.

One of the core tenents of the whole blue tribe memeplex is that behavior and morality exist completely independently of the other. It doesn't whether a man is a hard worker or a good father, what matters is what he thinks and what he feels

This is just absolutely ridiculous and demands justification

How about him just stealing for the momentary thrill as opposed to the money? Crimes are not generally committed by people acting rationally anyway.

You are misunderstanding Bayes. For your coin example, your prior belief the coin is fair is most likely not 50%. I’ve never encountered a coin I knew to be unfair in my life, so my prior belief that some random coin is fair is probably upwards of 90%. If I toss the coin a bunch and it comes up pretty much 50-50 perhaps I update my belief that the coin is fair to be 99.9% certainty.

As for whether or not you divorce your wife, well that’s not Bayes Theorem that’s just how you choose to apply the beliefs you have. I am highly certain my wife isn’t cheating on me, to be fair I can’t really say 100% certain, but I’m as close to 100% as I think anyone can reasonably be without stalking or imprisoning their spouse, so call it maybe 99%, which is good enough for me to not divorce her. If some event occurred that caused me to update my belief (she starts having weekly lunches with a male friend) then I would have to choose what to do with that updated belief.

And the choice is rarely so binary as divorce/not divorce. If my certainty in her fidelity fell to 90%, maybe I would just have a conversation with her about her new male friend. Maybe at 80% I’d ask her to please stop having lunch alone with this guy, and so on.

Has any politician of note?

Does anyone else suspect that Scott grossly exaggerates his belief in Atlantis? I find it difficult to believe he was ever serious about it. And it seems to be a very useful story for him that he gets endless value out of

do you also agree that having a different racial makeup of these honors classes relative to baseline is a problem?

Why is this a problem? Is the disparate makeup of the school basketball team a problem? Have we measured the representation of people with attached earlobes? Are stupid people adequately represented in honors classes? “Stupid” seems like a much more salient category than race if we are seeking diversity of thought, perspective or life experience.

Even if it is a problem, is it a higher concern than the quality of the honors classes? Perhaps increasing equity cannot be done without degrading class quality to near non-honors levels, is that worth it?

Eh, so what? First, to some extent this could very well be in a feedback loop at this point, where it is merely edginess that derives its coolness from the fact it triggers the right sort of people like Tucker Carlson, as opposed to any attraction to children. If Tucker keeps getting triggered it keeps being cool. Not very high brow, but I could imagine that dynamic being real. Similarly, Satanic symbols most frequently don’t evince any genuine belief in or worship of Satan, as opposed to simple desire to trigger Christians.

Twenty years ago gamers were revelling in this same sort of behavior, and perhaps the art world isn’t any more mature.

Even if Podesta’s art collection was indicative of genuine pedophilia, I guess there are a couple follow up questions. Is the rate of pedophilia for “the elite” any higher than among any other group of people? You get a big enough group together and you’re bound to have a few pedophiles, so finding one sus art collection doesn’t mean much.

I take an excedrin (which I believe is mostly caffeine) semi-frequently for headaches.

I’ve tasted alcohol a handful of times but always found it unpleasant. I tried chewing tobacco once but it made me feel very unpleasantly lightheaded. I tried cigarettes once and felt nothing, only coughed a bit. I once walked into a flavored hookah place but the smell was unbearable so I left without trying it. I tried coffee maybe once, but found nothing worth repeating about it. I’ve had a fair number of caffeinated sodas in my life, but I never noticed any effect and the caffeine free versions taste the same to me, so I prefer those given the choice. Never tried marijuana because the smell is so awful I wouldn’t want to ruin my clothes or car with it. Never tried any harder drugs because I have never encountered their usage. I have tasted tea on a handful of occasions but it just tastes like warm perfumed water to me, nothing pleasant about it, if it had caffeine I didn’t notice any effect. Never tried 5 hour energy or red bull or any of those hyper-caffeinated things. Never tried any of those ADHD meds like adderall or whatever as I have never met anyone recreationally using them.