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Does anyone else suspect that Scott grossly exaggerates his belief in Atlantis? I find it difficult to believe he was ever serious about it. And it seems to be a very useful story for him that he gets endless value out of

Remember that Scott was growing up in the golden age of "history's mysteries" with captain Riker and that guy from Babylon 5 who definitely wasn't saying it was aliens, but...

It's hard to remember what things were like back then without rewatching the X-Files. Atlantis was like kiddie's first cryptohistory theory for a 90's boy.

I mean, as weird theories go, and presuming you don't attribute modern tech to it or something, Atlantis isn't really that weird an idea. Lots of land was inundated when the last glacial period ended, coastal cities can subside into the ocean if built improperly (e.g. Port Royal), and technological regress has occurred on a couple of occasions (most notably the Tasmanian Aborigines losing fire). There's nothing especially-well-known that contradicts Atlantis; among non-experts it's mostly just status issues keeping people away, and Scott's well-known for being willing to ignore those at least some of the time.